
The Dangerous Girl Galgame System and The War Maniac Me

[Master, master, though late, I'm here with you, the Dangerous Beauty Girl Strategy System!] [Let's first conquer Mumoona, a legendary empress with beauty and intelligence.] Shu Yichao: "Light cavalry, swift advance, Iron Pagoda, my nomadic army, unmatched in archery and cavalry, invincible!" Mumoona is dead. [Master, just now I'll take that as an accident. We must succeed next time. Let's conquer Zampaline, the proud and glamorous witch.] Shu Yichao: "Pioneering, sweeping, rolling skeletons, my undead scourge gathers souls, unrivaled!" Zampaline is dead. [...Master, maybe you didn't hear me clearly. I said conquer, not attack. Our next target is...] Shu Yichao: "Building nests, laying eggs, exploding insect sea, my hive consciousness devours the starry sky, who dares to compete?" [...] Shu Yichao: "Oh yeah! I've taken them all out! By the way, System, haven't you talked to me in a long time?" [Tired, destroy them, quickly.]

FaustApocalypse · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
41 Chs

Fireworks in the middle night

Turning back the clock to midnight.

System12345 fell into contemplation.

If the Master occasionally fails to complete a task, it could be attributed to unwillingness.

But if the task remains incomplete, could there be a problem somewhere?

It couldn't be that I didn't install the language plugin properly, causing the Master to be unable to communicate properly with others in the other world—

Or that I didn't install the voice communication properly, causing the Master to not understand what I'm saying from beginning to end?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

The Master has always been using what I provided to recruit servants based on the game's programmed system.

This indicates that apart from a minor accident, everything is normal.

Hmm, why not give it a try?

[Master, Master, I suddenly came up with a great idea.]

[In such an era lacking entertainment, what could make a supreme king happy?]

[How about hosting a grand fireworks display?]

[Now issuing a task - "Fireworks in the Night."]

[Task requirement, to set off beautiful fireworks that illuminate the dark night sky for Mumoona.]

[With fireworks filling the sky, people stand side by side on the ground.]

[In the flickering light, what enters the eyes are gazes full of love—hey hey hey.]

"Oops, my hand shook, my hand shook."

With a slight accident, Shu Yichao pressed the fast-forward button too far.

"But it's okay, it's okay."

Glancing at the time, Shu Yichao breathed a sigh of relief: "Still have time."

He said this while rushing to the southern part of Constantinople.

Below the almost ninety-degree cliff, the turbulent sea was roaring with waves.

There was no one stationed here.

The reason was simple. If any Esman truly went mad and wanted to attack from here.

Then he would need to take a boat through countless reefs and whirlpools, then swim through a turbulent sea, and then climb a towering cliff bare-handed. If he made even a slight mistake, he would become a meal for the fish at the bottom of the sea...

So whether it was the Normans or the Esmans, attacking and defending wouldn't consider this place.

However, for players, it was another matter.

"Let's go!" Shu Yichao whipped the reins and jumped onto the cliff with his warhorse.

Clearly, the warhorse, which was powerless even with a slight bump, stood firmly on the cliff under Shu Yichao's urging.


If someone could see this scene at this moment, they would be surprised to find that on the cliff, there was a person and a horse moving as smoothly as if on flat ground, rushing like the wind!

Yes, just like what the official of the Worlds Ablaze game boasted, the Worlds Ablaze indeed had the most realistic physics engine—

As long as the keyboard was willing to be pressed, even the pig could fly!

In this way, while Sultan was fully focused on the western wall with his army, Shu Yichao had already, under the cover of night, quietly arrived beside the artillery position.


He pressed the recruit button.

Dozens of steppe archers immediately appeared by his side.

Void recruitment, divine soldiers descending from the sky, this was a part of the mechanism of the Worlds Ablaze game. If you're not happy, don't play.

"Kill!" Shu Yichao pointed towards the Esman camp, waving his curved blade, and said ruthlessly.

"Less talk, more killing."

A night-duty Esman soldier suddenly heard some sounds coming from the darkness.

He curiously stuck his head out, wanting to see what was making the noise.


An arrow pierced through his eye, then drilled out from the back of his head.

He fell to the ground with a thud.

"Huh?" The soldier beside him thought he had stumbled and instinctively tried to help him up.

And then the soldier saw a flash of light like lightning in the darkness.

Until the shadowy figure swept past him and ran far away, the soldier realized.

Oh, it's an enemy attack.


That light seemed to be the blade of a sword.


Such a fast sword!

By the way, why does this headless body look so familiar?

It's almost like me...


