
The day of studying in Hogwarts

Author: Lazy cat on the keyboard youtube: Young_Sunlight Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Young_Sunlight Albert never had any big ambitions and always considered himself a "salty fish," but after being reborn with a system cheat, he's determined to become a winner in life. Just as Albert plans to become a goal-oriented "salty fish," an owl delivers a Hogwarts invitation letter, revealing that he has actually transmigrated into the world of Harry Potter novels. Now, Albert is contemplating how to be a dream-driven "salty fish" in the magical realm. ***************** (Note: This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read.)

young_sunlight · Derivasi dari karya
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319 Chs

Chapter 198: Planning What's Next

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Friday night, 10:45 PM, Gryffindor Common Room.

Albert was sitting in an armchair by the fireplace, reviewing the manuscript of "Advanced Magical Translation" that Professor Babbling had given him a few days ago.

Not far away, Angelina had finished her homework and was playing Wizarding cards with Alicia. Lee Jordan, who had also finished his homework with guidance from Alicia, was now doing Astronomy homework.

"I won this round," Angelina smiled as she packed up the Wizarding cards. Looking at Lee Jordan still working on his homework, she asked with a puzzled expression, "Why haven't you finished yet?"

"Why not finish your homework seriously first and then play later?" Alicia couldn't understand Lee Jordan's thought process at all.

Angelina covered a yawn and asked, "Shanna, are you heading back to the dorms to rest?"

"You guys go first, I'm almost done," Shanna said as she looked at the button in front of her. She was trying to transform it into a beetle, but transforming inanimate objects into living creatures was much more difficult than transforming living creatures into inanimate objects.

"Then we'll head back and rest," Alicia said, putting the Wizarding cards back into her pocket and walking back to the dormitory with her friend.

"Another failure," Shanna sighed, looking up at Albert and asking, "Any suggestions or tricks?"

"Practice more," Albert said without hesitation.

"Sigh, it's always the same advice," Shanna muttered, "What have you been looking at since earlier?"

"The manuscript. Professor Babbling asked me to help her revise it," Albert said, putting the manuscript back into his bag after making some notes.

"Professor Babbling?" Shanna hadn't heard of this professor's name.

"Professor of Ancient Runes," Albert reminded her.

"Ancient Runes? I heard there's an elective course for that in the third year. What do you plan to choose?" Shanna suddenly asked.

"Elective courses? Divination, Care of Magical Creatures, Muggle Studies, Ancient Runes, and Arithmancy," Albert quickly listed five subjects. "I plan to take them all."

"Take them all? Do you have enough time?" Shanna was very surprised.

"I have a way to make sure I have enough time," Albert said with a smile.

"I heard that Ancient Runes is very difficult to learn," Shanna was hesitant about whether she should choose Ancient Runes.

"Ancient Runes are like learning a foreign language."

"I remember you're very good at foreign languages," Lee Jordan looked at Albert with envy written all over his face. "I remember you even know French; you just came back from vacationing in France this summer."

After hesitating for a moment, Shanna said, "If it's not too difficult, I also want to take them all."

"What's relatively easier?" Lee Jordan asked.

"Divination and Muggle Studies," Albert said without hesitation, "I heard it's five out of two."

"Why?" Lee Jordan continued asking.

"Divination requires talent; if you don't have the talent, you can just pass the time and write random homework. It doesn't matter," Albert said, lifting the teacup to take a sip of the cold milk tea. "As for Muggle Studies, I feel that wizards don't understand Muggles; they might not even know what batteries, televisions, and light bulbs are."

"Really?" Shanna was surprised.

"Do you know what a light bulb is?" Albert asked Lee Jordan next to him.

"Of course, I do," Lee Jordan rolled his eyes. "I live in a Muggle neighborhood. But, I guess some pure-blood wizards who are completely isolated from the Muggle world might not know."

"It's hard to imagine," Shanna was very surprised.

"Not hard to imagine," Albert teased, "It's like my father doesn't know how to turn a Boggart into potion ingredients or like Fred and George's father doesn't know what rubber ducks are used for."

"Rubber... ducks?" Shanna bit her lip to hold back her laughter.

