
The day it was

Nature_lover225 · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

Chapter 7

West:hey this is west ya know he girl you met at the park sorry for not texting sooner

Xeon:it's ok princess

West:ok it went from shorty to princess 🤨

Xeon: yes princess wanna meet up later at my place my parents want to meet you

West: oh so your famous but still living with your mommy and daddy 🤣

Xeon:Hey I am only 16 like you 😒

West:fine I will come see ya there

Xeon:see ya princess 😚

My heart skipped a beat I was so happy and I was blushing when I told my mom she said " omg Xeon you ate so lucky " "thanks well I have to go bye" "bye" when I got there it was the most beautiful house I have ever seen when I entered I was greeted by Xeon his jet black hair was perfectly split his green eyes sparkled he is so handsome. "Hello? Princess? " " oh sorry I must have spaced out" " why were you admiring my beauty "

"N-no" I blushed " yah right well let me escort you to the dinning room were you will meet my parents . I gulped I was nervous what if his parents don't like me what if I am to poor for there taste? What if... "princess are you ok? " " y-ya just nervous " " don't worry princess they will love you ". As we entered the room a long table with tons of food on it with people sitting at it like 4 or 5 other people then I saw his parents they look so serious I gulped again. "These are my siblings Cary ,Charlotte ,Sam,Ron, and my other brother James " " why hello west nice to meet you" "thanks Sam nice to meet you too" after all that I sat down and filled my plate I have never had so much food in my life it smells like heaven if only I had food like this at home.

To be continued...