
The dark knight of the twin daggers

In a world where magic and demons are real. Humanity and demons are in an endless war. Our protagonist, Alef will end up entangled in said war by pure coincidence, and he would learn that the world it's not as it seems to be. What will he choose to do? What adventures are waiting for him? Will the past of his father as a knight hinder his adventure or will it help him?

GhastingGhost · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

Love talk

"As if I'll tell you!"(Alef)

I don't know why master asked that, but I know nothing good will come out of master's question.

"Why not? I can help you out, you know"(master)

"Hahaha, that was a good one master"(Alef)

I laughed wholeheartedly and my master furrowed her brows.

"How can you not believe your master!? You should know that my duty as your master is to guide you, my cute little apprentice. And that, not only applies to combat, it also applies to all your life, whether is advising you in love matters or in what you should eat. I, your beautiful master should guide you wholeheartedly"(master)

She said proudly while putting her hands in her hips and gazing at the sky.

"That's really noble and all, but we both know that you only want to toy with me and my beloved"(Alef)

"Don't be like that, my cute little apprentice. You know I can tell you a way to confess to Rosa that guarantees, that she'll give you a 'yes' for answer"(master)

Master's words stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Does it really guarantee it?"(Alef)

I blurted out in joy, when I realized what I said, I slap my forehead with my palm.

"Uh, looks like I hit dead-on!"(master)

"I'm toasted"(Alef)

I mumbled with a gloomy tone.

"Fret not, my cute little apprentice. While it's true that I love toying with people, especially you. There's nothing that I would love more that seeing you happy with the woman you love"(master)

She ruffles my hair and then hugs me. Strangely, master once more gave me the warm feeling that makes me really comfortable.

"Thank you, master"(Alef)

I smiled as if I was a little kid being embraced by her mother.

"You are welcome"(master)

She responded to me with a soft voice. After a while she let go of me.

"You know, there's a thing that I don't quite understand. Why do you flirt with that bitch Eve if you're in love with the cute Rosa?"(master)

"It's because I'm afraid. I'm afraid that Rosa rejects me because I'm not enough for her or simply because she doesn't love me. And, for that reason I flirt with Eve. Since having that kind of vague relationship with her gives me a way out in case Rosa rejects me, and it somehow reassures me. I know that I'm a pathetic asshole, but I can't take out this fear of my heart"(Alef)

I don't know why I told her the whole truth regarding my feelings for Rosa. Maybe it was the heat of the moment, but regardless the reason I felt better after telling her.

"It's normal fearing that, after all she's your first love but, you won't have to fear anymore. Because, we'll make her fall head over heels for you"(master)

She shouted with determination while throwing her fists in the air.

"But first, you will have to stop flirting with other women, me included. I know that would be difficult because I'm just so beautiful, but bear with it"(master)

"Don't worry master, I would rather marry a goblin than marry you"(Alef)


Suddenly my master punched me in the face and I fell to the ground. Ugh, I think she broke my nose.

"Are you implying that I'm uglier than a goblin my cute little apprentice?"(master)

She said while wearing a terrifying smile.

"Of course not! You're the most beautiful woman that I've ever seen, it's just that your personality is too much for me to handle"(Alef)

"You just avoided death, my cute little apprentice"(master)

Her tone was so cold that it gave me goosebumps. But, I learned something about her, never insult her beauty.

"Let's get going"(master)

I just silently followed behind her.

We arrived home late in the night, so we tried to enter as stealthily as we could, but...

"Welcome back"(Jessica)

"Mom? Why are you still up?"(Alef)

"I just wanted to have a little chat with you, sweetheart"(Jessica)

"In that case, I'll excuse myself. Have a good night"(master)

"Good night, master"(Alef)

"Good night, Miss Freya"(Jessica)

After master left to her room, mom waved her hand signaling me to take a seat. I sat at the table and then ask my mother

"What do you want to talk about mom?"(Alef)

"Are you sure about being her apprentice? I mean, she's pretty suspicious"(Jessica)

"I'm a 100% sure. I know the way she acts and how she appeared out of thin air causes suspicion, but I trust her completely."(Alef)

I replied with a serious tone while looking her in the eyes

"Sigh. Alright, I won't butt in, but please be careful, she may have ill intent"(Jessica)

She said with pleading eyes. I stand up and come close to her.

"Don't worry mom, I'll be careful"(Alef)

I promised to her as I hold her hands.

"I'll believe you, sweetheart. Good night"(Jessica)

She gave me a goodnight kiss in the cheek and left the room. Afterwards, I headed to my room.

Once I entered my room, I saw my master laying on my bed. I sighed internally, then I prepared myself for whatever she has planned.

"Did I cause you trouble?"(master)

"Not at all"(Alef)

"I see. Good night, then"(master)

She gave me a goodnight kiss in the forehead, then she exited my room.

Huh? Master was being considerate!?. What in the world happened!?


<Master's POV>

After exiting my cute little apprentice's room, I went directly to mine. Once I stepped in, I jumped into my bed.

I can't believe my cute little apprentice trusts me blindly. If I where him, I would be suspicious of me. It's nice to be trusted to that extent.

"He's such a good boy. Yawn."(master)

I should go to sleep, that way I can be full of energy tomorrow. Huh? When was the last time I looked forward to tomorrow? I guess is your fault my cute little apprentice, I'm really looking forward to training you.