
The Darkness Chosen(dropped)


void_shadow · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

The ceremony

"It's okay Arthur, please stand beside the others." The head villager, Mill said as he begin the ceremony.

"Today is the day that shall determine you future as you are all our village's hope and future so that you can contribute to protect the village or you can have a journey outside when the times come. Now, please one by one stand in front of this altar and put out your hand on top of the crystal orb. As this is your first time here,I shall let you know that this orb function is to identify and light up to the colour of your element attribute.Know that red is fire,blue is water,brown are earth,while green is wind,there are also violet that represent thunder and silverish blue which represent ice. The two rare element is light and darkness which is with their known colour.Now the first child, come and put your hand on it."

Arthur was feeling nervous and look at the altar as the the first kid stand in front of it. "I wonder what my attribute is?is it going to be fire?or light?maybe some other attribute will be better."as Arthur was lost in his thought, the first kid's orb start to release a brownish colour with some dirt start floating around it.

"congrats, your attribute is earth which is know for their defence and sturdiness.now next" Mill said as he look to the next kid.the second kid got water,the third got fire,and the fourth got wind attribute. All four of them was smiling and giggling as they are excited by their look since it was pretty obvious.

"now Mia, come as I have some expectation for you since your father was quite known as a good light attribute healer in our village"said Mill as he was smiling at mia.

mia goes and put his hand on the orb,when suddenly a bright light coming out of it. In fact it was quite blinding and make the others to cover their eyes with their hands. Mia gasp as she pull back her hand from the orb to stop the light.

"HAHAHAAHAHA great Mia, you have a bright future ahead of you like your father"

Mill smile and pat Mia head before telling her to go back to the others. Now it was Ragus turn, before Ragus goes up to the altar, he look at Arthur with determination like he was saying 'watch me getting a powerful attribute Arthur, I don't believe I will lose to you in attribute too since you have a stronger strength than me hmph!'. Ragus Take a deep breath before putting his hand on the orb. Sound of thunder can be heard as the orb turn violet.

"Hahaha yes I got thunder attribute,with it's known speed and strength I will defeat you next time" Ragus was laughing and puffing his chest like he was feeling proud before going down the altar.

"Arthur , your turn now buddy" Mill said as he smile at Arthur knowing how he has lost his parents when he was still young making Mill felt pity and hope for Arthur to have a bright future.