
The dead line

bradleyc20061 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

what is this feeling is it betrayal or something else

Levi said to Tora now you know a little bit more about the shadow race I would like a little bit more about you Tora, Tora says how much do you want to know about me, Levi says I just want to know what it is like to live as a human Tora thinks for a moment trying to think on what to say when all of the sudden the front door opened and someone called tora, Tora tells Levi to hide in the cupboard and Tora responded to the person who called him, Tora shouted ye what you need. the person opened tora's door and it asked Tora what did he want for dinner, Tora said I don't know and what did I say about opening my door without knocking. the person said sorry and I'll do your favourite dish, the person left tora's room and shuted the door behind them. Tora said the cost is clear, Levi came out of the cupboard and asked Tora is that your sister, Tora said ye it's my little sister Hiyori kurosaki and my other sister is cassie kurosaki and my dad's name is isshin kurosaki and my mom's name is a, a, as, Asuna. Levi asked Tora what was rong, Tora said it's nothing the truth is when I was a kid my mom would take me to kendo practice every day after school because I was getting bullied in school and to be honest I was a wimp and one day after kendo me and my mom was walking home when we came across a girl about to walk into the river I told my mom and she looked towards the river and seen know one and told me I was imagining it I broke my hand free from holding my mom's hand and ran down the steep hill after the girl and started to shout don't do it my mom ran after me and as the girl vanished from my vision I saw my mom on the flour with blood poring out of her back and her last words were to me was don't be s a d. as my mom said that all I was thinking to my self was I killed my mother and what was I to tell my family and especially my dad. ever since that day I have been able to see souls. all of the sudden Levi pulled Tora towards her chest and told him to stop worrying and that she didn't think that he did it and at the time a shadow processing a human body might of done it. Tora had tiers running down his face and fell asleep Levi sat on the floor and laid Tora on her lap. in tora's sleep to had a dream of what happens that day and it started to drive him mad and he kept on hearing his dead mother's voice blaming Tora on why she died Tora then fell to the floor with his hands on his head while the voice is surrounding him with in the back round someone laughing Tora opens his eye to see Levi reaching her hand out to Tora but Levi is getting further and further away from Tora as if she is getting pulled. Tora then sees his sisters and dad and Levi on the ground with blood poring out of the and all of them starts to blame Tora and starts to repeat why did you do this to us tora. surrounding Tora were voices such as laughing, crying and screaming and all of the suden Tora woke up, with fear and sadness in his eyes Levi took a look at Tora and asked him what's the matter Tora tells Levi about his dream and that she left Tora behind all of the suden Levi grabbed tora's face and kissed Tora on the lips and told Tora that she's not going anywhere.