
The day I met you.

Radical_Queen · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Getting to know him.

As Abigail sipped her iced coffee she noticed Marcus staring at her. She tried to look away but she was mesmerized by his hazel Carmel eyes. Abigail finally came to reality. " so do you guys have a number I can text or do we only talk at school?" Abigail slightly laughs to break the tension. The boys enter their numbers into her phone and she does the same to them. After the coffee shop they load up and go to the park, they boys skate around while Abigail watches and laughs. She never realized how fun or interesting skateboarding can be. She always thought of skateboarding being only for the hippie California guys, but also she hasn't seen anything other. Abigail yawned and asked the boys to take her home and they did, she told them bye and that she will text them or see them at school. She walks into the house and her mother is sitting on the couch watching a movie, so she drops her backpack and slides off her hoodie and plops down beside her mother. Her mother smiles and wraps her arm around her and says " that Marcus boy seems to like you!" *bing* Abigail checks her phone and sees that Marcus texted her. She looks at her mother and says "wow speak of the devil" as she's reading the text from Marcus her mom is 'owing and awing'. Marcus's text read " hey Abby I just got home what u doin? (:" After Abigail read it she told her mother goodnight and ran to her room she changed into shorts and a tank top and laid in bed. Her mind was racing, all she could think about was this boy Marcus. She finally texted him back.

" I just laid down. What are you doing?"

She waited and waited for what seemed forever for him to reply but really he replied 5minutes later.

"I've been playing Call Of Duty im not sure if u play video games or not but maybe I can show u one day? But Im srry if I'm bothering u I'll let u sleep! (: Goodnight Abigail McLain"

Abigail blushes and squeaks, she rushes to reply.

" oh no you're not bothering me, and I'd love to learn how to play, I mean I've played some video games. I have a Wii lol."

As Abigail sends the text she turn on her TV and switches it to Netflix, she watches 'magians' and waits for Marcus to text back.

Half way through the episode he replies and Abigail couldn't contain her self. This is the first time she has fallen for a boy in one day! She feels like she dreaming! She finally reads his text, it's read.

" A WII doesn't count unless u play legend of Zelda!!! Haha look Abigail maybe we can hang out alone one day.."

Marcus blushed and smirks as he sent it.

She quickly reads it and freaks. She could not believe what he had sent her! Did he mean it? Was he playing games? She got worried but she was too excited to worry about her doubts so she texted him back quick.

" haha I do play the legend of Zelda!! I'm not a loser!! And I'd love that, well tomorrow is Saturday so how about tomorrow? You said you didn't live far maybe we can hang out over here, my mom has to work and even if she didn't I don't think she would mind!!"

She hit send and her mind went crazy. What if he kisses me?? What if he just plays awkward!!! Ugh she was going crazy. She texted him back before he could and she said

"Goodnight see you tomorrow xoxo"

She turned her phone off and Laid down.

Meanwhile Marcus quit his game and he couldn't believe she said yes, he was so happy. He turned off his game and laid down and just thought about her.

Abigail woke up too the sound of her mother leaving. She rubbed her eyes and rolled over to see that it was noon. She dragged her self out of bed and into the shower. She started thinking about Marcus and what he thought about the conversation last night. She gets done washing her hair and steps out into the cold room and rushes to get dressed. She puts on a cozy sweater and her black leggings. She grabs her phone to turn it on as she walks to the kitchen to ravish through the fridge. *bing*

*bing* *bing* she grabs the box of eggos and pops two in the toaster. She sits down and looks at her phone to see three text messages from Marcus. The texts read.

" okay I'll see you soon" " hey it's noon I'm not sure if your awake but text me" " hey I'll be there in 15 minutes sorry I'm rushing on u just if I don't leave the house before 1 Justin and Joey and Bryan barge in and we couldn't hang out!"

She didn't reply back, she ate her eggo and turned on the TV. As soon as she got comfortable she heard *knock* *knock**knock*

She blushes and fixed her hair on the way to the door. As she opens the door she sees Marcus. " hey Abigail, mm do I smell waffles? Man am I starving!" Abigail laughs and invites him in. " I just got finished eating eggos, do you want me to make you some?" As Abigail speaks Marcus sits down at the tables and replies " no of course not I couldn't have you do that" Abigail blushes " okay well I was watching Netflix want to join? I was going to put on magians." As she talks she throws her self on the couch. Marcus gets up and joins hers " I've never seen magians, what is it about?" Abigail groans " no way I'll start from episode one! It's so good!!!" She restarts the show and they start to watch it.

Abigail yawns and she leans up on the arm of the couch, she shoves her toes under Marcus's legs. He smiles and carries on watching the show. As a few hours past Marcus's stomach growls loudly, he groans and looks over at Abigail and says " would you like to get some food? I'm starving! It'll be my treat." Abigail stretches and stand up as she shuts the TV off Marcus stands up and adjust his sweat shirt. They leave and start to walk. Abigail finally breaks the silence " so where are we going?" Marcus sighs and says " well how about just Hardee's, It's closer." Abigail agreed and reaches in her pocket and plays music on her phone. " you do like Sleeping with sirens right?." Abigail says as she looks at Marcus with a 'say yes or die look' Marcus looks around steadily and says " yeah I like a few of their songs." As Marcus stares at Abigail he sees that her hair is messed up and her eyes have bag under them from sleeping too long and her clothes don't fit the right way but he thinks that's what makes her perfect. That's what makes her 'her'. They arrive at Hardee's and order food, they sit in a booth and chit chat their food arrives. Abigail sips her Dr.pepper and asks Marcus if he wants one of her chicken tenders, he happily declines and digs into his burger and fries. Abigail enjoys her chicken tenders and honey mustard. Marcus finishes his burger and looks at Abigail eating her chicken tenders and says " Abigail will you be my girlfriend, I know we haven't know each other a while but I really do like you." Abigail blushes and reaches for his hand " I would love to be your girlfriend" as Abigail and Marcus we're enjoying their moment here comes Joey, Justin and Bryan. Abigail moves next to Marcus and Joey and Brian share one side of the booth and just squeezes in next to Abigail and Marcus. As Abigail awkwardly finishes her meal Marcus tells the guys that him and Abigail are dating. They congratulate them and say that they seen it coming. Joey stops talking and fawns over a tall blonde that walks through the doors. Marcus leans in and whispers to Abigail " that's Taylor Joey has liked her for two years but he hasn't the guts to ask her out out." Abigail looks at Joey and snaps him back into reality, " look Joey you need to ask this this girl out if you really like her." Joey sighs and says " Taylor doesn't even like me, I'm her go to talking buddy. I can't just go ask her out, I mean even if I did what would I say?" As Abigail thinks she slurps her soda " I GOT IT you can go ask her to have lunch with you, we're already in a restaurant!!" Joey agrees and starts to walk over to her but before he can reach her a guy walks out of the bathroom and greets her with a kiss, Joey turns around and sits back down. Bryan puts his hand on Joeys shoulder and says " it'll be okay man you get her someday" Joey shakes his head slumps down. " look Joey If she cannot see how much you mean to her or how much you care for you then she doesn't deserve you, because all she will do is play with you and dump you" Abigail says as she smiles at him.