
The Dangerous Wolf's Woman

"Jason is hiding a meat in his room, and I can perceived her scent.. Jason has finally mated with her and now she will become pregnant for him" Ava said... -------- Ann was traveling with her parent thru the thick forest and they were going back home to the city after attending her maternal home for her late grandma's burial as her father was the ruler to gold city kingdom. But as they passed the thick forest and heading back to the city, with their guards escorts, driving behind them, Their vehicle broke down. Making Ann's little heart to panic. 'What's wrong Papa?'' Little Ann had asked, as she was only 8-years old when her grandmother had died and she followed her parents to her mother's village, The Greshood Packs. ''Nothing. Stay back in the car. The guards would fixed it.'' Ann's father replied, little did he knew that his only brother wanted him dead. Their guards escort didn't stopped their car behind them, as they drove passed them, and heading to the city. When realization dawned on Ann's father that he has been betrayed. The clock clicked 6pm, wolf time, and the little wolves lurking around the woods could perceived the delicious human's scent and they jumped out, frightening little Ann's heart.. Her parent were killed rightly in her presence and her body shook visibly as three wolves attacked her parents. But when they turned and faced her, wanting to tore her little body apart. One of the three wolves stopped the other two wolves and next the three wolves engaged in a fight.. Ann couldn't remembered what happened. But when she woke up, she found herself in a dark room. Would she forgave the wolf that ate her parents rightly in her view?. Would she ever get her freedom?. What would happened when the king of wolves, fall in love with a little human female?. Read to find out.

GoodnessChiamaka · Fantasi
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6 Chs

Darted Home

Doctor Brown stared to Jason in shock as he saw Jason climbed up the ward window to get out.

"Where are you.." Just before Doctor Brown could questioned Jason, Jason already darted out thru the window, as he jumped down and transformed into his wolf formed. And he ran home speedily and made his way thru the backyard, climbing up the wall, as he was injured, but he fell to his back and growled loudly in pain, making his mother to stepped out and saw him.

"Jason!," Chloe exclaimed in shocked, And she immediately rushed to Jason side and scooped him up in her arm.

"Why did you returned home, why didn't you waited for your wounds to heal first?."

Jason remained quietly as his mother carried him up in her arms and took him back into their house, and she shut the mansion entrance door closed. As they were the only ones living in the mighty two-storey building, as the rest of the werewolves lived in a simple farther away houses, making them the ruler of the packs.

"Mother, am fine now" Jason replied as he dropped down from his mother's arms, And he transformed back into his human form, but just then, his father stepped out and spoked to him.

"Jason, I have always been lenient with you, but you want me to use force."

Jason remained quiet staring at his father's yellow eyes, and his father shook his head as most of the werewolves in their packs had yellow eyes, except for Jason, As Jason had green eyes.

Jason's blood boiled hot as he wanted to went upstairs to check up on his meal, as he didn't trusted any of his family members.

"Where's the meat Wise one Austin spoked about?. Where did you hid it?," Alpha Eli questioned, as he stared intently at Jason.

"I've no idea what Wise one Austin was talking about father" Jason stared away, but Alpha Eli roared at his son

"Jason!, You don't dare to lie to me!. Wise one Austin spoked about you having a human in your clutch, and you took it away and kept it somewhere, Where's it?."

"Eli.. Must you believed everything Wise one Austin said?. Remember Wise one Austin doesn't even liked Jason, and you're here questioning Jason about the meat that Jason could've ate, before returning home, remember how far the border are away from us?. And you should be more worried about the curse as If Jason cannot find a mate when he's grown, then the Alpha position will be shifted to Beta Nathan first son.. Come Jason, let's go to your room to rest," Chloe spoked and Jason finally leaned to his mother for support, as the male wolves respected the female wolves the more, And his mother did tamed his father whenever he was angered.

Jason stared back to his father as he walked up the stairs with his mother and he smirked, making his wolf fang to grew out from the corner of his mouth. While Alpha Eli remained silent as he stood in the grand floor of his executive mansion staring in space.

Alpha Eli was rich, dark skinned like every other werewolves too, and he had a connection with the humans city, as he mostly travelled to Gold City kingdom for their council meeting there. And to also found out if the humans hadn't discovered about their packs.

Alpha Eli vividly remembered the last time he had travelled with Jason to Gold City Palace, As they had a meeting there with the humans ruler. And he had specifically took Jason along with him, to lectured Jason on the principles of guiding their packs, and to also become familiar with the humans world, but Jason was stubborn and also wanted to transformed on a broad day light to devoured a little girl he saw.

Alpha Eli remembered he saw Jason, sauntered to meet the Ruler's daughter whom stood out with her maid and kept a nagging face, but he didn't recognized the young girl, and he didn't wanted to believed that she was the one in company with her parent on the day of the attacked that the ruler, Leo Maverick and his wife (Grace Maverick) were both killed, As they mostly protective of their children, and Alpha Eli wondered how there was no guards as of the attacked.

