

Even though all the proof he needed was staring him in the face, Hyde still couldn't believe it entirely. Or rather, he couldn't allow himself to believe it.

He had already forsaken everything and everyone by choosing to stand against the Emperor and coming here but it all started because of the death of the 'Jewel of the Empire', Albus.

Being faced with Hyde's silence even now, Albus called out to him.

"Do you still think me to be a liar, brother?"

It seemed to really matter to him what Hyde thought.

"I...don't know what to think anymore. I don't care. Nothing that happens here will change what I am going to do, what I HAVE to do!"

Albus had no choice but to accept Hyde's decision.

"It seems a lot will change after I am gone, and not for the best."

"How far away is that parade he was talking about?" Jin Wang took the opportunity to inquire quickly.

"Three weeks' time."