
The Day I Saw A God

This story is about a girl. Her name is Natsumi Furakawa. She is in a High School Girl. She lived in Tokyo Japan. She had A Normal Life. Though she was the Japan's most Richest Architecture's daughter. One Day She Meet With Someone Who Told Her That She Is Going Die Today. What Will Happen To The Girl? What Will she do? Read the story to know about what happened to her and all the other people that she will meet and she had meet will have there promised day. The day they die.

Fahim_ahmed · Masa Muda
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78 Chs

She Remembers

Chapter 26

After he said that Natsumi was a bit surprised that there was nothing inside the candy's cover, that the candy wasn't there and she also felt that there is something in her mouth. It tastes like a normal chocolate. Ban noticed that thing in her mouth. Light also knew that cause he is the one who put that on her mouth. It was the candy. Before she could react to that the thing that was in her mouth was the candy she ate that candy thinking it was something stuck on her mouth for sometime before she died. The second she ate the candy, it got inside her stomach's digestive system. The very moment it was digested in her stomach she remembers her memory in the void with Ban and Light. She closes her eyes and head downed on the table. She remembers what they talked about and what happened to her in there. She also remember the moment when she agreed to remove her memories with them. She also remember all the place she visited with Ban and all the fun memories of the places she visited. Makkah, London, Paris, Antarctica and all the country and places she visited with Ban. By remembering all of her lost memory she also realize that the memory of her and Ban on a date was a false memory and that the picture that she founded scattered besides a camera was not a camera and pictures of a con artist rather the camera was Ban's camera and the pictures that were scattered around were taken by Ban when they visited all of those countries and places.

Ban thought to himself after he saw her eating the candy [Is it really the candy that holds her memory? Or is it just a normal candy? Still will she even remember the her memories of that time after that candy? The chances of remembering her memory of her world is hundred percent but the chances of remembering the memory of void is close to five percent.] He starts sweating for thinking like that.

Light while standing he read what Ban was thinking. After he knows what Ban was thinking he looks at him and replies to him like this :"Don't sweat like that. She really eat the candy that holds her lost memories. Don't worry she will be one of the five percent. I gurantee that."

Ban calms down and stop seating after hearing that.

Light then looks at Natsumi and replies to her after realizing that she remembers everything she forgot and thought wrong about like this :"Do you remember now?"

Natsumi look at her own legs and replies to him while sitting like this :"I remembered those memories."

Ban got completely relief after hearing that from her and asks her immediately afterwards like this :"Do you remember a place called void?"

Natsumi looks at Ban and replies to him like this :"I remember void. Don't worry." Ban takes a breath of relief and also Natsumi continues her reply to him like this :"Also I am sorry for behaving so rudely with you after you try your best to make my life without regrets."

Ban was happy and unconsciously blushes after hearing that from her. He tries to conceals his blushes with smiling. He took his left hand behind his head and and scratches his head and he replies to her like this :"No, it's okay. I should have went to give you the candy after you died and enters the gateway"

Natsumi replies to him (Ban) after hearing that from him like this :"I take back my apology."

Ban stops scratching his head with his hand. He stands up and slam the table with both of his hand and shouts at her after hearing that from her like this :"Ehhhhh!"

Light replies to him like this :"Don't shout you are destroying my ears. It's not that big of a deal. It's just an apology."

Ban got a bit angry at him after hearing that reply and replies to him like this :"She wasn't supposed to even apologize to me in the first place. It's your fault from the beginning that you didn't have her the candy and let her eat it that this become a big deal."

Light replies to him like this :"Like I said before she is the one who didn't take it."

Ban asks Natsumi after hearing from him like this :"Is this true, Furakawa-San?"

Natsumi replies to him like this :"Yes. It's true. I was angry at him because of that."

Ban didn't asks what that is because he already saw the past. He understands that since he know about it. He rather don't asks her about how she feels about that cause she might get angry or depressed if he asked her.

Light replies to him after he heard that from her like this :"You see! I told you that's not my fault. It was her fault since she didn't take it."

Natsumi was still angry at him and she got more angrier after hearing that from his mouth. Natsumi replies to him (Light) with a angry voice like this :"Just because I remembered my lost memory doesn't mean that I forgive you." She looks at him with a smile indicating that she is madly angry at him and continuing her reply to him (Light) like this:" So I hope you rather don't talk about anything in front of me."

Light got a bit scared after seeing her smile. Light thought to himself [I didn't created any evil being like the Satan in the bible. If there is somebody who can be as much as evil as Satan in supposed to be in the bible. I think she can fulfill it.]

Natsumi understands that he is thinking something by looking at his face. Natsumi again replies to him (Light) like this :"If you have something that you are thinking to tell me. Then tell me what you are thinking."

Light didn't told her what he was thinking cause he knew that if she told her what he was thinking then his great long life he lived might comes to an end. Light also thought to himself after hearing that from her [First you tell me to not to talk in front of you with that smile. Now you tell me to say what I was thinking!! Even if someone give me time of food and sake I wouldn't still told you cause] he looks at her and continues his thought like this[I don't wanna get beaten up anymore by you.]

Natsumi starts to get irritated to wait and asks him (Light) like this :"Won't you tell me what you were thinking, the greatest being god???"

Instead of Light, Ban asks her like this :"Did you forget that you have told him to not to talk in front of you?"

Natsumi did actually forgot about that after seeing his (Light) face as she thought that he might be thinking something.

Natsumi replies to him (Ban) with a surprised face like this :"Yup, you are right. I really did forgot."

Ban replies to her like this :"No, it's ok to forget. Also he might have actually didn't thought of anything at that time"

Natsumi was bit of unsure if he is telling the right thing. Though still Natsumi replies to him (Ban) like this :"I guess since it is coming from you I will believe it."

Ban replies to her like this :"Thanks"

Light closes his eye and thought to himself after hearing that from her like this [I am really grateful to you Ban. Because of you I don't have to get beaten up again. I am really really grateful]

Natsumi looks at Ban with a normal smile and replies to him (Ban) like this :"No it's nothing special to be grateful to. Also I have wanting to asks this after eating that candy and remembering all of this."

Ban asks her like this :"What it is?"

Natsumi asks him like this :"Since you were a human and turned into a God. Did you create a world with immortal beings on it? Like mortal living being like human becomes immortal?"

Ban downcast his eyes with sad look and he replies to her like this :"Yes, I created a world like that in the past."

Natsumi gets happy after hearing that and asks him like this :"Then it should have been successful, right? Well I don't have to ask you because all of the people you created on this world must have lived peacefully ever after. Aren't I right?"

She stands up from the chair and pour water from a jug in the table to a glass. She drinks water from that glass. Ban didn't reply to her rather he still downcast his eyes.

Natsumi got curious because she wanted to know why he remained silent and didn't reply. So she asked him like this :"Why aren't you replying? Did I say something wrong?"

Ban still didn't reply but Light replies to her like that :"Since he doesn't wanna reply to that now. You can ask him later."

Natsumi thought to herself after hearing that like this [I guess, I should listen to him for now.] She look to Ban and continue thinking [Also he kinda looks down after I asked him that]