
First phase part 3

Several hours had passed, they had delivered food and entertainment books, a few minutes later while I was in the bathroom they had brought me clothes.

Although it was not necessary since I already had clothes that I took from my shadow, it's not like my shadow is an inventory, I just teleport what I need through it.

So I'm taking things from my castle in the Veritus mansion or from my room.

The competitions will soon resume, these will be the last ones before the second phase begins, I don't know who our enemy is, but they will have serious problems, I'm still irritated because of the pervert who did that to me.


"Guys, i-isn't it better to just let Pandora destroy the enemy crystal and we protect ours?" Amiya says.

"...Maybe" Hana is torn between this, the problem is obvious in this, if I'm not close to the crystal I can't help, which means they necessarily have to defend it with all their might.