
The Demon god journey

What happens when the universe messes up. Not once have he won;not now, not ever. Born into a high standing family and as the hailed as the hope of the next generation or so he thought at one point in his life everything took a drastic turn. Everything he had; he watch die, everyone he loved he watch burn, left for death he decided to give up on it all. But he was give a chance,a hope, the power to change his future, the power to avenge those he love; but like all deals it came at a cost. Can he bear the cost? Can he bear the burden? And can he avenge those he love? Can he be the Demon god? I don't know? do you? ........ The first 10 chapters might be a bit confusing but all will be explained.

R3fi_cul · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Life Motivators

[Sorry for the late update I was not around.]

Location: Northern part of the universe.


In a deserted part of terra two blurry silhouette were hovering over a skinny almost dead figure.

"Him are kidding me,he is the one you are choosing?"

Rosy shouted.

"No exactly, he is not the protagonist if that what you are wondering."

Crossing her hands Rosy sighed in relief.

"So what is he then the antagonist?"


Giving Jathaniel a blank stare she asked:

"Then what exactly is he?"

Waving his hands dismissively he hovered closer to the figure.

" that a wrong question."


"What you should be asking is who is the protagonist."

"True,so who is it?"

"The previous one..."

'And more.'

"Oh you didnt make any change."


Taking a deep breath Rosalyn asked.

"So what character does he fall as?"

Cracking a wide smile Jathaniel.

"He is grey one."


Rosalyn said unamused.

'He who is darker than grey but lighter than black "vantagrey".'

Seeing that there is nothing for her to do Rosalyn proceeded to leave the place.

"Send me back."

Jathaniel conjured a portal and she went in.

With her gone Jathaniel focused fully on the figure and brought out a powerful artifact, shaped like an eye and adorned with intricate gold and silver linings, exudes an aura of timeless elegance and mystique. Its center, resembling a mesmerizing iris, seems to hold the secrets of the universe, while the precious metals that encase it hint at its immeasurable value and significance. This enchanting relic commands attention and sparks curiosity, leaving anyone who gazes upon it in awe of its enigmatic power.

The eye stayed afloat and he began making hand seals and his hands were moving at unimaginable speed and were glowing dark green,after a few seconds a click was heard and the once quiet artefact began glowing,the entire visage of the eye was soon overshadowed with bright neon green light and...

// Fwoosh//

Like the flick of a finger everything became exceedingly slow,the only place that was not affected was a 70m radius around Jathaniel.

"Less than a few hours latest at least 1 and the half before he notices."

He lowered himself to the ground and projected his consciousness into the skinny person body.

????? Consciousness

I just found floating there in the middle of a pure white room a being whose face was shrouded in mystery,a being with many contradiction his voice was inviting but yet i cpukd feel it this being can kill me without moving,I call him he.

He showed me what i could be what I could become.

A world where guess i was powerful,a world where I saved them,a world where everything went differently.

But my question is why,what does he want in return.

'Even while being broken,and battered he still thinks quite deeply.'

Thought Jathaniel.

Composing himself and thinking of all what the mysterious being said.

"I won't ask why,just that the moment you need me I promis- no I swear on my life I'll be there."

Chuckling Jathaniel asked with amusion.

"How you so sure that I need your help and why are you not asking why?"

Touching his chest he began explaining.

"What you are doing is no different from an investment and when it time you need to collect the profit and the time you put in..."

Jathaniel nodded when he heard his words.

"And am not going to ask because only the strong are right,nothing else,nothing more."

'I like that.'

"Besides." He stops and clench his hands.

Seeing this Jathaniel spoke up.

"Young one do you know the greatest motivators?"

??? Shakes his head sideways.

"The greatest motivators are one love this one pushes you to your limit whenever your love one are in danger,powerful but easy to manipulate;

Rage a very dangerous one,channelling all that energy into one thing,adrenaline heightened,the feeling of being able to do anything it is good but you easily lose momentum;

Fear an instinctual emotion we have when we see something dangerous something beyond our reasoning itcompels us to move out of our comfort zone and thrive,but it the weakest since it kill innovation and flexibility;

Hatred and it counterpart vengeance the most common and the most underrated one it moves you ,it makes you want to bash their skulls in, prove them wrong and make them pay,it a great one but often time you lose yourself in the pursuit of vengeance and the dark embrace of hatred."

Letting it all sink ??? closes his eyes and took a deep breath.

"So let me ask you anger what is your motivator,what pushes as of now,what will make you stronger the moment you leave,what form of emotion do you wish to harness young Vincent Pendragon?"

Hearing his name Elijah wasn't surprised that the powerful being new his name but deep done he also felt something else,he felt disdain, he doesn't wish to be associated with that name Pendragon.

"My motivator....shall be survival."

Raising his invisible eyebrow Jathaniel questioned.


"Yes I don't want to be limited by any one emotion."

Raising his hands Jathaniel asked again:

"Why not power,why not use the strive of power as your motivator in that case."

" I have seen what using power as a motivator does to men it like a sweet smelling alcoholic poison you don't know when you get intoxicated neither do you know when you get infected and addicted slowly your sense of self and purpose."


Jathaniel burst out in a heartfelt chuckle.

"Very true alright."

He suddenly appeared in front of Vincent and tapped his forehead.

"Am giving you the key to survival but you also need to remember that something's may change and more can be unlocked by your contributions."

Vincent felt an influx of energy passing through him and going straight to his head.

Waving his hands the scene around them began to break and the figure of Vincent become less and less vivid.

" also remember that you need more backings so show them your worth,you won't understand but try to stand out more."

With only half of Vincent body still visible Jathaniel continued:

"Oh and change that shitty ass name I hate it ,get something cooler."


The scenery finally broke and the figure of the two disappeared.



Vincent put of his consciousness

suddenly found himself in an unknown apartment looking DIFFERENT.




House of Pendragon.

Hiding beneath a crack under the ground the figure of a handsome young man was seen spying on three unknown people.

"Sire we have lost contact with the young Lord."

A professional and respectful voice said.

In reply a gruff and imposing voice resounded: "I see go on."

'Yes,he's finally dead,i reward those bastards when i see them now I just need to get rid of the other two.'

The hidden figure thought.




After a few twist and turns Rosalyn ended up in her destination.

' Shit,forgot about the virtigo,am not doing this again.'

"My lady,the eye."

A respectful voice said coming from a well dressed and decked up soldier.



'She forgot didn't she.'

'Dammit I forgot.'