
The Demon High School

Anonymous_Great_ · Sejarah
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10 Chs

Chapter 2: The Trial Begin

Morning sunlight filtered through the stained-glass windows of Kaito's dormitory room, casting colorful patterns across the walls. He blinked away sleep, his mind buzzing with anticipation for his first day of classes at Oni Gakuen. Rising from his bed, he donned the school uniform and made his way to the bustling corridors.


In the classroom, Kaito listened intently as Professor Hiroshi, a seasoned mage, introduced the curriculum of Oni Gakuen.

Professor Hiroshi: "Welcome, students, to Oni Gakuen. Here, you will learn to harness the powers that lie dormant within you. Our first subject is Elemental Magic."

Kaito scribbled notes furiously, eager to delve into the world of the supernatural.


During lunch break, Kaito found himself surrounded by a kaleidoscope of students. He struck up conversations with his classmates, learning about their backgrounds and abilities.

Kaito: "So, what's your specialty?"

Sora, a fire-wielding pyromancer: "I control flames. It's pretty handy for a barbecue!"

Kaito chuckled, intrigued by Sora's casual demeanor.


Exploring the campus during free time, Kaito stumbled upon hidden courtyards and secret alcoves where students practiced their powers.

Kaito: "Wow, this place is amazing."

As he marveled at the enchanted surroundings, he spotted a group of students engaged in a spirited duel of magic.


However, not all encounters were friendly. Kaito's path crossed with a rival student, Akira, from a competing faction within the school.

Akira: "You think you're something special, huh?"

Kaito: "I'm just here to learn, same as everyone else."

Their exchange was laced with tension, hinting at deeper animosities simmering beneath the surface.


Back in his dormitory, Kaito began his training regimen.

Master Ryota, his mentor: "Focus, Kaito. Feel the energy flow through you."

Kaito closed his eyes, channeling his newfound abilities with determination and resolve.


As night fell, Kaito found himself drawn to a hidden chamber deep within the school.

Kaito: "What secrets do you hold, I wonder?"

The chamber whispered echoes of ancient knowledge, sparking curiosity and intrigue within Kaito's heart.


The chapter culminated in a midnight duel between Kaito and Akira in the school's training arena.

Kaito: "I won't hold back, Akira."

Akira: "Good. I wouldn't expect you to."

Their clash was fierce and intense, the echoes of their magic reverberating through the halls as they pushed themselves to the limit.