
The Dead Immortals

Feng Xiang was the last Human to survive the zombie virus outbreak . Surrounded by advanced zombies Feng Xiang takes his last breathe , Before dying he wished to return to the past . When he opens his eyes he finds himself 10 years in the past on the day before the zombie apocalypse . Endowed with 10 years of experience and knowledge Feng Xiang sets out to ensure the survival of his ‘ Second Family’

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Back to the Past

Jiang Li had been trying to wake up Feng Xiang ever since he had suddenly fallen asleep ,

The rest of class and teacher had take notice of him so he was worried .

" What a loser hahah"

" It's that wimpy kid hahah"

Jiang li grimaced at the humiliation his friend was facing .

Even the teacher started to call him

" Feng Xiang get up this instant !"

Jiang Li kept pushing on Feng Xiang

" Feng come on get up quick !"

Feng Xiang jerked up straight and looked at the rest of the class in shock , he was looking at them as if he had not seen them in along to

E .

He then spoke absurd words

" I have returned to the past !"

The whole class burst out laughing

" The loser has gone bonkers hahaha"

" The wimp has wimpy Brain haha"

Even Jiang li found his words absurd

The Teacher had lost it

He shouted

" Feng Xiang as punishment for sleeping in my class got stand outside in the lobby for the rest of the hour !"

Feng Xiang just stared at the professor and nodded his head

Jiang Li also raised his hands

" Professor I also want to take punishment along with Feng !"

The rest of the class snickered and mocked

" That guys wants to stick the loser!

" Gets loser attract loser hahah"

The Teacher was simply massaging his forehead

He said

" Do what you want ! I had enough today as it is "

Jiang li nodded his head and bowed

" Thank you professor "

He followed Feng Xiang out of the calls ignoring snickers and mocking gazes from the class.

He stood next to Feng Xiang for the rest of the period in the lobby .

He noticed Feng Xiang muttering to himself

" How is this possible ? The dead people are alive ?"

Jiang li evaspdroped on him and asked in a concerned voice

" Is everything alright Feng ? …. It's not because of that incident from a year ago right ?Is it still affecting you ?"

Feng Xiang perked up his head straight and looked at Jiang li

He smiled and said Ina reassuring manner

" Of Course not, I am just a bit drowsy today that s, all."

Jiang li Nodded his head but still was suspicious

After the period was over and it was break time Feng Xiang left the class and made his to the direction of washroom.

Jiang Li was looking at him as the rest of students were coming out of the class

After noticing that Feng Xiang was missing Some of them spoke

" That guy dashed off the moment the period ended haha"

" I would do the same if I were him , I would be too ashamed of myself hahaha"

Jiang Li ignored those insensitive comments and follows after the direction of Feng Xiang .

He entered the washroom and saw Feng Xiang leaning again the washbasin mirror with his hands on the either side of the basin

Jiang tried to call him in a concerned voice

" Feng are you okay-"

Feng Xiang saw his reflection in the mirror and his became fierce and bloodshot .

He punched the mirror shattering the glass and causing his knuckles to bleed

He caught on the glass shards regardless of its sharpness cutting his palm , swiftly turned around and aimed the glass shard directly at the throat of Jiang Li .

Jiang Li spoke quickly

" Stop ! Feng it's me your fried Jiang li! "

Now it was Jiang Li s, turn to panic .