
The Demon's Assassin

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Chapters are out on Thursday and Saturday 3 PM EST! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Akira an 18 year old male who goes to a high school like an normal kid, but one day he was killed by a man but even at the face of death Akira awakens in a room with a seemingly beautiful girl who is around his age, she explains to Akira that he was killed, but she resurrected him back to life, but the price Akira had to pay was to be bounded to her, meaning Akira was to serve the girl who later explains to herself that she is a demon, a demon who plans to kill all of the bad people in the world, unlike most demons that would destroy and kill innocent people, her intentions are different. The Demon girls name is Rishe and thus Akira has to serve Rishe as her personal demon assassin.

AkiraKazexD · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

Chapter 1: The New Life

The first school bell range, and Akira headed towards his class like any normal student, upon arriving and entering the classroom, he noticed a bunch of classmates, some he recognized but some he didn't, one person caught his attention, but Akira quickly glanced away and sat down at a nearby desk.

"Alright now class, settle down. I would like to introduce a new student" The teacher announced.

Akira stood up from his desk and walked towards the front of the room, he sighed and slowly opened his eyes revealing his shiny red eyes.

"My name is Akira, if you need something from me speak up, I won't care what the request is" Akira said a bit aggressively and he went back to his desk and sat down.

The girl who Akira had been some what attracted to smiled mischievously but she quickly paid attention to the lesson like everyone else.

10 minutes later...

Lunch has started, so there was two more classes left until everyone was sent home, as Akira tried to leave the girl he had been looking at for a while had come up to him.

"Hey there Akira" she said charmingly.

"And you are?..." Akira asked the red haired female student.

"I am Rishe, I was wondering if you'd like to come eat with me" Rishe smirked.

Akira took notice at her smirks "You're planning something aren't you" Akira said unsurprised.

"I'm not, I have a few of my other friends sitting with me and well..you're new here so I'd like you to come and join" Rishe explained to Akira.

"I guess I don't mind." Akira sighed giving in to her request.

As everyone settled down in the cafeteria, Akira sat down next to Rishe with his tray of food, and 6 others had sat down at the table, 6 of them being all females.

"Well, I should have expected you wouldn't have any male friends..." Akira said to Rishe.

"Oh? First time being around 7 girls? Don't tell me a guy like you is shy." Rishe giggled.

"It's not like that..." Akira responded back, but Rishe didn't take it very seriously and kept thinking Akira was shy to be around 7 girls.

Akira had taken a look at all of them, and something seemed off... a lot of them had red eyes, which was odd that Rishe had made friends with 7 females with half of them being red eyed and blue eyed.

"What's up?" Rishe asked Akira noticing him staring at her friends.

"4 of them have red eyes..." Akira replied back to Rishe.

"Oh, that's just a coincidence, you also have red eyes" Rishe said as she got super close to Akira's face.

"H-hey what are you doing-" but before Akira could finish Rishe had put a finger over his lips "Shh, I'm just taking a good look at your eyes" Rishe said was her shining eyes.

"You're gonna have everyone In the school notice this you know." Akira explained as he took a glance around the cafe, but no one was really paying attention.

She pulled herself away from Akira and smiled "Oh don't worry" she smirked as she stood up from the table and began to clear her tray.

"Not eating it all?" Akira asked Rishe as he noticed her tray barely even taken a dent in her food.

"No, just not hungry" Rishe said as she walked off.

"Guess I should eat and get ready to head home soon...." Akira thought as he started to eat his food.

2 class periods later...

Akira stayed after school till night time studying at the school library and he began to head out of the school to head home, but as he was outside he noticed someone in a black mask and black clothing.

"Hey, you lost or something?" Akira asked the strange man in black clothing, and the man shocked up and looked at Akira.

"Damn, what's a kid doing here late at night?!" the man said as he pulled out a sharp knife.

Akira was taken back and began to get ready to defend himself.

"Sorry kid, nothing personal but I can't let you live!" the violent man said as he rushed at Akira and thrusted his knife towards Akira, but before the man could stab Akira through his chest, Akira pulled out a small metal pen from the sides of his backpack pockets and managed to deflect the thrust with the pen.

