
The Demon god journey

What happens when the universe messes up. Not once have he won;not now, not ever. Born into a high standing family and as the hailed as the hope of the next generation or so he thought at one point in his life everything took a drastic turn. Everything he had; he watch die, everyone he loved he watch burn, left for death he decided to give up on it all. But he was give a chance,a hope, the power to change his future, the power to avenge those he love; but like all deals it came at a cost. Can he bear the cost? Can he bear the burden? And can he avenge those he love? Can he be the Demon god? I don't know? do you? ........ The first 10 chapters might be a bit confusing but all will be explained.

R3fi_cul · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Cutting a deal



Sitting on the veranda and enjoying the nice view at Alagbado.

"It was worth charming the old man for this place."

The sun can be seen setting in,and the whole cloud was dyed with a hint of orange and summer breeze cooling up the surroundings.

I continued reading the novel on my tab.

A few weeks back the world of books was shook, the netizens were shocked,the author's of O.R.V and L.O.T.M decided to collaborate and write a novel together,the novel in question was pure mayhem.

Timelines collide,mysteries were unveiled,it was disconcerting yet beautiful.

The novel follows the journey of a young hero thrown into the world of vampires and other beings,it showed the struggle and the bonds between friends,people being unalived and world's being destroyed like something else.

It has just 100 chapters and yet some side characters have died quite brutally.

The novel was predictable for me.

Looking nowhere in particular I called out.

"Really-, i expected more but this is quite predictable."

"Oh and what would you have me do &@&×&×."

A voice behind me said.

Holding her head she continued.

"I hate it when that happens."

Snapping my fingers her headache subsided.

Staring at the figure behind me,she was 5"3 and well endowed it a lie am just joking she's quite flat in the chest but she has nice hips and cutely shaped butt.

"Are you thinking rude of me Jathaniel."

She said with one of her brows raised.

Waving my hands I replied:"call me Noah,it the alias I use while on this planet."


She said with a sigh.

"Brother Noah good evening."

I looked down and towards the young girl who called me.

"Folake,how are you? Mummy Folake evening[he said the greeting in the local dialect.]

"Am fine."

She replied.

Looking at me with a smile on her face mummy Folake replied.

"I can see you are trying your best to understand the language."[L.D]

"Yes,I am."

"That good,see you later then."

They left the compound and went out to the streets.

"I thought you own the whole building?"

"I do,I just leased a part of it for them."

"Why would you do that?"

"She takes care of the compound quite well and she's a good cook."

Saying this I stood up from the chair and gestured her to follow me.

'I really don't get him.'

Once inside I made tea for myself and nestled into the couch.

"Out with it Jathaniel why did you call me?"

She said quite impatiently.

"Sheesh,that a bad way to treat your partner you know."


"Ugh,fine about a collaboration..hold on before you speak hear me out your last craft was wonderful but this is just utterly predictabl."

Closing her hands she retorted.

"Oh and you want me to partner with you again have forgotten what happen last time the amount you created and time disposals you caused."

I shrugged and replied:

"But you have to admit the fact that they loved it in fact they dig and we made a lot and I meant alot of kugles,sure it was a bit chaotic but there was beauty in the chaos."

Finally giving she stretched her hands and I passed her a draft.




"Are you insane-no that wrong you are crazy;do you understand what will happen if we go through with this?"

"I know."

"This...It incomplete where's the rest."

"*sip* ahhh,that is all there is."

"Jathaniel what are you playing at."

"Isn't boring always controlling everything ,why not dial things up a notch."

Hearing this Rosalyn tilted her head in confusion.

"What do you mean."

I stood up abruptly from the couch and began gesticulating.

"Imagine a word where everything goes,a world far from the reach of us,or the elders,a live free for all craft the only thing that guarantees their survival is the backing and the power of the characters,a world where even can be replaced."


Rosalyn took in all my words,she let it sink in and.

With her arms outstretched she said:

"Okay,partner don't let me down."

Taking her hands I replied:"I won't."




A few minutes later Jathaniel was all dressed and ready to go out.

"Where you going?"

"To find the one,spread the word and organise a live hall."

Snapping my fingers a portal appeared in front of me and I passed through it.



"Is this the right choice?"

Rosalyn looked to her side and considered what her servant said.

"You might not know him but he once shook the whole realm by not completing a craft,everyone went nuts and hunted him for decades and after a century he came back with another craft he completed the former craft with a craft in a craft."


The servants stared at the floor in confusion.

Giggling Rosalyn patted the servants head.

Suddenly the servant shifted and brought out a purple disk shaped object.

She passed the object to Rosalyn with a bow.

Rosalyn took the object and placed it on her left ear.


"What is it."

"Lord Jathaniel came to the treasury and took something in your name."

Placing her finger on the bridge of her nose she replied:

"And you couldn't tell me before he took it."

"He did not give us much choice and he said he'll blow up the place in than 5 seconds if we don't let him go in."

'That sounds like him.'

"So what the he take."

"The eye of chronos."



Everywhere suddenly turn quiet.

"Come again I didnt quite hear you."

"He took the eye of chronos."

"He what...Dammit...for crying out loud Jathaniel why?!"

"Should I report to the council?"

"No need the moment they know who took it they just ignore it."

Cutting off the communication Rosalyn took a deep breath and sighed deeply.

'This is what I get for being partner with that bastard."

She recomposed herself and clapped twice producing a swirling golden portal.

"Let go we have work to do."






Deep in the harsh trenches of space Jathaniel could be seen floating in front on a lively vibrant and green planet.

Crossing his hands he muttered.

"Too bad In a few years all this life will be gone."

Shaking off the bad thoughts Jathaniel began focusing his eye on the planet.

His eye changed and took on a crystal red hue and his sclera had numbers going around in them.

Half a minute later he changed his line of sight to a particular spot on the planet.

"Found you."