

In a world where multiple bloodlines and abilities exist, Tian was born with a rare combination of the destruction and creation bloodlines. As a result, he possesses incredible powers that could change the course of history. But with such power comes great danger. Tian was marked as an abomination and cursed by Heaven, so he must navigate through a dangerous world filled with powerful beings who seek to take his life. As the story unfolds, Tian must decide who to trust and who to kill. But the journey won’t be easy as he faces powerful enemies with their own unique abilities and motives. Will Tian harness his full potential and overcome these obstacles, or will he succumb to the dangers that lurk around every corner of the universe?

Ghostvillain · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
60 Chs

Chapter 54: peak stage of starry stars creation.

After Tian was done giving instructions to his maid, he went directly inside the first floor of the pagoda. Upon arriving, he saw a huge mountain of starry-eyed pills. He smiled and praised Maria and her group in his heart because they really saved him a lot of trouble with pills.

Without thinking any further, he sat in between the mountains of pills and started devouring them like a whale. Tian was not worried about unstable foundations because he had the most flawless foundation that could ever exist, so breaking through multiple minor realms at once was not a problem for him.

Moreover, his comprehension of the ways is growing steadily, even though it's slow. However, the slowness of his comprehension worried him a little. But there is nothing he could do about it since all things are within the heavenly Dao's control.

He focused on absorbing the energy; there were no impurities in the pills, so Tian was not worried and devoured them without any caution. A day later, he broke through to the fourth stage, but he did not stop there since his purpose was to achieve the peak of the stage in one goal. He kept devouring it for thirty days.

Thirty days later, inside the first floor of the pagoda, a heavy, wild, and domineering aura exploded out, but it disappeared as soon as it came. Inside Tian's heart, he could feel how strong he had become after reaching the peak of the starry star creation realm.

He was delighted; he clenched his fist and threw it forward gently; immediately, the space in front of him contorted, and a huge bang rang out. Tian smiled wildly. He only threw a punch with his raw body strength; there was no energy input in the punch. He wondered how strong his attack would be if he channeled energy into it, and without even thinking much, he knew it would be destructive since he has always been destructive in nature anyway.

Tian closed his eyes again. To check himself, he directed his senses inside his body. He realized that the runes inside his body were now like blazing stars; his bones were now completely violet-gold in color, while the inside runes of stars were filled with creation's energy.

In his Dantian, he noticed that his three types of energy were now thicker, that they were almost solid in nature, and that they were also as vast as the ocean. Immediately, his scales will appear, and the scales appear to be much stronger, and the runes like stars on each scale are blazing with a thick and heavy destruction aura.

However, among the inner and outer runes like stars, which were three thousand in number, only one thousand of them were different; they were much more lifelike and gave off a stronger and more mysterious feeling, while the rest were like bodies with no souls to them, even though they were giving off strong vibes.

Tian knew the reason for this was because he hasn't comprehended the three thousand ways. He will be able to unleash his full potential one day if he manages to awaken his three thousand rune-like stars.

After examining his whole body, Tian took another three days to meditate on his heart, mind, spirit, and nature. Three days later, he left the pagoda. He went to check on his maid; he saw them cultivating, so he left without bothering them before he called out to Mu Chen, and they both left the soul world together, appearing back in the Gods realm.

Only three days had passed outside. So Tian and Mu Chen started walking in the direction of the core area. Tian was bothered about any treasure or fortune opportunities in the secret; he was only here to unrival the secret of this realm.

They flew for six hours until they appeared in a demonic forest. There were huge trees that towered up as high as the sky, and each tree was dark, not giving off the aura of life but rather the aura of death.

There are many of these trees, with one bigger and taller than another; they stretch for miles. Moreover, there was no sign of any other life form in this region, not even miles away from it.

Tian and Mu Chen landed in front of these trees and started walking through. Mu Chen felt uneasy. "Brother Tian, I felt something wrong in this forest, and I also have the feeling that we are being watched". He whispered to Tian, who was still carefree.

Mu Chen's nature gave him a very sharp and strong instinct, so he could quickly feel the abnormality in the trees.

Tian looked at Mu Chen with a smile and said, "Of course everything is wrong here; let me tell you something: every tree here is from the shadowwood race; they are demonic trees who possessed an insatiable hunger for any creature's souls. I'm only surprised to see their existence here in a cage because this race was from the previous eons; moreover, I read that they were completely exterminated."

Mu Chen was speechless to hear this from Tian; he looked at Tian like he was looking at a madman. He knew what this place was and the danger it held, but he still let them venture into it.

Suddenly, they noticed some movement from behind. Mu Chen quickly turned back and covered himself in armor, and his huge axe appeared in his hand. But as for Tian, he was still as carefree as ever, and he was staring deep within the depths of the forest, like he wanted to see through it and unrivaled the secret.

Tian activated his universe's heavenly eyes and peered deep inside the core area of the forest. Everything was clear to him; he could see through each tree that was standing deep inside the demonic tree, and the deeper his vision went, the stronger the demonic tree he saw, but when he got close to the core zone, he couldn't see anything but complete darkness.

However, Tian was not someone who gave up easily, so he channeled a huge amount of creation energy inside his eyes, but still he couldn't see through the darkness. Suddenly, two large red eyes appeared in the darkness; each eye was glowing, and they both contained vast killing intent and a devilish aura. Tian felt like the whole world was spinning in his head. He quickly canceled his technique, but it was too late.

Tian's eyes started bleeding, and a large amount of blood poured out from his mouth. He held his head in pain, and blood started oozing out from his nose, ears, and eyes. He became dizzy as everything was spinning in his eyes. He groan loudly as he was in pain. He started rolling around on the ground. The pain was too unbearable. He wanted to scream to relieve the pain, but he couldn't.

Mu Chen started to panic upon seeing Tian's situation; he wanted to help but didn't know what to do. Since he had no idea what was going on with Tian, he carried him on his shoulder immediately and prepared himself to charge out of the forest.

However, before Mu Chen could take a step forward, a large and thick tree branch came out of nowhere and smashed him heavily in the chest, sending him deeper inside the forest. Mu Chen rolled on the floor; he grunted in pain, but he ignored the pain. He quickly stood back up and started running towards the tree again.

suddenly each of the trees started transforming; they turned into giant figures, their bark-like skin infused with pulsating veins of sinister energy and twisted branches that reached out like gnarled claws; they had bloodshot eyes; and their mouths were as wide as volcanoes. Each of these trees figures were tall, and each step they took made the earth beneath their feat tremble.

They roared at Mu Chen before they charged toward him from all directions. Mu Chen roared loudly; he dropped Tian, who was still in pain, on the floor before he took a step forward.

Also, the runes on his body started twisting mysteriously, and Mu Chen also turned into a giant in a matter of seconds. His axe also turned huge, and he smashed his axe forward to be the first demonic trees that arrived in front of them.

The demonic tree also roared loudly and threw a devastating punch to collide with Mu Chen's attack. Boom," a huge explosion rang out, and the demonic tree was thrown backwards, smashing through its colleagues. However, before Mu Chen could react, the others arrived with another attack. Now multiple devastating attacks were directed at Mu Chen.

He roared much louder, his eyes turned completely red, and his aura became much more wild. He channeled a huge amount of energy inside his weapon along with his concept, which was strength and gravity. Then he started spinning in circular motion with his huge axes while one leg was raised up a little and he was standing on toes with the other legs. He created a huge storm while he was spinning.

"barbarian storm dance". He roared.