
Chapter 2: To the beginning

Now speaking of demons,it's not as easy as you think in that tiny head of yours. People don't believe that they exist, but they do and Go corporation is one of their biggest lairs in all of Asia. This is the main reason why Eleanor came back this holiday,to look for a way to send all of them back to hell.

I know your little head is a bit confused, so let's clear out the confusion. So let's start at the beginning,as in the main beginning of of life on earth. So there was a creator, and he was feeling lonely or something like that,but anyway, he decided that"hey why don't I create a universe", so he did,he created the universe and he created planets and black holes and qausars and cosmic energy and stuff like that. He created mini gods and to them he gave the powers to control their different planets. And he also did the same for earth, which was really cool by the way,then after which he created the fowls of the earth,the fishes of the sea and also the beasts of the earth, all these included the mystical creatures that we all have forgotten about,like the fairies,sirens,mermaids,witches,vampires,demons,werewolves,zombies,the undead,ghosts,element controllers and every other one you could think of, and lastly: humans. All the inhabitants of earth lived in peace and harmony,the gods ruled justice, I mean what could possibly go wrong.

Hades! Yup, that was what went wrong,unlike the other gods, Hades became power hungry, and he was no longer content with the underworld,if he should succeed,what next? the universe?. So what did he do, he began to decive the other gods to join him fight Zeus,the one with all the power. And soon chaos followed,there was war between those who believed Hades and those who didn't. But rather smartly I have to say,Hades excluded himself from the war, yeah he was all like" why don't y'all go to war,while I get some war done in the underworld". The war was brutal and all the gods died,but with the last of his powers and the that of the fallen gods,he created to new gods,the god of creation and the goddess of destruction,and he gave them incorruptible hearts. This made Hades very mad. He went to earth and began to wreck havoc on earth, the two gods fought of this dirty douche bag for days and Hades was not backing off. They were gradually destroying earth, and this came to the attention of the creator. He pitied his poor creations,the inhabitants of earth. So he ended the war and put a seal on the gods to remain in their respective abodes. The creator couldn't do any other thing,he had already given all the doings of the earth into the hands of the gods. He really wanted to protect his creations from Hades, so he created the weapons of the protectors and gave it to the good gods, since they were no longer able to go down to earth they had to pick inhabitants of earth,who had hearts of gold and were true to their word. For Generations, the two gods went around picking protectors each there was a need. Hades kept bringing about new ways to make earth his. The gods picked from every species without injustice. Many were scared at first but eventually showed great power. The weapons of the protectors were rings that controlled different aspects of life. They included: power,vortex,mind,elements,shape shifting,thunder and tech. Power ring liked you guessed,gave its user immense power,vortex ring gave the user the ability to create portals,mind ring allowed the user to read minds and communicate,element ring gave its user power over earth,water,wind,air,fire and ice,shape shifter ring allowed its user to morph into anyone and anything,anytime,anywhere,thunder ring gave power over thunder and tech ring gave power over technology. These were the basic powers of the rings.

The last battle between demons and protectors was brutal,but demons were able to flee the battle field and stay on earth. But its been long humans don't even remember that these other creatures exist.