"I remember Albert gave Fred and George a rubber duck during the summer," Lee Jordan also recalled the incident.

"You're absolutely..." Shanna finally couldn't help but laugh, instantly attracting curious glances from many people, "...doing it on purpose."

"By the way, where are Fred and George?" Albert looked at Shanna who was trying not to laugh, feeling completely unable to comprehend what amused her.

"You're calling them what now? Fred and George, those two scoundrels, said they were hungry and went to the kitchen," Lee Jordan said after thinking for a moment. "They wanted to find something to eat."

"You're calling who scoundrels!"

The voices of Fred and George came from the entrance of the Gryffindor Common Room.

Lee Jordan looked in the direction of the voices and saw Fred and George walking toward them, each holding a meat pie and munching on them as they walked.

"We went through all the trouble to get you guys something to eat..." They approached and couldn't help but complain, "Hmph, there's nothing for you."

"Cough, you heard wrong," Lee Jordan cleared his throat and asked, "What's good to eat?"

The people around them tried hard not to burst into laughter.

"Do you think we're deaf? Hmph, go away, the pies are not for you," Fred joked as he pushed Lee Jordan away. George took out a paper bag containing the pies from his robe pocket and handed one to Shanna.

"What kind of pie is this?" Shanna took the paper bag and asked curiously.

"Steak and kidney pie," George said.

She took one and handed the paper bag to Albert.

Albert looked down at the steak and kidney pie in front of him. To be honest, he wasn't very hungry.

"Give it to Lee Jordan!" Albert passed the paper bag to Lee Jordan.

"Don't give it to that jerk," Fred and George both complained.

"This was given to me by Albert," Lee Jordan took the paper bag and said with a snort, "It has nothing to do with you now."

"You..." Fred and George were speechless.

"Aren't you eating?" Lee Jordan quickly changed the subject and asked Albert.

"No, not feeling hungry," Albert shook his head.

"How about I share it with you?" Shanna smiled and said, "It's not good to eat too much at night."

Saying that, she split the steak and kidney pie in half and handed one half to Albert.

Albert was speechless for a moment.

Steak and kidney pie was a traditional British delicacy, or so they said!

When freshly made, it tasted pretty good while still hot, but once it cooled down, the taste wasn't great.

Even worse than eating completely cold meat buns.

Under the gaze of several people, Albert took a bite of the steak and kidney pie. It was a bit salty and had a peculiar texture.

"The taste isn't bad," George smiled and asked.

"I prefer it when it's still hot," Albert said.

As they chatted, the people in the common room gradually left, and the cold wind blew through the window, making it creak. The fire in the fireplace was also about to go out.

"I'm going to prepare..." Albert made a gesture to the few people who were playing Wizard Chess.

"What if you get caught?" Lee Jordan looked a bit worried. "Last time, William got caught sneaking out at night and Professor McGonagall made him clean bedpans for days. I don't want to get a nickname like 'Prince of Bedpans.'"

"Prince of Bedpans?"

"In the Muggle world, there's a prince named William," Albert explained with a suppressed smile. "I remember he got caught last year and had to clean bedpans."

"Not just once," Fred chuckled.

"That's not important!" Lee Jordan looked helpless. He was indeed worried about getting caught while sneaking out.

"Don't worry, we won't get caught," Fred and George exchanged glances and said in unison, "Have faith in Albert."

"You have a plan, Albert?" Lee Jordan asked quietly.

"I'm going to the Restricted Section of the library to look for books. Do you remember Snape's ability to read minds?" Albert whispered, "That's indeed a form of magic called Legilimency. I'm planning to find books in the library that can counter that magic."

"When are you going?" Lee Jordan asked excitedly.

"Aren't you not interested?" Fred couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"I want to learn that magic too," Lee Jordan said excitedly, "Besides, if I get caught, we'll all be in trouble, so what's there to fear?"

"No one can catch us," George said with a snort, "But I doubt you can learn that Legilimency thing."

"How would you know if you don't try?"

"Legilimency is indeed very difficult," Albert poured cold water on Lee Jordan's excitement, causing Fred and George to burst into laughter.

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(End of this chapter)