
-The Brutal Truth-

I was just sitting on my bed reading, a book until I got a call from an unknown number. I answered it thinking it might be someone I know, but trunks out it was a police officer that was working the case of Lily and Lilith. He said that he found the reason they died, and how it happened as soon as I held that I jumped out of bed, telling him I was on my way to the police station. I wanted answers, so I drove there as fast as I could, He was waiting for me. I was surprised he looked so young he took me that he was doomed to live forever, like me. I told him that I needed answers now, and I couldn't wait. He knew how I felt and led me to a room. He told me everything about what happened to them. He said that there were two killers, not just one, but they can't find the other one. Knowing the second one was young when it happened. I told him that they might not be alive. I mean they died so long ago. There's no way unless they were also doomed to live forever. The cops name was Mark, he was really calm about this, and made me feel safe for once in my whole life. I was on edge wanting to find the other murder, if they were still alive. It's been about two days since I last talked to mark about Lily, and Lilith's case. He said he might have a lead, but will let me know if he does get one. I still can't believe that after all this time, they found another about their death. It's been so many years since they died. Yet, I'm glad that they found another lead. I got a call. Mark? He said that they found fingerprints leading to the other murder, I ask if they know who it was. Mark was unsure of how to see it but, he said it was.... My Mother? My Mother, there's no way she loved Lily and Lilith. But then again their parents did kill my father when I was only 2, but Lily and Lilith don't know that. When I heard about how Their parents killed my Father, I told my mother that she can't blame Lily, and Lilith I mean I don't if they were even born when it happened. I just can't believe my mom did this to them. I mean losing your loved one must hurt, but killing other families' loved ones. Their daughters are past the line. My mom died years ago so they can't put her in jail, but Mark said that people have reported seeing her on the streets looking at their kids. The truth with flood town, and I'll be pinpointed since she is my Mother. The police are attempting to keep this out of the news. If it makes its way in the news, I could get blamed for it, and be locked up.