"Damn you brat!" the man yelled as he tried to attack once more, but Akira used his metal pen and held the man's knife in place, it was a test of strength, whoever got launched backwards would lose their life.

But Akira was caught off guard and the man sweeped Akira off his legs making him lose his balance and Akira fell down on the floor.

The man quickly thrusted his knife down at Akira, and in a last moment effort Akira grabbed the wrist where the mans knife was being held and tried to hold him off.

But it wasn't enough, and Akira was killed in an instant after being stabbed in the heart.

The man brutally cut Akira up and left him dead on the school building, and the man left the scene without a trace...

Footsteps were heard nearby, "Oh my, another victim..." as the female voice lifted up Akira and walked away, "Make sure no blood is on the floor Alice, I'll take care of him".

"Alright lady Rishe" Alice said as she started to clean up the blood from the floor so no one could notice something suspicious.

The next morning...

Akira woke up, he looked around and saw he was in a room, not his room but someone's else's, he noticed he was shirtless and all of a sudden he noticed a girl was sleeping next to him, she was in her bikini's but Akira freaked out and jumped out of the bed.

"W-what the hell, wait is that..." Akira thought and Rishe slowly opened her eyes and woke up, she sat up in the bed.

"Good morning, Aki" Rishe said smiling.

"What did you...do?" Akira asked, "I'm supposed to be dead right?" Akira asked Rishe.

"Well, you would be dead but I saved you. In fact I made you my little...hmm let's go with pet" Rishe said as she got out of her bed.

"Well weird question but, why are you almost naked and where's my shirt?" Akira asked her.

"Wait, how did you even save me? It's impossible for a mere human to just fully restore a body to its original form." Akira explained.

"Oh that? Well let's just say I did something to you which I won't get into too much detail and then I bounded you to me!" Rishe explained.

"In other words, I am your master and you will be working under my command" Rishe said getting super close to Akira's face.

"Nice joke, like anyone like you could do that."

"Oh, so about this." Rishe slowly caresses Akira's face, "go fetch me that pencil over there" Rishe commanded as she put her forehead against Akira's.

All of a sudden Akira felt something tingle in his body and he oddly obeyed her command, she handed her the pencil and then Akira came back to his senses.

"W-wait why did I..." Akira thought, but before he could put his thoughts together Rishe silenced him with her finger.

"Told you, you're my little pet and I'm your master" Rishe said with a smirk.

"I haven't fully made the pact with you, so you still have some of your free "will" with you, unless you want to make a pact with me" Rishe explained.

"What do you want with me? Tell me what I get out of this" Akira asked her.

She sat back down on the edge of her bed, "well, we can erase all the evil in this world. I really do mean that, but I need more powerful people who are willingly to basically...give their souls away for me" Rishe explained a bit saddened.

"I'm sure you also want to kill that man who previously killed you right? Or would you rather let him run free and murder more people?" Rishe also added.

Akira hesitated and took a deep breath and thought for a bit, "Even if I do get my revenge, I don't think I'd feel satisfied. Nor would I feel satisfied with killing all the "evil" people in this world" Akira explained.

 "What will it take then? I'm willingly to do anything you want" Rishe requested.

"I don't need anything, I know you saved me and I'm grateful, but either way I don't think killing every single person who has committed a great sin will satisfy anyone in this world. Think about it, no matter what there will always be people who will always cause harm. We simply just have to trust in the police to do their work" Akira explained further.

"Is it perhaps because you don't want to kill people? Are you really scared of doing that even so you nearly took on a murderer on your own and probably would of done the same?" Rishe said as she got up walking to her closet.

"Alright then, I'll tell you what. Come meet me at school afterschool, 3rd floor. I have a secret "club" with 8 members. I'd like you to at least to see what you're getting yourself into so you can decide after." Rishe explained as she put on a shirt and pants.

"Fine, I'll at least make that possible" Akira said as he crossed his arms and looked away.

"Lovely! Also, it's best if you stay here and sleep for today. Since I'm a demon and your a well, half demon of mine you might as well stay up the full night" Rishe said smirking as she headed down stairs.

Akira sighed, "What did I get myself into..." he thought as he followed Rishe not without putting a shirt on first....

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