
Chapter 4:A question in the brain

When Ali won the match. They all were happy but one thing was disturbing him. He was enjoying the win but a question was interfering with the nerve of his brain. He moved towards his home looking here and there to find the answer. He entered to his house. He did not stop and without talking with anyone, he went to his room. His mother had seen the question on his face. After she served meal to everyone. She called Ali to her room and asked him what are you thinking? Which question is distracting you from all other activities. What is the problem? Ali replied shortly nothing mom. I am a child no thing can chase my brain. Don't be so clever. I am your mother. I know everything. I gave birth to you. Now tell me the truth. Mom uttered. Ali had no other way to tell the complication to her mother. Ali told her mother that I won the football match. But our opponents were stronger than us. Which cause lead us to victory? This question is disturbing me much. Mom smiled and answer him well. She replied to his question in a smarter manner."Coalition is the most powerful in this world. Those grab the body of unity nothing is impossible for them. You were playing together. They were taking you light and discord was their partner. This made them lose. You know very well division makes you weak. Ali nodded yes. Mom thanks for solving the puzzle in me. Ali said in a thankful manner. He stood up and went to his room like a kangaroo wandering in the jungle. This showed the joy in his heart.

A beautiful night and the heart with joy

Give birth to a healthy boy