{It simple meant Leo Maverick was betrayed by the guards whom had escorted them as there was no way they could've been attacked by little werewolves.}

"Hmm.." Alpha Eli sighed.

{If the guards were also there at the time of the incident, They could've shot dead Jason and his two best friends too}< Alpha Eli murmured.

Athough Alpha Eli knew bullets didn't easily killed them, but he knew Evan and Max wouldn't had been abled to survived the multiple bullet injury compared to his son, if they were shot multiple times.

Alpha Eli thought to searched Jason's chamber to be sure, but he had sniffed rounded the mansion after Chloe left with Jason to the hospital, and he couldn't perceived any human or meat scent.

"Probably Jason had ate the human truly before coming home, And didn't wanted to disclosed it," Alpha Eli concluded. And he returned back to his chamber in the second floor to rest.


"Mom, I already locked the third floor entrance. Ava had been lurking around searching for Jason and she spoked about a meat" Penelope spoked.

"A meat?," Chloe asked but Jason stared back to his elder sister and asked, "Where's the key?."

Penelope handed over the key to Jason and he collected to unlock the door.

"Jason you're still hurt, you should heal first" Penelope spoked

"No, am fine, And you both can leave me alone. As I will like to be left alone" Jason spoked as he held the key in his hand.

"Son, you're injured and you're sounding like an adult that could care for himself. You need me or your sister around to care for your wounds to heal," Chloe stated but Jason refused standing at his sitting room entrance.

"No mom. I don't need Penelope around me. Am no kid mom and I can take care of myself."

"Fine son. When you're thru in your room, you come back downstairs to have dinner with us," Chloe replied.

"No mom. Jason's injured, so I will go downstairs now and get his food to come serve him," Penelope quickly proposed and like a flash she darted away and went downstairs to get Jason's food while Mrs Chloe sighed.

"Son, Are you sure you will be alright?," Mrs Chloe asked again in worry and Jason smiled to his mother and spoked, "Sure mom."

Jason clicked the sitting room door to opened and he walked into the third floor lounge, While his mother walked in to assisted him.

Jason walked to a seat and sat, while Penelope arrived and served his meal to his view on a smaller table.

"You should get enough rest son, we're going back downstairs to join your father for dinner, is this food enough?" Chloe asked and Jason stared to the plate of jollof rice with roasted goat meat and he replied,

"Is okay mom, I will manage it."

"Manage?. No, let Penelope serve you some extra. Pene.. Please go and get him some more food for Jason.."

Penelope stared to Jason in disbelief, As she knew Jason didn't liked to ate much off cooked meals, so how come an almost fulled plate wouldn't be enoughed to feed him.

Penelope sighed and she stood up and knew Jason was still injured, and arguing with him wasn't the right time. As Jason was stubborn and she had to deal with that, as he was her only brother and the next Alpha of their packs.

Penelope stood up and left the third floor going back downstairs to the first floor where the kitchen was, and she served out another meal and took it back upstairs to gave to him.

"Brother!," Ava exclaimed as she was thru eating, and she walked into the third floor to meet her elder brother and her mother. And she gasped at the open wound around Jason's neck.

"Mom!, Look!" Ava pointed to Jason's neck wound, and Mrs Chloe nodded, while Jason continued to stared to his younger sister. As Jason heard Penelope mentioned about Ava complaining about a meatz and Jason knew Ava was the only one, whom could perceived the human's delicious scent.

Penelope returned and served Jason the meals while Ava walked up to meet Jason with her pleading eyes, as she sniffed rightly in front of him, beaming like a little puppy.

"Brother, there's a meat in your room, won't you share it with me?," Ava asked but Jason kept a neutral face.

"There's no meat there, Except this goat meat here, take it if you want it, it scents delicious," Jason spoked as he picked up the roasted goat meat and handed it over to Ava whom frowned and refused to collected it.

"No. Not this one.." Ava frowned as she clearly rejected the roasted goat meat, making Jason to glared at her.

"Ava, Don't you see your brother is injured. Come now let's go downstairs to your room" Chloe stood up and walked up to meet Ava but Ava cried out.

"No mommy, there's a delicious meat in there, I want that one.!."

"Drag her Pene, let's give Jason some space to rest," Chloe walked out and Ava quickly ran after her mother, crying as she wanted the meat in Jason's inner room, And she knew Penelope would flogged her, so she quickly left with her mother.

Jason sighed after his mother and sisters left him, And he stood up and walked up to the corridor door and unlocked it.

His neck still hurt, but he was sure it would healed before morning and he walked back to his plate of meal and carried it into his bedroom.

Unlocking his room door, Jason slowly pushed the door opened, and he wondered where the little human female was hiding.