
Chapter 1: Prologue

Life is a journey filled with dreams, love, success, and most importantly hardships. This is a journey of the life of a teenage girl. Her life keeps taking a countless number of turns, that's why it's unique and interesting. Her greatest strength is her confidence and childish love for taking risks, but who would have thought that this immature action would turn out to be the greatest test of her life? The biggest mistake people around her make is underestimate her, but the people who don't make this crime of assumption can be nearly called the best people. She is a very loyal human and putting your full trust in her is worth it.

Do you believe in karma? Well, not a single soul can escape karma, whether it's good or bad or big or small, it hits back at the right time. It happens to be that she doesn't want to accept her karma, so karma has to forcefully make her accept it. Let's witness what happens in her life.