
Chapter 7

Leon was sitting at his desk writing in his tomes when a servant came rushing in "my lord" he then turned to her "breath what's the issue" the servant then took a moment and caught her breath "your parents want to see you this instant" he then told her to take him to his parents and once they reached the throne room he dismissed the servant and walked in "mother father what's the issue" his father then gestured to his seat and then he sat down his mother than spoke up "the Escolon Council is coming to visit and we have one guess" "Brunhild" Leon said in a harden tone the queen then spoke "Leon we want you to bring Brunhild wherever you go today for it may be her last" Leon then got up and rushed out the door and the queen started crying "oh i don't want to lose my sister even if she's only a half sister and Leon will be devastated win she dies she's his first love." Leon ran through the rose garden and came up to Brunhilds house and knocked on the door Brunhild then answered the door "well your quite early today" Leon then grabbed her and dragged her along with him "what's wrong" she asked as the two walked out the garden "the Escolon Council is going to visit" he said she then frowned "oh" he then grabbed her "so what would you like to do today we have a lot of time till dinner" "magic" she responded "I would like you to show me your dark magic" they then walked towards the train yard where the knights and squires were "give us space" Leon said in a commanding tone and the knights and squires watched as the lady following him sat in the stands and he then started to cast magic. Leon stared at Brunhild while holding a ball of darkness "so what would you like to see" she then told him to show her his best spells and he did. When he started casting magic Fiona channeled her light form and watched him she did this so the knights could still practice without being affected by the darkness. Leon showed Brunhild multiple spells such as Darkness Dome, Dark Movement, Dark Entrapment and many more. Leon and Brunhild are walking in the hall talking with each other when sofie walks up to them "hey leon" Leon looks at her "why hello sofie I thought you and your family already left" sofie then starts to walk with the two "we're still here for the parade then we leave tomorrow" Leon then gives her a skeptical look "is that the peace parade" she then pats his back as hard as she can "yep I was coming to see if you wanted to attend" Brunhild then rubs Leons back where sofie basically hit him sofie sees this "umm Leon who's this" Leon then looks towards Brunhild "what if I said my lover" Brunhild then blushes "t..that's fine" Leon then looks at sofie "well there you go" sofie then storms away "go see tour mother for the parade you jerk" Leon laughs then he asks Brunhild if she wants to attend the parade she accepts in an instant and the two head to the throne room. Once they enter the throne room they see a angry sofie and her parents trying to cool her down then they see his parents as they walk towards him "so will you and Brunhild be attending the parade" asked the queen Brunhild then asks her "but I thought only the royal family could attend" the queen then sets a hand on her shoulder "then you'll attend as Leons bride you'll just have to hold hands as me and my husband" Brunhild then blushes "why that how do even know if I feel that way" the queen inches closer "your just like our mother easy to read" Brunhild then pushes her away and covers her face and hides behind Leon "no I'm not" then the queen starts laughing and asks "so was that a yes or a no" Leon then pulls her in front of him "that's a yes" she then looks up at him "wait what" he then gives her a pleading face "it's a yes" she says then the queen and king laughs "ha just like us though it would be the other way around" the king says the queen stops laughing and coughs then leon and the king laugh Brunhild and the queen walk a couple feet away "so when shall we get ready" she asks the queen "oh let's go get ready now" the queen responds then she goes and drags the king away as he's laughing and Brunhild does the same with Leon. Leon and Brunhild were standing in his room Brunhild then sits on his bed "so are you going to get ready" Leon than rubs his chin "umm yea" he than gets change in to his formal suit and he could swear that was the fastest he's ever gotten change "done" Brunhild then jumps up from his bed and pushes him towards the door "great now i can get changed" she then pushes him out the door and closes it Leon then looks at the door "what the hell" he then hears Brunhild through the door "that's not a nice word" he then steps back some "why did she watch me change but push me out when she's changing" he thought he said quietly "a lady should never show her self like so till married" she answered to his surprise he then waited for her to finish. Once she stepped out his room the two walked towards the throne room to meet up with the others and then they all walked towards the castle gate where the parade float was waiting for them then they hoped on the float and the parade begun. They were riding the float through the streets when Leon spoke to Brunhild "so how has today been for you" she then giggled "just amazing thank you" the two hold each