
Alliance Fall

Apollo laid on the uncomfortable cot in the cell TZ trooper threw him in, the walls were three-inch-thick Lexan with a near-invisible electrified mesh laminated to the walls and ceiling. The floor was a composite metal alloy he doesn't recognize, but it deflected every attack he tried. The ceiling was semi-opaque white and harsh LED light illuminated his "fish-bowl." Surrounding him in their own identical cells were Sakura, Fist, Argos, Magi, and Sniper. What was most frustrating was that every cell was soundproofed, and with a small corner frosted for the stainless steel sink-toilet combination fixture, and the thin cot wielded to the mystery metal floor. Communication was difficult. Sakura hasn't stopped crying for hours, or has it been days?

Fist was in restraints, and by the occasional blue-white flash from his cell, electrified. Probably triggered in the same way as to shock collars, a movement too sudden, then zap! Magi was a rookie from Iraq, a good kid helping out to topple Jihadists, and his demeanor was more of confusion then despair. Sniper however looked more relaxed then any prisoner has right to be lounging on the cot, one foot on a knee, and appears to be whistling.

Argos was sitting on the floor meditating, his power is telekinesis, and one of the most powerful and precise Apollo has ever seen. However even he seems powerless in these damned cells. Outside the cell, the block was blackness, though every once in awhile he could almost pick out a glint off of a camera lens reflecting the harsh light from the cells. Apollo would bet his life there were every

sensor is known to the man watching and scanning them constantly.

A rectangle of light burst forth from the darkness, and three figures approached his cage. He stood up to face his oppressor, but who he saw standing before him stunned him. Tania Hill stared back sympathetically back at him with two TZ soldiers on either side. She placed her hand on the clear wall and a menu appeared, it scanned her palm print and options appeared before her. She tapped an option and a beep, "Hello Apollo," she said as her voice seemed to be everywhere in his cell, "Governor." Apollo replied flatly.

"It's Director now." Of course, he thought as she continued, "I'm sorry about this but there was nothing I could do to stop the raid. The public lost faith in the Alliance, and so the President ordered the aggressive investigation." Apollo fumed, "Aggressive investigation! We did nothing wrong!" She sighed, "I agree, but it must be done, it's not personal..."

"It's politics, right? Well, forgive me if I don't believe a damn thing you say!"

Her eyes steeled into a look he never saw before, "I don't give a damn what you do or do not believe Apollo. What did you expect would happen when you got in bed with politicians?"

Apollo shot her a hard look, but he was thrown a bit, "I don't know, some gratitude? Legitimacy!" She broke out in laughter, "Your such a fool Apollo, take it from someone who has been there, politicians do what is most adventitious to themselves. They partnered with you heroes so they could control them, and you. Once they figured out they couldn't they plotted your demise, and with your recent setbacks, they pounced. Face it Apollo, the Alliance was used as pawns and sacrificed just as quickly." Her expression softened, "All I ever wanted was to fix things," she sighed, "I'll do what I can to get you released, goodbye."

"Wait! I'm sorry, and thank you." She brightened as she nodded and closed the interface. The cell beeped again and silence. Director Hill walked back the bright doorway, her guards stared flatly at him for a second they turned and followed her out and sealed the door, leaving the cells once again floating in darkness.


With the Alliance pacified and disbanded, I began the groundwork for my own path up the political ranks. Cork Screw made several raids on random targets to give Tier Zero a thorough workout and boost their public standing. The news networks were ablaze with praise to Tania Hill's organization and their carefully staged success. Once TZ's power base is secure and their ranks of adequate size,

I'll release the heroes. However they would be pariahs, members of society to only be looked down

upon with scorn and loathing. A poetic fate to be sure, to be humbled to the equivalent of your average villain, but first Battle Phage has to train and equip the rank and file to deal with them. The tech geeks in my company's labs have been like children in a candy store dreaming up new gadgets and countermeasures.

All to the generous funding of Uncle Sam, my company is the go-to-supplier of TZ, Spec-Ops, and military round the NATO block. The non-US shores are rapidly becoming the infield proof-of-concept for 80% of our prototypes and so far had a 70% success rate. Cork Screw of course get's the rejects to rework then fielded a few months later. Neo-G's computer models project that we should be ready in eight months, just before the Alliance hearings where I'll assume nearly all the incarcerated supers will be acquitted. A farce can go only so long after all.


It was a cloudy and cold winter day in Washington D.C. as Director Tania Hill casually walked the steps to the Supreme Court for the Hero Alliance Hearings, as the media spun it, but she was in a cheery mood bundled up in fashionable winter clothing and Darcy by her side. She has accomplished much in the last eight months. The DHS and the TSA has been assimilated into Tier Zero, the CIA and NSA gave her a special division to work intelligence gathering on rouge supers,

and the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the President included TZ as an official branch in the Special Operations Command structure which greatly improved the skilled inductees considerably.

TZ became the pinnacle of Special Operations worldwide, with partnerships with Israel, Japan, Germany, Australia, and Great Britain vastly expanding our recruitment pool and securing global legitimacy. Shadow then agreed to allow the proceedings to proceed uninfluenced, the trust given to her was humbling, and she was confident she would live up to that trust. Her operators were the best humanity has to offer, and the specialized training and equipment provided by Battle Phage and Cork Screw, are decades beyond any trained force anywhere.

