
The date [twilight fanfic]

This is Jacob and Renesmee fanfic. Tropes: Age gap, imprint on underage, alpha, Trauma, possession. She is an old soul, ageless. Born from an impossible union between a human mother and a vampire father. Her mate, a werewolf. Some girls found love in kindergarten, others in their teens. Renesmee, found her mate the moment she came to this world. The moment their eyes met, even as a baby, she knew Jacob will be hers and she will be his for life. The notion was engraved in her very soul. But such a relationship doesn't come easy when you are born a half-vampire and half-something else. As society and social norms tear them apart. Will, what destiny tight together survive the harsh reality? This is the story of Jacob and Renesmee as they promised to meet their faith together. The date of their reunion as fated mates.

Helena_Seryma · Derivasi dari karya
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79 Chs

My Jacob


I felt him before I heard his car in the driveway. I was literally bouncing up and down in my room cause Mom had forbidden me from going downstairs. I could hear them setting the table and murmuring in low voices. I rushed to the door and quietly twisted the knob. I peered into the corridor towards the stairs. I felt a wave of Jacob's power calling for me. It was so strong that it left me gasping for air. I rested my forehead against the door and giggled. I'm coming, he seemed to be saying.

"Renesme, you can come down," called Mom from the living room. I opened the door wide and smoothed the front of my dress. I peeked at myself one last time in the full-side mirror next to the door. I've replaced the red lipstick with a nude one that Aunt Alice gave me. I smiled at my reflection. It looked lovely and I'm sure Jacob will like it.

"Coming," I had to force myself to walk slowly down the stairs even if all I wanted was to bolt to the door and throw my arms around Jacob. With each step he took toward the house, my heart picked up in anticipation. By the time he was in front of the door, my heart was racing. Mom spun me around by the shoulder.

"Come help with the food," I pouted at her. I wanted to open the door for Jacob and greet him. I saw Dad enter the living room, he just appeared out of nowhere. "Let your father get the door," Mom pulled me away. My heart sank as I heard him walk to the door. Mom handed me a warm dish of lasagna with extra cheese melted to a golden crust. The aroma made my mouth water.

The moment the door opened, the link between us flared. The connection the...the need between us forced me to look over my shoulder. For a fraction of a second, I caught a glimpse of his brown eyes. Mine, they said. I felt it in my whole body. My knees were weak. Then Dad stepped between us blocking my view of Jacob severing the metaphysical grip. I quickly set the red ceramic plate in the middle of the beautiful tablecloth. Mom did a lot to make the table lovely. I wiped my sweaty palms on the back of my dress, pretending to smooth the fabric. I almost lose it.

"Are you ok?" Mom frowned. I gave her a fast smile that faded around the edges. My full focus was on the low murmur by the door. I turned around, and saw Dad and Jacob facing each other. Their postures were hostile. Dad reached for the knob and broke the eye contact, he closed the door.

The second Jacob lifted his head and our eyes met...the whole world fell away. His face lit up, eyes sparkled. I smiled back, we were one. All I wanted was to touch him. It was an aching pain.

"Hi, it's been a while," one side of his lips curled up. I've missed his crooked smile. I melted. I can't believe he was here. I stepped towards him to take him in my arms but Mom held me back with a hand on my shoulder. It popped into my bubble. I turned to her with a frown.

"Let's eat, come," I turned back to Jacob. Let's eat? They don't freaking eat! What was that all about? He shrugged at me with a smile. What were they trying to achieve with this terrible game? Mom pulled the chair facing mine and nodded at Jacob to go sit. And I didn't get to sit near him...WTF? Jacob lowered his head and sighed. I stood my ground, I wasn't going to agree with this shit.

"Renesme, sit," Dad called as he got his spot at the head of the table. As Jacob made his way around the table his hand brushed with mine, held on my pinky for a second then walked away to get to his seat. That brief contact was enough to make me crumble in my seat.

Dear readers, I'm sorry for the long absence. With confinement, I had terrible writer's block. I promised to update with new chapters soon. Thanks for your patience.

Who is eager with the news that Twilight will bet a new book coming. What do you want to see in it? I wanted more Jacob... But then I can write fanfic to compensate XD

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