
The Dark Apprentice

Eren, a 12-year-old commoner with every magic element at his disposal, is accepted into the prestigious World Academy for magic and mages. But Eren is not like the other students; he is cunning, manipulative, and willing to do whatever it takes to gain power and control. As he navigates the cutthroat world of the academy, Eren discovers dark secrets and hidden agendas that threaten to destroy everything he has worked so hard to achieve. With his talents and intellect, Eren rises through the ranks, becoming one of the most powerful mages in the academy. But as he delves deeper into the academy's secrets, Eren realizes that he has made a dangerous choice, and the consequences of his actions may be more than he can handle. Will Eren be able to control the power he has unleashed, or will he become a pawn in a game of magic and betrayal? | |

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The World Academy

The World Academy was the most prestigious institution for magic and mages in the world. It was a place where the best and the brightest from all corners of the globe came to hone their skills and develop their talents. It was a place where royalty and the elite sent their children to receive the best magical education money could buy.

And yet, here was a young boy, barely twelve years old, standing at the entrance of the academy. He was a commoner, and his clothes were threadbare and worn. His name was Eren, and he was about to join the ranks of the most powerful mages in the world.

Eren had every magic element within him, a rare and precious gift that made him a target for those who sought power and control. But Eren was different from the other mages. He was cunning and manipulative, always scheming and planning his next move. He had a mind that was sharper than any blade, and he knew how to use it to his advantage.

As he walked through the halls of the academy, Eren watched the other students with a mixture of contempt and envy. They were all so sure of themselves, so arrogant and entitled. They strutted around like peacocks, flaunting their family names and their titles.

Eren knew that he was better than them. He had worked harder than anyone to get to this point, studying and practicing day and night to perfect his craft. He had learned everything he could about magic and its secrets, and he had mastered every element with ease.

But he also knew that he was an outsider, a commoner in a world of privilege and power. He had to be careful, to watch his back at all times. He couldn't trust anyone, not even his fellow students.

As he made his way to his dormitory, Eren spotted a group of students gathered in a circle, laughing and joking. He recognized one of them as the son of a powerful mage from the royal court.

Eren approached them, a smile on his face. "Hello there," he said, his voice smooth and confident. "What are you all up to?"

The students turned to look at him, their expressions ranging from curiosity to disdain.

"We're just practicing our spells," one of them said, a sneer in his voice. "What's it to you?"

Eren shrugged. "I'm new here, and I thought I'd get to know my fellow students. Maybe learn a thing or two."

The students exchanged glances, and Eren could see the suspicion in their eyes. He knew what they were thinking: What does this commoner want with us?

But he didn't let it show. Instead, he continued to smile, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Well, if you don't mind, I'd love to watch you practice," he said, his voice honeyed and smooth.

The students hesitated for a moment, but then one of them stepped forward. "Fine, but don't get in our way."

Eren nodded and took a step back, watching as the students began to cast their spells. He could see the flaws in their technique, the weaknesses in their magic. He knew that he could do better, that he was better.

And so, when it was his turn, he stepped forward and unleashed his magic. He summoned fire and water, earth and air, and wove them together in a dazzling display of power and skill.

The students stared in awe, their mouths hanging open in shock.

"How did you do that?" one of them asked, his voice filled with wonder.

Eren grinned. "Trade secret," he said, and walked away, leaving the group of students staring after.

Idk what to think about this.

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