
Lack of Control

'I did have that cute jacket but...it really doesn't go with the theme of the rest of the outfit...but...what if it starts to rain? The wind has been blowing pretty fast for the last hour so what if it does rain? I won't even be able to keep myself dry at this rate since I'm almost out of mana already....but....they need my help, what will...'

Hao Xuan listened for a couple of minutes but the more time passed, the harder he frowned.

"Who the hell is this girl...?"

It was pretty obvious what he was listening to what were the subconscious thoughts of someone. What he couldn't believe was the thought process that led to each one. He got a mild headache listening to the tedious drab that did not seem to have an end.

"I don't think I have ever thought this much about anything in my entire life..." Hao Xuan commented while rubbing his head until he realized the absurdity of the situation.