
The dark knight of the twin daggers

In a world where magic and demons are real. Humanity and demons are in an endless war. Our protagonist, Alef will end up entangled in said war by pure coincidence, and he would learn that the world it's not as it seems to be. What will he choose to do? What adventures are waiting for him? Will the past of his father as a knight hinder his adventure or will it help him?

GhastingGhost · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs


"Wake up kiddo" (Alef's dad)

~rustle rustle~

"Ugh. Five more minutes" (Alef)

Dad flips the bed and I hit my head while falling to the floor. Why he have to be such a brute?

"That hurt old man"(Alef)

"I'm sorry. Pain, pain, fly away!"(Alef's dad)

Dad put his hand on my head while holding back his laugh. Naturally, I glare at him.

"Come on, don't make such face. Dress up, your mother already made breakfast"(Alef's dad)

I put my bed back into its place, dress up and grab my twin daggers. Then, I make my way into the living room where my parents are waiting with breakfast already served on the table.

"Good morning sweetheart. Did you sleep well?"(Alef's mom)

"Yes, I sleep well until some brute flipped my bed"(Alef)

I said with a teary face

"So you were bullying our little Alef again"(Alef's mom)

Mom reproached dad while pulling his ear. Of course, I was holding back my laugh while maintaining a teary angelic face.

"Sheesh, He's 15 already, stop treating him like a baby"(Alef's dad)

"He'll always be my baby no matter how old he is"(Alef's mom)

Mom hugs me. My mom is such an angel, not only she's a world class beauty, her personality is comparable to a saintess. It can be said that wherever she goes that place will definitely be lighted up by her sole presence. Everyone always wonder why my mom is with my dad, well his looks aren't half bad either and he was a knight of the winged order, so he barely qualifies. Just kidding, he really is a guy to look up to.

"Old man, Are we going to the forest today?"(Alef)

"Yes, we need to collect herbs for your mother and it's a good training for you"(Alef's dad)

"Sigh. I'm going to end up stinking of blood, again!!!!!!"(Alef)

"Oh, Are you worried that Eve might avoid you if you stink of blood?" (Alef's dad)

Dad said teasingly and mom started to giggle.

"Uuuugggh" (Alef)

I groaned and put my face against the table, which makes my parents laugh loudly. He just finds teasing me amusing.

After finishing breakfast, my dad and I headed to the forest.

"Don't you love this kind of smell during the morning?"(Alef's dad)

"I love it, but the smell I love the most it's the smell of recently beaked bread"(Alef)

"Is it the smell of bread or the sight of the beaker that you love?"(Alef's dad)

"Why do you always have to tease me old man?"(Alef)

"It's part of my job as your father and It's funny. Let's go we have to gather the herbs, of course you have to kill the beasts that show up"(Alef's dad)

Dad laughed and slapped me on the back

"I hope that not a beast shows up"(Alef)

On our way to the spot where the herbs grow, we encounter an overgrown wolf called ferocious wolf. This wolf is three to four times larger and two times faster than a normal grey wolf which is why it's a beast instead of an animal.

"Kill it fast, kiddo" (Alef's dad)

I unsheathe my daggers, imbue them with mana, and reinforce my body with mana. Then, I dash to the wolf, he notices me, leaps and tries to bite me. I dodge to the right, next I dash to the wolf once more. I swing both of my daggers making an x-cut in its belly. I turned around, and the wolf is already swinging his right claw against me, I block it with my right dagger and with the left I stab through its throat, next I twist the dagger. Finally, the wolfs falls to the ground and stays still. Obviously I'm drench in blood


"Well done, but you could have kill it faster"(Alef's dad)

"Yeah, but I didn't wanna waste mana in such a weak beast" (Alef)

"Hahaha. And that's why you're drench in blood. Let's go to grab the herbs"(Alef's dad)

I'm sorry for no killing in a clean way. I retorted in my mind.

15 minutes later, we arrived to the spot where most of the medicinal herbs grow and started to collect them. In a blink of an eye three hours passed.

"Hey, old man it's already past noon, we should have collected enough herbs. Let's head back"(Alef)

"Yeah, let's head back. I'm starving"(Alef's dad)

We grabbed the sacks with the herbs and started to walk back to the town, but suddenly my dad stops and turns to some bushes. I stop and stand in fighting stance.

"What's wrong? beasts?"(Alef)

"It's nothing. I heard the leaves of the bushes moving. I thought it was a beats but it must have been the wind" (Alef's dad)

"Then, let's head back" (Alef)


<unknown woman POV>

Interesting that darkness beast will follow those two to their town, if a follow them I could watch a good show, but then again I have work to do. Oh well, a day won't affect anything, let's follow them.

Two hours walking two arrive to their town!!! Weren't they a little too deep in the forest for just some herbs? But, that's none of my business. Oh, the darkness beast is watching their little village, I think it's going to attack tonight. This will be fun to watch.