
The Dao Must Be Crazy

'The weak fear the strong, and the strong fear nothing, but I am not strong, and I have offended a lot of scary people.' Such were the thoughts of the cultivator who defied time as he created a technique that would allow him to escape those he feared. The same way you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, the soul of one unlucky youngster traveled through the stream of time in search of a bloodline connection that would take his place. By the time the soul of the descendant traded places with the original soul of the body, the demonic cultivator, who sacrificed the whole village in what he believed to be another failed attempt at his forbidden technique had left to ruminate over what went wrong while searching for another village. Chester (Chen) Wang had spent the last seven years trapped in the VRMMO called Brave Quest. On the morning of his 6th re-class, 5 years before the game was finally cleared, had his soul transported into another body.

DaoistKushMountain · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs


In the small fishing village, a somber atmosphere settled like a heavy fog as the residents braced themselves for the impending invasion they believed they had no hope of defeating. Once a place of peace and hope, it now stood on the precipice of a storm. Fear and uncertainty hung in the air, casting a suffocating shadow over every interaction.

The villagers, usually engaged in cheerful activities, now moved with urgency and determination. Men and women worked tirelessly to fortify the village's defenses, reinforcing barricades with whatever resources they could gather. The repetitive actions created a song that filled the air, echoing with the sounds of hammering, scraping wood, and whispered conversations.

Among the villagers stood the daughter of the clan leader, a symbol of hope in these dark times. News of her return with aid and the promise of allies spread like wildfire, and the weary villagers anxiously awaited her arrival, desperately seeking a glimmer of light in the encroaching darkness, The clan had been divided when her brother was chosen as the Clan's successor, and when he convinced her father that it was in their best interest to hug the thigh of a big sect she ran away with those that supported her, now it was her turn to be the strength of those that followed her. She had been away gathering resources and the small village were eagerly awaiting her return.

And returned she did, her silhouette emerging on the horizon, cutting through the gloom like a radiant beacon. Relief and joy rippled through the village as word of her presence spread. Weary faces, once filled with despair, now flickered with a renewed sense of determination.

As the daughter of the clan leader stepped foot into the village, she was greeted with reverence and gratitude. Villagers flocked to her side, their eyes pleading for salvation and protection. In the midst of their desperation, she carried the weight of their expectations, accepting the burden with quiet strength.

With a calm and resolute voice, she shared her journey, recounting tales of resilience and the alliances she had forged. Her words spoke of possible strategies, of uniting with small clans, and seeking aid from powerful allies beyond their shores. The villagers listened intently, their hope reignited by her stories. She instilled in them a sense of unity and resilience, reminding them that their strength lay not only in numbers but in their unwavering spirit. Her return served as a powerful reminder that they were not alone in their struggle.

Preparations continued with renewed determination. The villagers labored long into the night, fortifying their defenses and harnessing the flicker of hope ignited by the return of their leader's daughter. Their collective effort became a testament to their unwavering spirit and their refusal to surrender.

In the face of overwhelming odds, the small fishing village stood tall, refusing to yield. They knew the battle ahead would be arduous, but they channeled the spark of hope into every action they took. They were united against the forces that sought to extinguish their way of life.

As Chester lingered on the outskirts of the village, his presence shrouded in contemplative silence, the head elder, the young miss's uncle, noticed his solitary figure. The village teetered on the edge, and any information regarding the state of the forest and the activity of the demonic forces held paramount importance.

Approaching Chester with measured strides, the head elder, a weathered man with wisdom etched into the lines of his face, nodded respectfully, initiating the conversation with anticipation. He sought signs and indications of heightened demonic activity in the forest, his eyes filled with concern as he searched for any glimmer of information that could aid their preparations.

Chester, fully aware of the gravity of the situation, met the village lord's gaze and shared his observations. He described the shifting fog he had felt in the forest, an undercurrent of darkness that grew more palpable with each passing day. Twisted tree branches, eerie shrieks carried on the wind, and an increasing presence of malevolent energy lurking in the shadows were among the subtle signs he recounted.

Listening intently, the head elder's expression grew more solemn with each word. He understood the significance of Chester's insights, realizing that the village's defense relied not only on physical fortifications but also on their understanding of the forces at play. Expressing his gratitude for Chester's honesty and willingness to share his knowledge, he acknowledged the worth of the help provided by Chester's connection with the forest and the pivotal role he played in exposing the surrounding demonic forces before they could encircle the village.

With the shared information, the head elder devised a plan to strengthen the village's defenses. They discussed strategies to counteract the demonic Qi and ways to prepare the villagers for the horrors they might face. In that moment, Chester's role as the forest lookout became intertwined with the fate of the village. Recognizing the sacrifices he had made, the head elder vowed to support him in his efforts to protect the village they now called home.

As their conversation concluded, the head elder urged Chester to remain vigilant and to continue sharing any further information or encounters with the demonic forces, understanding that their collaboration would be key in facing the impending threat. With a nod of understanding, Chester departed from the outskirts of the village, casting one last glance at the somewhat cheerful villagers engaged in conversation with the young miss. 'I can see why they wanted to force an arranged marriage,' he thought.

They stood on the cusp of the coming storm, drawing strength from their shared resolve to protect their home and loved ones. The embers of hope burned brighter than ever, guiding their path through the encroaching darkness.