
The Dawn of An Era

A young boy seeks to kill the Ancient evil that wiped out his village when he was young. Most think he's delusional, others think he's obsessed but he believes it's his destiny to put defeat him and bring on a new era.

That_Guy_5248 · Fantasi
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4 Chs

The Wish

Tayami pondered for what felt like hours, wondering what his next move would be. His thoughts were however cut short by an all too familiar pain. Its been two days since he last ate and his stomach wasn't having it.

Tayami: "Dammit, I feel like im gonna die at this rate."

He got to his feet and gingerly walked down the crowded street, searching for someone who might pity him enough to spare him a morsel. His search was cut short when he noticed some shuffling at the back of an alley way. "Maybe I can catch a rat and roast it." he thought to himself. He picked up stick from a pile of garbage and proceeded to creep down the dark alley. As he got deeper into the darkness he started to hear a voice just around the corner. He raised his guard an peeked around the corner slowly. What he saw utterly disgusted him. A tall man covered in a dark cloth held a girl to a wall preparing to do unspeakable things.

Man: "Quit yer struggling there's nothing you can do."

Tears trickled down the girl's face as she wriggled around trying to loosen his grip. Tayami looked looked at the girl's struggle which reminded him of how helpless he was to protect to stop any of the tragedies that befell him. Without hesitation he jumped from around the and confronted the man.


The man turned around and stared at him with a look of bloodlust in his eyes.

Man: "This doesn't concern you kid. Now get lost before I kill you!!!"

Tayami raised the stick he picked up and stood with a look if determination in his eyes.

Tayami: "Like hell I am ya rotten bastard!!!"

Man: "So you've chosen death then."

Tayami charged towards the man, wield his stick like a sword. The man let go of the girl and step to the side to avoid the attack.

Man: "You're too sloppy kid."

The man grabbed Tayami by the back of his neck as he passed and used his momentum to redirect him into a wall.

Man: "I gave ya the chance to walk away but you chose to be a hero. Now look at you, about to die in a dirty alleyway."

The man pulled out a knife and approached Tayami as he layed in a corner. The girl who was saw this and picked up a rock and threw it at the man's head. The man was not happy with this turned around to face.

Man: "You know what, I'll deal with you first then since you're so eager to die."

Tayami saw that his attention was turned to the once more, so he got on his feet and began to charge an attack. He held up his hand as flames started to wrap around it. The man noticed the light being emitted from behind him so he slowly turned around to see it's source. Upon seeing the flames and tge determination in the boy's eyes he quickly realized he was fighting the protagonist.

Man: "No.....th-this cant be....."

Tayami: "You were talking big a second ago, what happened?"

The man frantically looked for a way out, but it was too late for him. Tayami lunged forward and punched a hole in the man's abdomen with searing fist.

Tayami: "I call that one the Rising Su-.....Oh wait...you're dead."

Tayami pulled his hand out of the man's body and walked over to go check on the girl who was tucked away in a corner.

Tayami: "Are you alright ?"

Girl: "Im alright thanks to you."

Tayami: "Didn't catch your name."

As she was about to speak, an army of armed guards flooded the alleyway. They all wore the armor of the royal guards, Tayami knew this from the stories his grandfather told him as a boy.

Tayami: "What's the royal guard doin here. "

*Teleports behind you*

Guard: "Nothing personal kid."

Tayami was swiftly knocked out and taken away by the royal guard along with the girl. By time he came around, he was locked up in a jail cell with two guards guarding it.

Tayami: "What's going on here. WHERE THE HELL AM I?!!!"

Guard1: "You're here until the king decides your fate."

Tayami: "What do you mean my fate? I did nothing wrong."

Guard2: "If you count assaulting the princess in an alley as "nothing wrong" then I guess you definitely belong here."

Tayami: "What prince-...." Tayami quickly realized that the girl in the alley was the princess. "But i saved her life from a sicko!!

His body was in the alleyway."

Guard2: "There was no body when the royal guard showed up. Only you standing over the princess menacingly."

Tayami: "Why dont you ask her then?!?!"

Guard1: "Whadya think we're doing idiot? Did you think we were gonna execute you without clarifying the details? We're assholes not monsters."

Tayami let out a sigh of relief as he went to go sit back down.

*2 hours later*

The door to his cell opened as a dark figure entered. He stared down Tayami, giving him the chills.

Morton: "Alright kid name's Morton and I'm here to escort you to the king but first ya need to get cleaned up."

For the past 2 days Tayami wearing only his training pants without a shirt. He got up and followed the man out of his cell, down a long hallway. He got a change of clothes and a quick meal before heading to the king. Tayami was still unsure of his fate but he kept following and hoped for the best.

Upon reaching the throne room Tayami was stricken with a sense of deja vu but that feeling was overpowered by the feeling of the crushing magical presence the people in the room possessed. The room was lined off with giant statues of heroes passed as an army guards stood at each side with the king's throne down the middle. Every step Tayami took towards the king felt heavy but he had to push forward. Morton held his shoulder to stop him.

Morton: "This is as far as we go kid."

The king stood up and bowed to Tayami as all the guards in the room did the same.

King Rozart: "You've saved the future of the kingdom boy so as such I will grant you one wish as the king of this kingdom."

Without hesitation Tayami yelled "I wanna be the strongest". Which was followed by a slap in the head by Morton.

Morton: "He's the king not a miracle worker you idiot."

King Rozart: "Now now Morton let us hear him out. So why do you want to be the strongest?"

Tayami: "To put an end to the current Dark One once and for all."

The king saw truth in Tayami's words and admired the boy's bravery.

King Rozart: "I may not be able to grant you that wish but I can do the next best thing."

Tayami looked at him in confusion: "And what might that be."

King Rozart: "I will allow you to train under the strongest we have."

Tayami pondered to himself for a bit before accepting the king's offer.

King Rozart: "Good. I will inform him about the arrangement and you may begin tomorrow."

Tayami was grateful of the king that he was finally given the opportunity to get stronger to defeat the Dark One.