
The Training

Luck and Chase made there way back to the base and meet up with Mudaris. He was greater then both and Chase left saying he had some stuff to do but would be back later.

"We that just leaves you and me"

Mudaris said to Luck, the two made there way to sparing area much smaller than the one Luck had been in earlier. I was about fifty feet in length and completely surrounded by an amazing garden plants of every color and size covered the area. Also all kinds of training equipments like wooden swords and punching bags were riddled across the area.

"This place is beautiful"

Luck said look around at all the flowers, suck vibrant colored flowers were a rarity in the concert jungle.

"How did you guys do this?"

Mudaris stared out at the vast flowers as well.

"The boss wanted it so she got it as simple as that"

Mudaris then leads Luck over to a bench to the left of the ring.

"Tell me Luck where did you learn to fight?"

Luck shrugs

"I never really learned just plenty of experience from watch and getting into fights"

Mudaris thinks on this for a while before responding.

"You must be pretty lucky to picked up all those moves without a teacher"

"I guess so"

Mudaris then stands up and pulls Luck to his feet as well.

"Well starting to day you got me!"

With that the two began working Mudaris explained that do to Luck's small size and there time limit he would teach him Muay Thai. The first thing Mudaris instructed Luck to do was to use his right leg to kick the punching bag a hundred times.

"What are you kidding me? A hundred?"

"Nope get kicking!"

The first kick Luck delivered into the bad hurt like hell naturally, but he strides through it and completed the hundred.

"Good now do you're other leg"

Hours passed of kicking, running and pushups that Luck lost track of time. Eventually Luck crashed down exhausted, he was covered is sweat and bruises.

"Fine Luck take a five minutes break but no longer!"

Mudaris warned going back to bench and drinking some water.

"I'm really gonna die"

Mumbled as he laid down trying to catch his breath.