
House Selection and New Friends

Contrary to how he had acted throughout the entire time he was waiting Jiho felt slightly nervous walking up to the Sorting Hat,

'Looks like I'm still nervous despite what I told Cho,' thought Jiho as he quietly chuckled to himself thinking about how happy Cho had been when she was chosen for Ravenclaw.

'Hopefully, that can also be me, but let's stop the useless thoughts and just start,' And with that, Jiho put on the hat ready to get sorted, no matter his house.

'Hmm, very interesting,'

'What the, who are you?' asked Jiho internally surprised at the sudden intrusion of a being in his mind.

'Well, who do you think, I'm obviously the hat your wearing, who else would it be,' said the being, known as the Sorting Hat, in annoyance as he answered an obvious question.

'Oh, my bad, I was just surprised,' thought Jiho as he calmed down and let the Sorting Hat do its thing.

"Hmmm, very interesting, your very different from the other kids, on one hand you have a incredible degree of smartness fitting perfectly with Ravenclaw, but you have also shown incredible bravery as even when given this road of thorns you chose to continue and even explore it, hmmm, very interesting," muttered the Sorting Hat quietly enough that nobody, but Jiho could hear him.

A few more minutes passed and soon he had become the center of attention as he started losing patience.

'Just put me in Ravenclaw!,' shouted Jiho internally as more time passed causing even more anger and embarrassment to be felt by Jiho.

'WHAT, you brat, how dare you yell at me when I'm thinking so hard for your sake,' said the Hat as his contemplative mood quickly changed into an angry one. 'You know what, I'm gonna put you in Gryffindor just for that.'

'Oh, don't you dare you smelly old hat,'

'Oh I dare,' said the Sorting Hat smiling evilly.

"GRYFFINDOR," shouted the Sorting Hat with an internal laugh.

'You smelly old hat, I'll definitely get my revenge, just you wait," thought Jiho, outraged by the fact that his future in Ravenclaw had been ruined by the whim of the Sorting Hat.

'Whatever, the house I'm in doesn't really matter anyways, I just have to do well individually.' Thought Jiho as he consoled himself.

"Now that the Sorting Ceremony has finished let the beginning of year feast begin," Said Professor McGonagall as any food they could have possibly thought of quickly appeared before them.

Jiho sighed as he quickly grabbed a few different foods like chicken, beef, rice, etc, as recovery after an event like that would be helped by food. A few minutes passed as someone sat next to him.

"So, you get screwed over by that Jacka*s too," said the new person next to him

"Wait, you too," said Jiho as his eyes widened as it seemed he had found a person with a similar grudge.

"Yeah, I wanted to be in Slytherin, but that hat b*stard put me in Gryffindor, something about brave at the heart, or some bullsh*t," said the man as he frowned obviously annoyed by the Sorting Hat. "What house did you want to be in?"

"I wanted to be in Ravenclaw, my name's Jiho by the way."

"My name's Claude, nice to meet ya." Claude was a guy with slightly brown skin, black hair, and a deep emerald green eye that clearly showed his slyness. As the two continued talking soon another new figure arrived.

"Claude, there you are, You cannot just run off like that it is not very responsible to just leave me without any further warning." Said the new person in a stern tone, the new person was quite pale, however, he also had a pair of striking blue eyes and blonde hair, almost making his appearance like that of a hero from a fairytale.

"My bad Dimitri," said Claude in a sheepish tone, "anyways, meet Jiho he also got screwed over by that hat b*stard,"

*Sigh* "What am I going to do about that foul language," said Dimitri before turning to Jiho, "Nice to meet you, my name is Dimitri, don't mind Claude too much, he's been quite free-spirited like this since he was young."

"It's fine, I don't mind it," said Jiho, 'plus that hat is quite the b*stard'

As soon as he had introduced himself to Jiho, Dimitri quickly turned to Claude planning to give him a stern lecture, however, Claude was saved by the bell as the Great Feast had ended and now they had to go to their dormitories.

"Well, looks like we'll have to talk later 'cause we have to leave now," said Claude with a huge smile as he internally let out a sigh of relief.

"Hmph, fine, but we will talk later," said Dimitri pouting as he had not taught Claude his lesson.

"Yeah, yeah, don't be so uptight Dimitri," said Claude as he wrapped his arm around Dimitri's shoulder, "Come on Jiho, let's go and see our new home."

"I'm coming," said Jiho as he smiled gently, knowing that he had already found two close friends.

The dorms they would be living in were much more comfortable than any of them had thought, even better, they had been chosen to all live in the same room, allowing them to skip the awkward introduction with strangers.

"All right, then let's go to sleep, it will soon be curfew," said Dimitri as he got into his new bed.

"Hey, Jiho, wanna go explore the castle at night, it'll be fun," whispered Claude, however, he was just a little bit too loud.

"What was that, Claude," said Dimitri seemingly teleporting behind Claude, and what happened next was a solid 45 minutes of lecturing as Dimitri made a list of 200 reasons why they should not go out, and he could have kept on going if not for Jiho's intervention.

"Dimitri, how about we stop here, it's already past curfew and we need to sleep for tomorrow, also, I'm sure Claude learned his lesson."

"Fine," said Dimitri after thinking for a bit, "but if I ever hear anything about going out after curfew I swear that even Jiho won't be able to stop me."

"Of course, of course," said Claude as he gave Jiho a thankful look before quickly going to sleep and was soon followed by Dimitri.

`What an interesting group of friends I got,' thought Jiho as he looked at Dimitri and Claude, 'maybe Gryffindor isn't that bad.'

All these thoughts soon disappeared as Jiho slowly fell asleep, ready for his first official day at Hogwarts.


That's the end of that, sorry for the late chapter I fell asleep.

Also Dimitri and Claude are the same Dimitri and Claude from the fire emblem three houses, there's no real connection to it, just the appearance and attitude is slightly similar.

Thanks for reading the chapter.