


Opening my mouth to clarify, I pressed my lips together again. If he wasn't sure what I meant, surely it meant he hadn't experienced what I just had.

No, I knew for certain he hadn't. He'd have been hysterical if he'd found himself back in that other place. Even for a second. Even just for a passing thought.

I was tired, I decided. Weeks of no sleep were catching up with me and my mind was glitching out like crazy. Add in the stress with the were-lion situation, and craziness was the answer.

Yup. That was my theory and I was sticking with it.

Jonathan turned up fifteen minutes later. He left Flannagan's, looking worn out and beat, Ember in tow. He didn't seem surprised to see us.

/"No luck?/" was his first question.


He grimaced. /"What do we do now?/"

/"Why are you asking me?/"

/"Because you're the Alpha,/" he exasperated.

/"Mommy, we not loud ta telly you eveyfing./"
