

Arion POV

I looked to Alaric and said "Alaric you don't mind if I call you Alaric do you? You didn't exactly give a last name for me to address you with."

He looked surprised and said "I don't mind last name is Saltzman by the way I just didn't think about it since none of you gave a last name in your introductions."

Understandingly I nodded and said "That's because in the time that we're from last names weren't used by the general populace. Also since we aren't exactly human we never really felt a need to have a human traditional name placed upon us. If we were to need one now I guess we could go with Forest or Evergreen. But that's a discussion for later."

Alette just looked at me and rolled her eyes at my cavalier attitude but looked to Alaric and said "I understand that this can be a lot to take in at once a whole new race you knew nothing about on top of an already tense situation. But I just want to communicate that we mean you no ill will. We simply wish for our family to be together again and to do that we need your help as well as you ours."

That's my sister eloquent as always I thought.

Alette POV

My brother was proud of me I could feel it rolling off of him in waves as he looked at the two men with an almost blank look. I could tell he was having a bit of fun with them all Fey or fairies as humans call us like to have a bit of fun with the humans. Our small way of getting back at them for the havoc they wreak on nature.

Alaric look at me interrupting my inner musings and said "I would like to know how we could help you? I know what we need help with but I don't even know if you can help with that."

I smiled at him and said "you may ask your questions of us once our Aunt and Uncle awaken from their dreams, for it would be better to only have to speak your answers once."

Alaric simply nodded and then begun to talk quietly with Dorian so that he could better organize their questions on my brothers advice of course. 

Uncle Oliver came back from his daze sooner than Aunty Elida cause we also gave her some memories of us while she was gone as well so it will take her longer to go through them. Uncle just got your basic reversal of what Malivore did to him. 

Oliver POV 

I came to only to find the twins and our guests sitting in our outdoor living room so I made my way over and sat down on the other side of Arion. He and Lette just smiled at me I smiled back. After getting back my memories of Lida and my family I feel more at peace with myself and less anxious.

I looked at Alaric and said "It will take Lida a while to come back around she has a few years worth of memories to digest. How about we answer what questions we have answers to." 

Alaric turned to me almost relieved that I brought the subject up and said" First I would like to know is why Elida was after this knife?" pulling the knife from his pocket and setting it on the table in front of him he then looked at us. 

Alette went to speak but Arion stopped her with his hand which I saw aggravated Alaric seeing what I saw only made Arion chuckle and he said "Don't get upset I was not trying to keep you from your answers. As far as the knife is concerned we have an idea but no solid evidence as to what it is or why it has awoken. But we do know what has awoken or is trying to and it is a terrifying existence. You helped bring us our Aunt back even if she was controlled so we will help where we can. We have some knowledge but we were quite small when this happened and Uncle forgot because of it so we had to do our own digging once we grew and by then it was sealed so the details became muddy no pun intended."

Alaric POV

After saying a general summery of sorts Arion speaks again "The creature that is releasing these other beings and our Aunt is called Malivore. It is a creature made by a triad of a witch, werewolf and vampire to get rid of the dragons that were wreaking havoc on the world and putting all of our lives at risk. But like all good children he rebelled and turned on all supernatural beings he couldn't harm any who were the same as those who created it but he did worse things. He created spawn to kill them the humans got scared and asked the witches for help to seal him. Last we heard he was a puddle of mud somewhere. We don't know where though that has been kept secret. After sealing him the supernatural world hunted his spawn and killed them to keep their own lives safe once more. Malivore has a power though other than just to devour. Anyone he eats is erased from the memories of the whole world but it can't delete stories and I assume he can't get rid of images as well." 

I am almost overwhelmed by the amount of information as well as the lack of information that Arion has just supplied contradictory I know but that is how I am feeling at the moment. I look to Alette she had been quieted by her brother earlier. I don't know why that bothered me maybe it's because I am a father and she reminds me of my daughters and if anyone just shushed my daughters I would be upset. Her brothers action didn't seem to upset her or her Uncle though. I wonder why my daughters would rip even me a new hole if I had done that to them especially Lizzie. These rambling thoughts helped me calm myself and allowed me to come to some what of and equilibrium within myself. I looked at Alette again and ask a rather rude question. "Why do you let him control when you speak?"

She looked puzzled then as if looking for approval from her family she turned to me and said "I do not allow or disallow my brother to control what I say. He protects me and I him the subject of Malivore is a touchy one for me I was closer to our Mother and Aunt than my brother he favoring our Father and Uncle while we love all our family members equally their is something to be said for a daughters love for her mother. Wouldn't you agree Alaric?"

As a tear trailed down her cheek I felt bad for asking she just smiled as said "I can see that to some my relationship with my brother is odd. But when you spend oh I don't know 800 some odd years trapped inside of a tree with only your brother and Uncle to talk to because your parents were trying to keep you safe from an all devouring monster you would tend to be cautious of others right?"

Nodding In agreement with her last statement I sighed and said "I'm sorry you just reminded me of my daughters and I got... I don't know what happened I just felt like I should say something that wasn't my place to say I apologize for my rude remark." 

Arion smiled and said "I get it my sister just makes you wanna protect her I can go overboard with it sometimes and she lets me know when I do trust me. She's in my head all the time yapping on about it. Hahahahaha No hard feelings. Just so you know we may be over 800 years old but we are very much teenagers we have a lot to learn about the world and people being stuck as trees doesn't really let you live happily."

I just sat there thinking for a few seconds and then asked "Would you like to attend my school It's called the Salvatore School for the supernaturally gifted."

Both Arion and Alette looked shocked and happy to have gotten this invitation from me they looked to their Uncle for approval I'm guessing.

To which he just nodded and said "Lets talk to Lida first I'm sure she misses you." This made them smile and I could see the childishness seep into their eyes as they thought of their world broadening and a new chapter to their lives beginning. 

This chapter was harder than I expected I hope it turned out ok. I am still sick but on the mend. I didn't want to leave you waiting on the next chapter for to long so here it is let me know what yall think. I look forward to reading your comments.

littlenitacreators' thoughts