
Uh oh.

As the light started to shine down on his face, Adam stood up from the bed that was way too small for his body and stretched. He slowly walked out of his room to the dining room, expecting either Bryan or Liz to greet him. But there wasn't a sound.

"Old man?" he said as he started to peer into the other rooms. However, he didn't spot them.

He walked outside and went into the barn. He saw the heads of the cows turn as they were shaking in fear. He tried to calm them down.

He then heard rumbling. He ran out of the barn and saw a huge pillar of smoke coming out of the forest that was surrounding the farm. "Bryan? Liz? Are you there!" he shouted as he ran as quickly as he could to the smoke.

As he reached the site, he was about to shout when a hand went and covered his mouth. As Adam turned around, he noticed Bryan shushing him.

As he crouched down with Bryan, he noticed how much blood was on his clothes and that he was obviously trying to hide from something. He whispered, "What is happening right now?" Bryan pointed with his shaking arm behind Adam.

Three men in white uniforms were walking away from a burning tree and as Adam squinted, he noticed the silhouette of a burnt body leaning against the tree. As Adam tried to understand who it was, he looked at the body's clothing and saw a certain necklace with a cross on it. He realized it was Liz. "Oh my god, she's dead," Bryan affirmed Adam's new findings with tears falling down quickly.

"Adam, don't mess with the Magicians," Bryan warned him. "But I have to! They killed her. We should try to avenge her," Adam protested. "I know you want to try and kill the Magicians. But you need time to experience magic. You can't win against them."

"But then what about you? How can I help?" Adam asked desperately. Bryan shook his head as he pointed his hand to his heart, revealing a hole that was leaking blood. "I'm not going to make it," he said sadly.

"But sir…" Adam started to cry as he held onto Bryan. He started to think of every way he could save him. It had only been a day since he met Bryan but he felt like it had been years.

The way the couple treated him showed how much they must've loved the former Adam so Adam tried to do the only thing he could to try and save Bryan - find a way to save him.

He tore his sleeve and tried to apply pressure to the wound. "It's too late… I know how much you wanted us to celebrate your entrance to the academy but that won't happen," Bryan said weakly.

"It's not too late! Please don't give up!" Adam pleaded.

Adam's tears fell onto Bryan's shirt as he tried to stop the bleeding. "Please don't leave me," he whispered. Bryan's eyes were starting to close as he took one last breath. "Survive for us please," he said before his body went limp.

Adam sat there for what felt like hours, holding onto Bryan's lifeless body. He couldn't believe that in just his one day of being in this new world, his whole world had been turned upside down. He just suffered the loss of the people who had just treated him with so much compassion he almost felt like he was with his original parents again.

As the sun started to set, Adam knew he had to do something. He couldn't just sit there and let the Magicians get away with what they had done. He gently laid Bryan's body down and stood up, determination in his eyes.

He was going to avenge Liz and Bryan. He was going to make the Magicians pay for what they had done - but not just yet.