
The Dark Years

Red_Ayakashi · Seram
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

The Black Cobra

Over 500 years earlier

Ira and Jori stood atop of a hill overlooking Central City which was burning. A group of human children stood behind both Ira and Jori. They've all lost their parents due to this terrible war. "How could this have happened? My only hope is that my brother is still alive." Ira looks over towards the direction of the Ayakashi Estate which was completely untouched due to Terry's special barrier.

All of a sudden a dark shadow descends upon the area and an oversized black cobra appears in front of Ira. "Oh my god! It's a child of the Black Cobra. Jori...we have no weapons..." Ira stands completely still watching the cobra flick his tongue out. It was tasting their scents that were in the air. "J-Jori it...it's looking right at me. W-What should I do?" Jori couldn't help but tremble in fear and nervousness. "Move backwards nice and slow like me." Jori responds quietly as he slowly moves backwards towards the sleeping children.

The snake was so fixated on Ira that it didn't even acknowledge Jori. Ira starts to slowly back away from the snake only to gasp sharply at what happened next. "Ahh!" The snake quickly wraps it's coils around his waist lifting him up into the air. "Ugh..." Ira struggles to set himself free but that in turn only made it worse. "AHH!!" Ira groans in pain feeling the coils tighten around his waist. "Ira! Oh my god! Hold on!" Jori starts to rush towards him but instead gets wacked by the snake's powerful tail.

He groans in pain upon hitting a nearby tree and dropping onto the grassy ground. "Jori...forget about me. Just get the children out of here!" Ira yells him clearly in extreme pain. It seemed like the more he struggled the worse it got. Jori quickly gets up and rushes towards the children only to be met by several soldiers from The Mainland. "N-No! Get away from them!"

Before Jori could do anything he was knocked out by a soldier that had flanked him from behind him. His unconscious body collapses on the grass. "J-Jori..! D-Don't! They're just kids!" Ira groans painfully as the snake's coils once again tighten around him. Soon it became too much and he had ultimately fell unconscious. His body was carelessly dropped on the ground with a thud.