other a little closer as the parade goes on and once the parade is over the two head to the rose garden. Where the two sit and talk till sunset when the king and queen come to the garden "now come on you two we have to sleep we have a meeting with the council tomorrow" said the queen then the king and queen pushed the two too Leons room "now get some sleep we have an early morning tomorrow" said the king before he closed the door and after a couple akward moments the two feel asleep. Leon awoke the next morning to a woman sleeping next two him which he started to freak out till he realized it was Brunhild then he got dressed and woke Brunhild up who ushered him out the room so she could get dressed once she stepped out the two went to the meeting room where the king and queen were waiting along with there inner circle Leon also noticed how silver and seraphim were here too "where's stephen" he asked them "he quit because he couldn't handle your darkness he can't use magic like us so you can't blame him" answered silver "makes since" said Leon who was now sitting along with them. After a couple moments of silence three people wearing hooded cloaks appear in the middle of the room from a strange mist that later disappears two go and sit down while the third stands there and begins talking "we are the Escolon Council governing over Escolon and I am the leader of the third branch governing royal affairs and today i am here for the case of Brunhild Velctor ' The Darken the half sister to Queen Celene BrightFall ' The Lunar" she then looks around and stares at Leon "and who do we have here this is a royal affair" Leon then stands "I am Prince Leon BrightFall" she then crosses her arms "the invalid prince you may stay but your word holds no power" she then faces the queen and king "hand of Brunhild Velctor ' The Darken it is time for her to pay for her mother's sin" Brunhild then holds Leon tighter who then stands "Brunhild is to be my bride and become part of the Royal family according to the Escolon Testaments this should save her from your punishment" the royal governor the shouts "as I said your word holds no power you are not a true prince Brunhild Velctor ' The Darken will face death for this sin" Leon then looked towards Brunhild and his hand fell to the hilt of his family sword and then he was flooded with the memories he lost the day of the fire. Leon then marched up to the royal governor and drew his family sword as his necklace glowed and began to form a crest within that started to magically shine behind him "I am Leon Graynold BrightFall ' The Darkest and my word holds power above all now you will kneel and accept my decision to take Brunhild Velctor ' The Darken as my bride" the royal governor then kneeled in front of Leon who was standing before her as his crest shined behind him "but a true Graynold hold the family heirloom in the shape of their soul and yours is a halberd and that's a sword" as soon as she said that his soul weapon came out and the blade he was holding turned into essence which later flew into his halberd and as he held his new family heirloom he spoke "question me again and meet your demise" she then instantly apologized "my apologies my lord i did not know what i saw before me to be true" Leon then hung his halberd on his back and walked to Brunhild and then he put his finger on her forehead "with the power granted to me as a Graynold i dismiss these chains placed by the Escolon Council" as soon as he finished magical chains appeared around Brunhild and broke and disappeared Brunhild then stood and her magic released it was a dark magic but it put Leon at ease "this magic so soothing" she then hugged him and gave him a quick kiss "that's exactly how I felt whenever you used your magic" Leon then let his dark magic flow two "my magic feels so much stronger when in contact with yours" she then smiles "oh i love how compatible we are" she looks around "maybe we should focus the magic on each other instead of all around" Leon then looked to see everyone struggling "yeah" the two than focused there magic on each other and everyone was able to relax they then walked up to the council and Leon spoke "kneel" all three kneeled in front of him "yes my lord" they spoke in sync "go and spread the word of the return of the Greynold and that they shall merge with the BrightFall Family from this day forth" Leon said in a commanding tone "GreyFall" the queen spoke Leon then told the council "GreyFall shall be known this is my decree" Brunhild then told Leon "have them leave immediately that mages use of light magic is getting unbearable" Leon looked at the council " leave now" "yes my lord" they spoke in unison the the mage teleported them away. This day would be known as the day The Kingdom of BrightFall and the Graynold family forever disappeared but the rise of the Kingdom of GreyFall the Kingdom that stood over the Escolon Council. King Royster BrightFall and Queen Celene BrightFall will forever remember this day in their hearts as they two disappeared from history only to be reborn as part of the GreyFall royal family, King Royster GreyFall ' The Fierce and Queen Celene GreyFall ' The Lunar father and mother to Prince Leon GreyFall ' The Darkest and his wife Princess Brunhild GreyFall ' The Darken.