

The Jungle of Terror...wow! They have given it a name." But I didn't believed in ghosts till then" Even today I won't,only if I had never went through that jungle; the biggest mistake of my life.

But now I have caused all my courage beasts to sleep in case of ghosts. I get goosebumps whenever I remember that horrifying night that fu*#ed the as* out of me!!

It was dawn around seven thirty. I had to be home by 8:00pm and it takes a long way consuming similar great amount of time to reach home via city market.So I simply choosedthe shortcut which made its way through a jungle namely "The Forest of Ghost".

I read the sign board and went on the road towards it. There was a warning board stating" Beware! Not of the wild beasts, but the wildest of the wilds, the undead!"

So creepy;never mind. Lets


I don't know afterreading such a horrifying warning, how could I add enough courage to enter that jungle"ALONE".

This was the worst decision and wrongest turn. Anyhow, I went into the deep woods. The huge canopy and huge shady trees were enough to admire me of the night and I could barely see anything quite far.

Mysteriously, my watch and my phone stopped working. I could hear my watch's ticking but its hands were jam. It went jam on 5 minutes to 8. INSANE!!!