


It had been a ghastly place. The trees stood so high, light was blotted from existence, mocking an eternal darkness. It was the kind of place where even the birds were too afraid to tweet. They didn't even try. There was just an all-consuming silence that rang out in an unrelenting, maddening frenzy.

I'd hated that place, but for the sake of Lou's rainbow-glazed outlook, I dipped the tale in sugar and nitpicked the story until the most frightening elements had been scrapped.

/"Were thur wizzly bears?/"

We'd learnt all about bears in one of his new books. But his definition of bears and mine greatly differed. In his head, bears wore top hats and gave the loveliest hugs imaginable. To me, bears were the beast my father vowed to pit me against if I dared show cowardice.