
The Morals

Luck was shocked to awake a knock on his door. He dragged himself out of bed and peered out the door before answering. He see's a Chase in a black hoodie with jeans having the hood over his head.

"Open the door"

Chase whines as he bangs on it again. Luck sighs as he swings open the door.


He pauses as a pile of what appears to be bills with more and more aggressive founts catches his eye but he quickly regains his focus.

"We got a job. Get ready we can walk and talk".

As Luck gets his shoes on Tyche peaks out,

"Are you going out Luck?"

Luck turns and takes his sisters hand,

"I love you Tyche, I will be back I promise"

He says in a serious tone. Tyche shakes him off and heads back to her room adding,

"Whatever weirdo bring just back something good for dinner"

Luck and Chase exit the apartment and start walking.

"So we do it tonight right now we are heading back to get the details of the hit"

A million thoughts run through Lucks head as he debates the morality of what he's doing , he looks over to see Chase who is almost disturbingly calm.

"Chase how are you so calm"

Chase looks at him with a shrug

"Its a dog eat dog world, I didn't make it that way I'm just surviving"

Luck gulps,

"Yeah but... killing people is...wrong".

"Luck I know what I do is bad you can spin it a million ways but at the end of the day I kill people for money. However I don't think this makes me evil bad and immoral sure, but I think true evil is bad that masquerades as good."

Luck stares ahead as the walk processing what Chase said. Eventually they reach the main building and head inside. Chase leads him to a new room where Mudaris is already seated and another man a cross from him. The man was scrawny with long brown curly hair and blue eyes. He wore a very loose shirt that exposed some scars and marks on his skin and baggy pants to match. Mudaris hears us and motions for us to come sit. Chase and Luck sit on ether side of him. The man then proceeds to explain he is an informant that middle mans between people that want hits and us. The whole time he wore a toothy smile on his face that gave Luck an uneasy feeling.

"And with out with out further a do here is the man you have been waiting to see" he says sliding down a face down picture. Luck takes a deep breathe and flips it over.