
The Demon's Assassin

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Chapters are out on Thursday and Saturday 3 PM EST! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Akira an 18 year old male who goes to a high school like an normal kid, but one day he was killed by a man but even at the face of death Akira awakens in a room with a seemingly beautiful girl who is around his age, she explains to Akira that he was killed, but she resurrected him back to life, but the price Akira had to pay was to be bounded to her, meaning Akira was to serve the girl who later explains to herself that she is a demon, a demon who plans to kill all of the bad people in the world, unlike most demons that would destroy and kill innocent people, her intentions are different. The Demon girls name is Rishe and thus Akira has to serve Rishe as her personal demon assassin.

AkiraKazexD · Fantasi
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: Demonic Powers


Akira headed to the third floor of the school and noticed a sign saying "secret club", without hesitation Akira opened the door and saw a bunch of people fooling around.

Everyone looked at Akira with a expression of awkwardness.

"Wow, I must of gotten in the wrong room" Akira said jokingly as he was about to try and walk out, but before he could Rishe grabbed his left wrist.

"Come on you've walked into weirder situations" Rishe smiled, happy Akira decided to show up.

"Anyways, meet my team! They kinda are like my pawns but they do whatever they want from time to time!" Rishe explained.

"Go and sit with Lily, she's the white haired short girl on the couch. I'll come get you later" Rishe said as she walked off.

"W-wait what? Aren't you suppose to be the one tour guiding me?" Akira asked.

"Just give me a minute!" Rishe explained as she walked off.

Lily walked up to Akira "so you even got yourself into this?" Lily said to Akira.

"I mean, I didn't even have a choice in the matter to be honest...Why are you here?" Akira asked Lily questioning how she got involved.

"Probably the same reason you are, you were killed then revived by her." Lily explained.

"Yeah but I haven't fully made the pact with her, I couldn't really give in the idea of "erasing" all the evil people in this world" Akira explained to Lily as he sat down on the nearest couch.

"You're an interesting person, I've never met someone calm and emotionless before, and the fact Rishe is always around you makes me even more curious. What did you do?" Lily asked sitting next to Akira.

"Nothing, literally..." Akira said

A few moments later, Rishe had made her grand entrance "Alright everyone! Meet our new teammate!" and she pointed at Akira.

"Huh?" Akira looked at her with a confused face, "When did I agree to join you..." Akira asked her.

"Well, the moment I put that ring on you" Rishe said, and Akira looked at his left hand and notice a ring was on his index finger.

"What the- when did you-" but before Akira could finish, Rishe explained that she put the ring on him the night before.

"What's this ring suppose to mean?" Akira asked her.

Lily got close to his ears and whispered "You basically just got your fate sealed to her" Lily said as she walked away.

"Well, how about it my little cute pet." Rishe said with a smirk.

Akira sighed, "Fine, but just so you know I don't plan to come here every meeting" Akira explained before getting up from the couch.

"Good, now give me your hand" Rishe asked as she held out her hand for Akira.

Akira gave her his right hand and she held onto it, she began to cast her spell to make the pact with Akira, and within minutes she had finished her magical enchant.

"So, what's this pact even do?" Akira asked Rishe.

"Well, it'll allow me to talk to you even if your at home and I'm at school, I can read your thoughts and can see what you see. Simply think about it like I'm in control of certain parts of your body almost." Rishe explained with a cute smile.

"Hey rookie" someone in the club said as he got up slowly from the box he was sitting on.

Akira turned to look at him with a uninterested look, his eyes blank like he had no emotions.

"Fight me, right now." the Guy demanded.

"Why...would I want to fight yo-" but before Akira could finish, the Guy swung his left fist towards Akira, and all of a sudden Akira moved his left hand up and summoned a dagger with his left hand and just barely managed to block his fist from hitting his face.

Akira was launched back but resumed his fighting stance, Rishe looked at Akira and notice that stance was familiar to the one he did against the murderer that had killed him.

"Not bad Rookie, you train yourself to be a skilled assassin or something? Someone with that fast agility and reaction speed is hard to come across" the guy explained.

"If you really want to fight, I'll show you..." and before Akira could finished Akira glared at the guy with his red eyes, the glowed with terror and destruction.

"What I'm truly capable of" Akira said as his voice started to sound a bit dark and hallowed.

The Guy raised both his fist up and challenged Akira to strike him.

Akira summoned another dagger magically into his right hand, he flipped the dagger up in the air catching it within a second and throwing it at the guy's head and while the right handed dagger was being launched towards the club member, Akira threw his left dagger in the air and in a blink of an eye Akira had rushed towards the club member from behind and Akira put his left hand on his back, "Sorry but this time you're done for" Akira said as he used some sort of wind magic and pushed the Guy forward and right towards the dagger.

"That's not ENOUGH!" the Man raged as he quickly regained his footing and smashed the entire ground with his left fist and had Akira surprised, the Man knocked the dagger out of his direction and before Akira could get hit after losing his footing from the ground being smashed, he quickly teleported to his left dagger that was still in the air and blinked to it.

"Hmph, not bad but..." Akira smirked and blinked on top of the Man's back and put his dagger near his neck.

"It's over" but before Akira could accidently kill him, Rishe grabbed his left hand and pulled him off and was hugging him.

"H-hey! I wasn't finish-" but before Akira could do anything rash, Rishe put Akira to sleep, and thus Akira was dozing off...

"Zephyr, you really need to stop ticking off the new comers with a fight. Espeically Akira...he could of easily ended your life because he wasn't in control of his demonic powers." Rishe explained sighing in relief.

"That kid is something else...I didn't realize he had so much power" Zephyr said scratching the back of his head.

"It's strange, when he first fought off that murderer. He seemed to know a little about fighting. But with demonic powers, he was quite fast and strong and he even knew how to use all his abilities." Rishe thought out loud.

"Next time! Don't mess with my little demon, he still hasn't even been able to control his demonic powers, if I didn't interfere he would of nuked this entire room!" Rishe scolded Zephyr.

"I-I'm sorry" Zephyr apologized and bowed down to her multiple times.

"I'm taking him to my place now, I need to do some adjustments to him, I still need to do something to fully control him if anything ever happens like this." Rishe said as she carried Akira in her arms.

"Alice, clean up this place. Oh and give Zephyr a beating when you're done" Rishe said walking out the door.

"Well you really done it this time..." Alice said with her arms crossed and eyes closed.

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