
The Daughter of Two Worlds

Chuin Hua was the only daughter of a poor woman and an alcoholic father who lead to her mother's death when she was just a child. Determined to become successful in life and to make sure her future family did not end up like her childhood one, she majored in biology and minored in psychology when she went to a prestigious university. However, with just one gust of wind, she ends up in another world. In the beginning, she didn't get why most of the people did not quite like her, but after hearing about a tragic past, she changes her mind. Just as she understood why she is taken away. In the midst of all the chaos, she learns a secret or two about the world and herself, causing her to head to a new place: the capital. There, she meets Wang Kai Lun, a cold, rebellious general who has a bad reputation in the imperial palace. However, this is not their first encounter. Lots of secrets are yet to be discovered by both Wang Kai Lun and Chuin Hua.

Kirana1357 · Fantasi
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15 Chs

Chapter 9: The Past-Pt. 5: The War

"We will meet again at 11 am. That will be the end of the meeting today. Remember your groups." Hua Huo announced as she flew off the podium and landed neatly on the ground. The meeting had been faster than she had expected, however, the results weren't what she had liked. The group in the portal was a bit smaller than she had expected and the backup group was minimum, so she had to take creatures from the warrior group to make it up. The only thing she had expected just right was the number of children. That was no surprise, her daughter had always come to her to complain about all the other children. She had way more enemies than friends.

"Come on, let's go." Hua Huo called to her group.

"Are you sure this is the right choice? Isn't there another way?"

"Qing Chen, even if this may not be the right choice, it is the best choice for you. If we don't try, sooner or later, Wang Ming will find you."

Qing Chen nodded. "I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble. I can't say enough thanks."

"Don't worry about it. This is what the forest and I owe to you. Especially me."

As the group got closer to the destination, every soul started to tense up. This may not work, but there was no turning back now. The decision was made.

"This is a good spot." Hua Huo instructed as she stepped into the river. "Follow me. Form a circle first. Qing Chen, you stand in the middle." Everyone followed as whenever a tougher portal was needed to be created, a group would need to circle around. The portal would then be created in the middle of the circle. "Let's start. Take a deep breath in." Every lung filled itself to the fullest only to be let out once again.

"Then, "Hua Huo continued. "Close your eyes." With every sentence she spoke, Hua Huo only got nervous. The pressure was on. "Think of a world full of humans, no creatures, no mythical beings." Out of nervousness, Hua Huo took a deep breath to calm herself. Inhale. Exhale. A couple of creatures followed in with a breath as well. They were nervous too. "As you continue to imagine, begin to harness your energy." Inhale. Exhale. This time, after her breath, Hua Huo's thought's drifted to all the memories she and Qing Chen had shared. The times they were in the forest. The times they went exploring. The times that Qing Chen snuck her into a village. Oh yes, that memory. That was what Hua Huo would use. The feeling of a group of humans; no, a place of only humans. A place that Hua Huo felt she could not fit in no matter what. This gave her despair, why couldn't humans and creatures live together? It must be those dragons. Those dragons and their nasty followers, the nine-tailed foxes. With a sudden realization, she had gotten negative thoughts. Where was she focusing? Directing her focus back, she sensed. Was everyone harnessing enough energy? After waiting a moment, she decided, yes. This aura was most likely the most energy that could be harnessed at once.

"At the count of three, we use this energy to create the portal. One. Two. Three!"

"Whish!" Hua Huo opened her eyes with a jolt. To her disappointment, only half of the portal was there. "Come on, we are almost there, just a little more!" Hua Huo and her group all gathered themselves for the last effort.


"Bam!" At the corner of her ear, Hua Huo heard another "bam" follow. Not long after the first one.

"Oh no, Wang Ming and his troops are at the corner of the forest!" one called.

"Don't worry about the warriors. Focus on the portal! There's just one little bit left" Hua Huo called to her group.

"Please, Mother Nature. Just a little bit more." Hua Huo prayed as she gave the last of her energy.


"Whoosh!" The portal was ready.

"Qing Chen, you will come back with me today!" a voice came not far from the river.

"Oh no, Wang Ming had come faster than I expected!" Hua Huo worried. "Quick, Qing Chen! Hurry and get into the portal!" she called.

"Oka-" Before Qing Chen could answer, the group was suddenly surrounded. Wang Ming's troops clearly outnumbered the small group.

"Qing Chen, you will come back with me today!"


"Either you come back with me or this forest gets destroyed!" Qing Chen hesitated. This forest was sacred to the mythical creatures. If this place was destroyed, the creatures would be horrified. "Should I?" she thought.

"Don't worry about us. We did all of this for you to leave!"

"Boom!" Just as Hua Huo finished her sentence, Wang Ming gave a sneak attack. All the creatures tensed up, ready to fight. Hua Huo had used up a lot of energy to create the portal and was nearly defenseless.

"Qing Chen, you either leave with me, or your friend gets killed."


"Just go through the portal. We'll hold him off!" Hua Huo had got out of Wang Ming's grasp and a fight broke out. Qing Chen, tears coming out of her eyes gave a nod. Took one deep breath. As she jumped, she gave one last look at her dear friend, willing to give her life away for her.

"I will miss you!" She whispered.

Hua Huo, on the other hand, returned her look and whispered, "I will miss you too."