
The Demon's Assassin

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Chapters are out on Thursday and Saturday 3 PM EST! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Akira an 18 year old male who goes to a high school like an normal kid, but one day he was killed by a man but even at the face of death Akira awakens in a room with a seemingly beautiful girl who is around his age, she explains to Akira that he was killed, but she resurrected him back to life, but the price Akira had to pay was to be bounded to her, meaning Akira was to serve the girl who later explains to herself that she is a demon, a demon who plans to kill all of the bad people in the world, unlike most demons that would destroy and kill innocent people, her intentions are different. The Demon girls name is Rishe and thus Akira has to serve Rishe as her personal demon assassin.

AkiraKazexD · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

Chapter 3: A Distant Past

Akira slowly began to wake up, he opened his eyes slowly but surely his vision would not be blurry and it would be fully clear.

He sat up in bed, and saw Rishe was working on something on her computer, she noticed him and smiled "How was your sleep? Sleepy head." Rishe asked Akira who is rubbing his eyes.

"Ugh, what did you do to me? Actually, what happened? Did I lose consciousness or…" but before Akira could keep going on Rishe stopped him with a slight shhh.

"There's a lot to say, listen well." She took a deep breath.

"You lost consciousness after Zephyr unleashed a powerful blow on you, but before he could. Your demonic self took over and the real you went basically went to sleep. Your demonic version of yourself went on a rampage and nearly killed Zephyr, before that happened I dragged you away and casted a sleep spell on you, causing you to be back to normal and well…here." Rishe took another deep breath and let it out after finishing.

"My demonic self…your saying I lost control basically? Wait but how do I have those powers? Was it because of the pact?" Akira asked Rishe.

"Yep, by making the pact you are officially mine, not as a servant but as my one and only." Rishe said with a cute smile.

"Hey you never said that part! And since when did I agree to be with you exactly?" Akira asked her.

"But I know you'd enjoy my company. Plus you're already under my control! So do you really have a free choice in this?" Rishe explained.

"For a pretty girl, I'm surprised no one in our school has even asked you out…" Akira said jokingly, "you'd be surprised that the only reason why is because I reject them all, I cant find anyone interesting besides you." Rishe explained.

"You wouldn't like me either, I have…" Akira stopped for a moment and looked down.

Rishe notice and was curious "You have?" Rishe asked for more explanations.

"I have a dark past, the reasons why I can kinda fight, the reason why I distance myself from everyone." Akira began to explain.

"Humans I guess excluding myself now can't be trusted, no…no one can. Because watching my parents be murdered in front of my eyes was one thing I won't forget, the faces of those men and their evil maniacal laughs!" Akira shouted and gripped his hands into a fist.

"I escaped with my life, living off with nothing but a metal pen that was secretly almost like a knife, I used it to almost train myself everyday and eventually I taught myself how to defend myself if it ever came back to that conclusion, but without enough knowledge I wouldn't be able to raise my strength even higher. Until a man took me in as his student, he trained me all day and long and gave me no breaks until every bone in my body would break." Akira took a deep breath and walked towards Rishes windows.

"Eventually I would attend this school, acting like a normal and kind student but in reality. I'm nothing more but an empty puppet who desires nothing to do with life anymore." Akira finished and looked at Rishe.

"You've never felt human warmth, how it feels to be loved. Haven't you..."

"I don't need that, I've already lost the "human" part of me anyways" Akira sighed.

"That's true, but I'll take care of you. I promise that I'll make you feel human again" Rishe said with a gentle smile.

"Hmph, you truly don't intend to give up on me. What's so special about me?" Akira asked her, curious why she is picking him of all people.

"You have skills of an assassin, and if you go out on hunting missions with me and everyone else. I think you'll make a valuable member, it's rare for a normal high school student to also have the abilities of an assassin." Rishe explained.

"Very well then, you have my word. I'll serve you until I fulfill your purpose" Akira said closing his eyes and kneeling down to Rishe.

"Good, now shall we go eat?" Rishe said as she got up from her chair.

"I've been wondering. What DO you eat? After all from what I saw last time in lunch, you barely even ate your food" Akira asked.

"Oh, that's right. Since your like me, food will be different. Consuming a certain type of human food can cause you to throw it up instantly. We've tested a lot of things but, looks like any types of sweets works but candy, and a variety of meat. So you could kinda eat like normal, just avoid vegetables, fruits and candy." Rishe explained as she walked off to downstairs.

Akira sighed and followed along, "Welp time to see what's in store for me..."