
The Argument.

Chapter 5.

I sat on the bed quietly. My heart kept on pondering over what Ember said. Hazel told me not to worry about it but I couldn't. If any child or friend of the Emperor was alive then, the city was not safe. My father had worked so hard to get to where he was. I would not let anyone come and take away what was rightfully his.

"Well, what are you wearing to the ball, prin-cess" Ember asked. She acted as though she never said anything horrible in the first place. The story of Emperor Sargon was forbidden in the palace and she knew it. My father would be angry if he hears her.

"I don't know" I turned to the wall. My books were in the drawer. I took the red one and opened it. There were many pictures of water and air genasi. The way they reacted to our environment. I read so many books but wildfire genasi was not mentioned. It seemed their existence was wiped off the earth. Nobody knew about them…not even the high priest.

The fire genasi was our biggest enemy. Even though I had not seen any genasi before, I knew that this one was going to bring more trouble.

"What do you think?" Hazel took out a red gown from my wardrobe. She placed it in front of her and waited for me to tell her what she looked like. My smile was a big one. Without saying anything, she knew she looked amazing.

Quickly, Hazel ran to the giant mirror by the corner and admired herself. She danced as if we were on the ball court. Her hips swayed left and right. She took a step forward.

Before we knew what was happening, Hazel turned around and swerve almost touching her hair on the floor.

It was impressive and I couldn't hide it. She danced so well. With such amazing steps, any prince would want to dance with her tomorrow.

"I can do better" Ember stood on her toes and closed her eyes. I knew that she was jealous of her sister.

Ember took a foot forward and stretched it. That was something I couldn't do so I clapped for her. But Hazel was not impressed.

"If you can do that with a prince, he would leave the floor for you" She laughed with her eyes closed. It was enough but I did not want to cause more trouble so I kept quiet.

A knock came on the door and I urged the person to come in. The doorknob turned to make strange noises. It opened slowly and a maid emerged from the door. She was wearing a light brown dress with gloves on her hands.

With her head bowed, she told us that dinner was ready. My stepmother had asked her to call us downstairs. I dismissed her and got up from the bed.

"Shall we?" I asked my sisters and they curtsied reminding me of my status.

"Yes, your highness" Ember said.

We strolled down the stairs together. The palace was quiet than usual. Most of the servants were out working. They were preparing for tomorrow.

When I thought of tomorrow, my heart skipped. A husband would be chosen for me. I had no idea what he looked like. Was he a good man? Was he going to treat me like assets? Was he just marrying me because he wanted to sit by my side as my equal and rule over the people of Akkad?

I considered all the options in my head. The cold breeze blew across my face as the doors of the dining hall were opened by the guards. I lowered my head as I walked. There, was my family seated like high priests in the heavens. They were already arguing about something before we came. I wondered what it was this time.

The table had the finest of wines and food piled up on each tray. It was not like we were going to finish it anyway. But my uncle, Hazel and Ember's father was capable of eating half of what was on the table. He sat opposite his wife with his big pot belly. Not funny but a rare case.

I smiled when my stepmother, queen Ivy gave a warm smile. She was very different from me in appearance yet she was the only one who understood me better. With her beautiful black hair which was lying on her shoulders, she called on me to sit beside her.

"Greetings, your highness" I bowed deeply. He was my father but I never called him father. He was always addressed by his title.

"Come and sit, my princess" He urged and I walked to the chair my stepmother offered and sat quietly. I looked across the table. Hazel and Ember were already seated. I was not expecting that but well done to them. They always had their choices to make.- unlike me!

There was a long silence on the table as if we were at the cemetery to honour dead soldiers lost in battle. Nobody spoke even if they wanted to. I ate slowly yet I got to finish my meal before any one else. I took the cup beside me and drank from it.

Finally, my aunt broke the silence. She spoke in a tone that upset my father. I knew at once they were fighting again. Their cat and dog's relationship never changed no matter how old they get. It was bound to be like that no matter how hard we all try to keep the peace.

"Tomorrow, they will be a line of princes and commanders lined up in front of the palace door waiting patiently for your dear, Azrael to come out and meet them," She said looking at me up and down. Her eyes scared me because they were as big as an owl's eyes.

"And she shall not go out to meet with the princes" My father added. The lines on his cheeks which made them look old became more visible. Unlike a month ago, they were hardly there. If there was anything I have come to understand about life was that old age could make any fine person look lesser. It was something that everyone was going to experience someday… not everyone…the genasi never get old.

I read it in the books in my room. The first of their kind was created by a witch called Angelina Zev. She was famous even here in Akkad. Few pagans worship at her temple even though my father was against it.

"Now, tell me why she can't go out to meet them?" my aunt's voice shook me out of my reverie. Quickly, I looked up and noticed that everyone was paying attention to their conversation. I was still confused as to why they would put on a fight in front of the children. It was not proper- so my tutor taught me.

"She will stay back in her room. Azrael will be introduced much later" My stepmother said as she played with the food. I could see clearly from her face that the conversation offended her.

My aunt was not done yet, she stood up and her eyes fixed on my stepmother as if they were going to swallow her "Well, I was not talking to you but my brother" She hissed and turned to my father who was relaxed. I mean he was used to her madness. She was his only sister alive. He could take any of her unpleasant behaviour…this was just one of the many she displays "How many men are going to die for your daughter's sake? This is going to be her eighth marriage…that's if he doesn't die before the day of the wedding…"

Ember interrupted her with a smile "no, mother. They usually die on the night of the wedding."

A cold spider shudders down my spine. The big hall became so small for me. If there was anything I did not want to talk about then it was those nights…I wished they never raise the topic. They were going to keep asking what happened and all I was going to say to them was 'I have no idea.'