
The Darkness Chosen(dropped)


void_shadow · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs


Dark mist village,where a 15 years old Arthur stay and grow with his uncle bob after losing his parent in a beast tide attacking the village.

"Uncle Bob,do you need anymore help?"ask Arthur while he wipe his sweats from his body. "Thank you Arthur, but you can rest now since you already help cleaning the shop."

Uncle bob is a blacksmith that open a shop In order to make a living. In this world, many beast are living in the forest surrounding the village and other places.Thus uncle bob help making weapon as its a necessity for cultivator to hunt them more easier.

"Arthur, you know your next birthday is coming near right? when the time comes, I will take you to the village center as the coming of age ceremony is where the head villager shall help indentify your attribute. Don't worry, I'm sure you're going to have a great future."

"thanks uncle, I shall go training in the backyard if you don't have anything more to help."

As arthur goes to the back of the place before opening the door that lead to the outside backyard, he saw the picture of his parent hanging on the wall. Arthur was the one placing it there as he always help his uncle at the shop and decide to place it so he could always watch it.

"I shall get stronger to not lose everyone I love and care again. I promise mom and dad." saying that, arthur goes and do his usual training routine like push up and lifting some weight even tho he was consider young to do with such determination. Thanks to that, arthur was considered to have a stronger body than the average kid since he never slack training since young.


A few days later..

"Come arthur, it's time to bring to the head villager to indentify your attribute." as uncle bob is tidying the button on his cloth.

As they head to the village center, Arthur could see another 6 kid waiting a the center. two are his childhood friend that he know which is Ragus and Mia.

"There you are Arthur, many are waiting for you as we are the only kids this year in the village to identify our attribute."said Mia as there was a grin on her face.

"Yeah Arthur, what took you so long?"said Ragus as it's his impatience character that make him always come to have a spare with arthur as seeing Arthur always training and stronger than him.

"sorry,I was helping to lock uncle shop this morning since the ceremony was in the afternoon." Arthur then bow and lower his head to not at look them while feeling guilty.