
The Demon's Assassin

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Chapters are out on Thursday and Saturday 3 PM EST! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Akira an 18 year old male who goes to a high school like an normal kid, but one day he was killed by a man but even at the face of death Akira awakens in a room with a seemingly beautiful girl who is around his age, she explains to Akira that he was killed, but she resurrected him back to life, but the price Akira had to pay was to be bounded to her, meaning Akira was to serve the girl who later explains to herself that she is a demon, a demon who plans to kill all of the bad people in the world, unlike most demons that would destroy and kill innocent people, her intentions are different. The Demon girls name is Rishe and thus Akira has to serve Rishe as her personal demon assassin.

AkiraKazexD · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

Chapter 4: Feeling Lonley

At the middle of the night, Rishe's team had headed outside, all 4 members including Akira had been hiding behind a bush, waiting for their target.

"Soo, remind me why I'm here again?" Akira said yawning.

"Also, why am I specifically with you again? Shouldn't I be with Zephyr's group?" Akira wondered.

Rishe was heavily focused on waiting and watching her target, but she responded to Akira.

"Zephyr's group will cut off our targets, Alice is currently preventing anyone from entering any further into this area. They'll be fine, this isn't our first rodeo" Rishe explained.

Akira kneeled down and watched the empty area where the suspected target was suppose to appear, but Akira noticed someone running around like an idiot.

"You mean that guy right there?" Akira said sarcastically.

Rishe was a bit taken back "Wait how didn't I see hi-" but before Rishe could take action, Akira had already faced off the target by himself.

Rishe sighed and she watched from afar as Akira confronted the man.

Akira had met with the man face to face, the man being a bit scared he shivered in fear.

"W-who are you?!" the man asked as he saw a dark figure walking towards him, and that dark figure was Akira as he slowly walked into the light and out of the darkness.

"Listen buddy, if you want to live I suggest probably running off." Akira said slowly walking up to him.

Akira wanted to save him from what was about to happen, but Rishe appeared behind Akira, she put her hand on his left shoulder.

"You really don't want to kill him huh" Rishe said a bit mischiveously.

"This is the part where I walk away" Akira said as he walked back to where he came from as he knew what Rishe was gonna do to the man.

"Y-you, the demon girl!" The man said freaking out.

"That's right, and I'm going to cleanse your soul, you murderous piece of crap" Rishe said as her red eyes glowed in terror to the man.

Akira closed his eyes and thought back to what Rishe said.

"This man apparently is a wanted criminal, he was found murdering 2 women, 4 men, and 10 children, he is also wanted for robbery, and explosive usage." Rishe explained back at headquarters.

Akira thought for a bit, even as a wanted criminal he still wanted to try and possibly change the man in the future instead of killing him.

Rishe took notice and asked Akira if everything was okay.

"Yes, I'm fine. Keep going" Akira said.

"I know you want to try and change the man, but he's murdered too many people to be allowed to live. If you don't obey me I'll have to do it myself." Rishe explained to Akira.

Akira felt a little pity and down, even for an emotionless person he still has some of his emotions still in tact.

"Alice, please be on guard duty. Prevent anyone from entering the area. Zephyr you are to take out any other minions this man might have around. Akira, as my personal assassin you are too come with me" Rishe explained to the group

"What about Lily? Where has she been?" Alice asked Rishe.

"Taking care of personal matters, but we'll be fine." Rishe smiled.

"Protect Rishe with your life Akira, she seems to be trusting you a lot" Zephyr whispered.

"You think? I think she's basically attached to me at this point." Akira said.

"Lady Rishe can be a bit...attached when she finds someone pretty interesting, you might honestly be the person who just might be her only "prey" Zephyr jokingly said.

"Prey? What do you mean?" Akira asked Zephyr as he was laughing.

"S-shut up Zephyr!" Rishe said blushing away.

Akira was awkwarded out, but didn't pay too much attention.

Akira opened his eyes and saw Rishe was done, she had blood all over her.

"Come now, I need to take a shower after that one." Rishe said.

"Whatever..." Akira said following her.

"Would you like to join?" Rishe asked her.

"You're joking right? Cause my answer is pretty obvious" Akira asked her.

"Even then you can still see through me, but I expect you to make dinner or I might just have to feast on your soul" Rishe said giggling.

Akira sighed and followed Rishe and respected her request.

After a few hours...

"It feels weird that I just randomly started living here." Akira said as he was cooking.

"Well, you have nowhere else to go right?" Rishe said as she was drying herself off with a towel.

"I guess, but I also guess I don't have the free will to have a choice of not living here anyways." Akira thought for a moment.

Rishe walked out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body, she giggled a little as she walked up to Akira and grabbed his right hand.

"What are you doing?" Akira asked, wondering what she's doing.

"Just feeling your warm hand that's all" Rishe said smiling gracefully.

"Is there a reason why you actually want to keep me around? Don't say because of the pact or anything, what's the real reason?" Akira asked her.

"You'd laugh if I told you, but I guess it's obvious right?" Rishe sighed.

"I guess I just want to know what it feels to have someone around, since I don't also have parents around." Rishe explained.

"I see, well I don't mind it then. But uhh maybe you should get dressed before dinner" Akira said.

"R-right, I'll be back!"...