Numerous soldiers were awakened from their sleep, amidst the chaotic sounds they opened their tents, only to find comrades running and shouting everywhere, and tents catching fire.

Indistinct shadows dashed through, crazily harvesting the lives of anyone who dared to stop them—

For a moment, the camp of the Esman army was in chaos, with countless enemy soldiers rushing in, causing panic and collapse.

"Woo-hoo—awesome, so awesome!" Shu Yichao roared, setting fires along the way, finally leading his troops to the artillery camp.

"Come on, hurry up and move!" The artillerymen died or fled, Shu Yichao smoothly found a large number of powder boxes and piled them next to the cannons.

Then, he led his troops away, and then pulled out an arrow, lighting it.

"Watch the fireworks!"


Explosions, big explosions, earth-shattering explosions!

The soldiers running in the camp of the Esman people felt a terrifying tremor under their feet, then they were thrown into the air, and then they fell heavily to the ground, with various debris falling like rain.

Some soldiers struggled to raise their heads, only to find that almost no one could stand properly, even those who could barely move were staggering, like drunkards.

And in the direction of the artillery position, a huge bright orange fireball suddenly rose up!

The orange fireball expanded, flickered, burst open, stirring up countless splatters of flesh and blood and the sound of lament!

After the dazzling light passed, the huge sound wave swept through countless metal, stones, gravel, sweeping through the crowded camp, cruelly piercing through the thin bodies of the soldiers along the way.

Half of the artillery position was turned upside down by the terrifying explosion.

The Esman people, proud of their supreme cannons, which cost countless manpower and resources to build, only fired for half a day, and turned into a pile of black fragments.

"What an amazing fireworks display." Shu Yichao shielded his eyes from the glaring light. "I'll give five stars for this modeling!"

"Hey, why are there so many people here?" Shu Yichao, who had had enough fun, was preparing to return to the city, but he found a bunch of red dots on the minimap.

"Are they planning to ambush me?"

He scratched his head.

"This might be a bit tricky."

He himself could run back directly through the cliff.

However, the recruited soldiers didn't have his ability to glitch through. They could only go in the direction of the western wall, but now there were dense enemy troops there, and such a small number of people couldn't break through at all.

"Okay, I'll form a separate team for you guys." After thinking for a moment, Shu Yichao clicked a few times on the personal interface, and separated the twenty or so steppe archers into another team.

"You guys won't go to the city."

"Go behind the Esman people and fight guerrilla warfare."

After all, this mod seemed to pay attention to logistics systems, and NPCs even had to eat.

Destroying the supply line of the Esman people should have some effect.

As Shu Yichao thought so, he scattered his troops.

Then, he stretched lazily.

"Time to go back."



In the end, Shu Yichao only led a few dozen people in a raid, so the Esman army eventually stabilized.

But the losses...

"Great King, after preliminary statistics."

"Our casualties last night are at least over ten thousand."

"One hundred and sixty-nine cannons were destroyed, and all the supreme cannons were destroyed."

"More than fifty thousand pounds of gunpowder now have less than ten thousand pounds left."

"The artillery positions were almost completely destroyed, they must be rebuilt to be effective."

"Loss of livestock..."

"Tent losses..."

"Food losses..."

One shocking piece of bad news after another, Mumoona clenched her lips tightly, her eyes bloodshot.

"What about the losses of the Khitan people?"

She asked.

No one responded.

"I'm asking you, what about the Khitan people!" Unable to restrain her inner anger anymore, Mumoona roared.

"Even if they were ambushed at night, you won't tell me, you didn't even kill a Khitan person, did you?"

Even if they had just killed one Khitan person from the other side, it would have been something.

"They...they were said to have escaped from our rear army."

"Get out!"

"All of you, get out!"

"You bunch of worthless trash!"

"You bunch of worthless trash!!!!!!"

Everyone hurriedly fled the imperial tent, fearing they would become sacrifices to the Sultan's rage.

Until they ran far away, they could still hear Mumoona's angry roar.

"Khitan people!"

"Damn Khitan people!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

[Ah ah ah, finally succeeded!]

[Master, you finally completed a task!]

Although the completion rate is very low, only about 5%, but this is a breakthrough from zero.

System 12345 was moved to tears.

[Woo woo woo, not easy, really, too hard.]

[It seems that the Master can still hear some of what I'm saying.]

[But speaking of which, master, your completion direction seems to be a bit off.]

After looking through some information, System 12345 said.

[Mumoona's response to you is not tender affection, but exiting?]

[What did you do?]

[Master, you didn't sell your charm, did you, hehehe.]