
The Demon King Is A Human ?

When demons have taken over the world, a human child is born with demon characteristics, soon he gains access to the demon king system which allows him to control blood at will, and level up to get stronger, will he become the demon king ? read to know now... (ik it's vague but I couldn't think of something better rn)

SoftBreeze_ · Fantasi
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1 Chs

Ch 1 : The Demon Prince Emerges

"You ready kid ?" said one of the two men sitting in what looked like a control room said to a child with a crystal in his hands, in a white room "Yes! I'm ready" the boy said with enthusiasm but also slightly scared of what was about to happen.

"okay kid, give it all your strength or else it will not work." said one of the men "Okay!" the boy said to them and looked at the giant gate, you see this was a world were demons took hold of the world, and humans had went into hiding underground, However humans found special crystals underground that would let them control elements,energy and also blood

The boy was holding a blood crystal for it was his speciality to use one, he could control blood of his own and others. he could create weapons out of his own blood and suck others blood out of there body if he tried hard but it would severely weaken him, behind that gate was a class E demon the lowest class of demon, even they they were the lowest class they were physical much much stronger and bigger than humans, and had characteristic of animals.

if he could not maintain his power right now, he would definitely be ripped to pieces and eaten, as he was in his thoughts of being eaten the gate was opened and came out a huge red creature about 7 feet tall and really big, it looked like a bull but standing on it's two legs, it had red skin and white eyes, the boy started to tremble how was he gonna defeat that thing?...

But thinking this he remembered the reason he came here in the first place. because he wanted to live, he wanted to not be scared and actually become strong and protect his closest ones, since birth he wanted to live, he was very frail when he was born and worse thing was he had redish skin when he was born like the demons and also glowing horns like many of them, the people wanted kill him when they saw him, but his parents protected him and tried to show the people he was harmless, but still the people didn't want him to live he was a bad omen.

people believed he wasn't supposed to be born and he was born because a devil made a deal with them, but after some more talk the people allowed him to live only on one condition, that he would be killed if he ever turned dangerous or hostile, and the parents agreed without hesitation they knew he couldn't hurt anyone ever.

the boy finally came back to his senses and held the crystal tightly in his hands, he thought of making a big hammer with his blood and it came into existence with just a thought, after it came into existence he quickly moved out of the way of the on coming attack by the demon and attacked it as quickly as possible, the hammer hits on the demon and squashes the demon like a bug, the two men in the control room were in awe what they saw, 'to master his crystal at such a young age, has he truly made a deal with the devil?' both of them thought.

the kid gave a bright smile and said to them both "have I done good?" the two came back to there senses again and said "good job for a newbie, come back tomorrow and we'll tell you your rank" said the two men, the boy nodded in a army fashion and left using the door that would only open when he either defeated the demon or it was opened by the two men.

there was a reason he could control his crystal so well, it was because he discovered something 2 weeks prior, he discovered something called the demon king system, at first he was scared of it, it popped out of nowhere it was a pop up menu that said demon king system and there was a message that he had received.

the message read 'hello user! if you're reading this message that means you've been added to the demon king system, which means you're now a demon prince. you have also probably gained some new abilities, become stronger by completing quests and gain new abilities from the ability store, you can slowly become a demon king and earn the title by defeating the previous king, that's all for now. enjoy your time user!'

one of the new abilities he gained was blood manipulation, which means he could control blood very easily but the blood crystal made it more easier and smoother to control blood. so he mostly used the blood crystals to not arouse suspicion of others that would get him killed, anyhow he finally gave the test today and passed with flying colors, he definitely left the two men in awe and also for the first time fought a demon, it was such an exciting day for him!

but he was more excited for tomorrow to see what his rank would be, he hurried and went home to his mom and dad "hi mom! I'm back home" the mom stopped her cooking and looked at his son for a moment before running to him and giving him a hug "ohh honey, how did it go?" "it went amazing mom! I killed the demon as fast as I could so I wouldn't die" "good job, and that's the reason you're alive, I'm glad that part is over hopefully you get a post in the office so you don't have to fight another demon again." the boy said nothing and just smiled at his mother but inside he knew that he wanted to fight the demons upfront and wanted to destroy them, after all most of his idols were the ones fighting and not sitting in offices lavishly enjoying themselves

the sound of footsteps came from upstairs, the boy looked at the staircase until finally his father arrived, he left his mothers hands and went to his dad, standing like a military soldier Infront of him, father finally spoke "Good job cadet! you've done your father proud, now give him a hug." as soon as he said this the boy went in for a hug and gave him the tightest hug he could without hurting him.

"I love you dad!" the boy said to his dad "I love you too, my son" his father said, "okay Chandler time to eat." his mom said, the boys name was Chandler and he didn't know but this was only the beginning of the journey he would take to become the demon king and save humanity...

¡-The Next Day-!

Chandler wakes up early in the morning before he even has to go to the designated place to get his Ranking, his first order of business is getting fresh and ready to complete quests, he found out the more quests he does the stronger he feels and actually gets, it looked like he was close to level two as well he didn't know what would happen but he really wanted to see what would happen for reaching level two.

today's daily quests -

i) Drink 8 glasses of water

ii) do a hundred sit ups

iii) do a hundred pushups

Extra quests -

iv) observe nature to get better eyesight

v) run 1 mile

those were a lot of quests to finish but with determination he knew he could finish them all, he started with drinking 8 glasses of water, then he immediately started doing sit ups, for the next 20 minutes he did sit ups, since he had gained the system he had become superhuman like so he could do these things very fast, then for the next 30 minutes he did pushups it was harder to do pushups so it gave more experience points, and just like that his main quests were complete.

however he still had strength and extra quests left, tho extra quests were optional it would make him stronger and he could definitely reach level 2 by today, so he started on his extra quests

¡-A Few Hours Later-!

finally he had finished the one mile run it had him gasping for air but worth it, he reached level two and another message came 'congratulations! you've leveled up to level 2 now you're much stronger than before, your physical ability and blood controlling ability have been increased, you've also gained some new abilities, check your abilities tab for more information on your new abilities, that's all for now user. enjoy!'

'hm, new abilities and my current stats have also been increased, okay so it basically makes me stronger to level up, makes sense, oh and I gained new abilities I guess I'll check that later I gotta go to the facility first to get my rank.'

Chandler started getting ready to go to the facility, he wore a black shirt and a black jeans pants to go with it, he was looking like some guy with emoism just without the hair, anyways he went to the facility to get his rank among the controllers as they called them,

he reached the facility soon and the gates were opened for him, some guards told him to stand among some people and he did as he was told to, after a few minutes of standing someone entered the room, he looked someone of authority but also sexy like levi just taller...

"hello everyone, your all here today to get your ranking among the soldiers, but first you'll have to pass the team test. you'll be put in teams of 4 with an experienced team leader who'll be guiding you all, you'll get your rank according to how good your coordination with your team is and how well you do, that's all for now" said the tall man and without even saying his name left.

everyone was thinking what the flip is going on, they never heard of this team test, who tf was that guy and why is he so sexy ?...

Hello, if you're reading this I'd like you to know this is one of my works I plan on making long, because it is an interesting topic, so if you do like it please leave a vote and also leave review!

SoftBreeze_creators' thoughts