Press and cameras lined the gauntlet of shouting reporters and swinging microphones but she brushed them off promising an interview after the proceedings. She scanned the crowd satisfied as she saw her operators moving in and around the prime-time jackals. Senators and officials stood around under bright lights and gave winded remarks, speeches, and campaign slogans. Tania was

disgusted at the pompous fools eating up the attention.

Phage raised her to adulthood to be straight-talking and humble. A lie could get you killed and humility often kept you alive. Living on the streets most of her childhood had taught her the truth of those teachings. Shadow taught her to be subtle with the truth, when to omit a possible disadvantage, and how to read people's motivations. Ever since her father-figures began to teach her to be respectable she has never lied, but there has been the occasional half-truth here

and there. No one's perfect.

She showed the guard at the door her ID and was ushered inside the courthouse. It was grandiose and classical in design, reflecting the history and power represented by its purpose. Everything in D.C. had a weight of history rendering any sane citizen humble. Of course, the town also has an epidemic of pompous fools and narrow-minded men. Who has been tearing down the reverence and respect toward our country's proud history?

Her service in the Air Force influenced her strongly, the traditions of the military-run deep and she takes her oath to uphold the Constitution very seriously. Which is the source of her loathing of the fools who trample on it's intent if not it's letter and some do even that as well? Many in the organization wouldn't believe that Shadow cares deeply for our founding principles, freedom is

a binding value shared by all, and while some would break the law for selfish gain, very few would betray the country to an enemy. There is still honor among thieves and villains alike after all.

The proceedings went by slowly, one by one heroes came to the stand to plead their innocence, a few actually committed crimes and were quickly sentenced. The whole thing was very streamlined since very little evidence of wrongdoing was discovered and the enormous cue of heroes present. At the end of the very long day, fifty was acquitted, and six was advanced to criminal trials for petty extortion. Apollo was the last of the day, and was drilled a bit harder due to his involvement in the Naval Base Attack, but was acquitted fairly quickly. Their eyes met as he was dismissed, he nodded slightly to her and left the courtroom.

On her way out Tania made good on her promise for interviews and gave her thoughts on the proceedings and the like. Darcy met here at her limo, TZ operators running her security, and plopped down in the plush seat within. Darcy followed and we sped off to the hotel, "Not a lot of convictions today," Darcy commented scrolling through social media postings on her tablet, "It's not to be expected, this whole thing seems like a farce dreamed up by some ambitious corrupt fool." Tania confided. Darcy nodded, "It looks fairly acceptable by the public, a few calling the round-up an overreaction, but many more seem to think a pubic trial of opinion was long overdue. Apparently the resentment toward their practical immunity to the law, while not reality, run deep."

Tania sighed, "Bashing one too many shops and public buildings would do that." Darcy sighed, "I still think it isn't fair, they did a lot of good, and saved a lot of lives." Tania stared at her assistant amusingly, "That they have, but public opinion is rarely fair, you should know that by now Darcy." She placed her tablet aside, "I know, I just wish I could do something about it that's all." Tania raised a brow, Perhaps I should talk to Shadow about her, she thought as she lends closer, "How strongly do you believe that Darcy?"

Darcy looked surprised, "What?" Tania stared flatly at her, "How strongly do you want to change things?" She looked appraisingly at Tania for a moment, "More then anything Tania, that's why I'm here, to do good and change things for the better." Tania smiled and relaxed, "I'll speak to a mentor of mine, I believe you share in our goals and be sure that if he accepts to meet you give him the

utmost respect." Darcy's eyes widened, "Really? Um... I'm not sure what to say. Who is he?"

Apollo sulked in Devil's Lounge downing a strong whiskey, "Hit me!" he called, Marci looked disapprovingly as she poured him another shot, "You should take it easy, your not looking so hot." Apollo glared at her, but the annoyance was lost in his drunkenness, "When do you care? Leave me alone I had a shitty day," she glared at him angrily, "I don't! I do care whether you can pay before pass out in my bar!"

Apollo struggled to focus on her face, "Hell, I'm sorry Marci, you know," She softened, "I know, shitty day, don't worry bout it, Michael." He blinked, it's been so long since he heard his real name in public, Marci slid a hand atop his, "You've always done right by me if you need anything I'll do what I can." She said with a sincerity he has rarely seen in her, he has saved her life a few times in his career, and her affection toward him was not unnoticed. What the hell, he thought, "I could use a place to crash, they still have the HQ sealed off, and I haven't had a chance to get my stuff. At least they had the courtesy to unfreeze my bank accounts and I'll only be a night or two until I find a place." She smiled, "Sure thing, I got an hour or so left in my shift, I'll set you up then."


The next morning he awoke to the lithe body of Marci beside him, she was clothed so that was a relief, not that he would complain, but he has been seeing Sakura and it would have complications he didn't want to experience. Sakura was still detained and would be among the last to see the court. Marci stirred and stretched, "Morning," she said as she nestled her head to his chest. "Morning," he replied, "Last night is still a bit fuzzy, did we? You know." He asked a bit sheepishly, she looked up at him, "No, you started to cry in the middle of the night so. That's ok right?"

He was a bit stunned, Did I really break so completely? He asked himself as he put a smile on his face, "It's fine, thank you. I really need a friend right now." She beamed and gave him an embrace. He on the other hand was glad he avoided the trap. After a long and pleasant while he got out of the bed, and the beautiful brunette occupying it, took a shower and cleaned up. Another day of hearings for his friends and brothers will begin again soon.