
The Dangerous Girl Galgame System and The War Maniac Me

[Master, master, though late, I'm here with you, the Dangerous Beauty Girl Strategy System!] [Let's first conquer Mumoona, a legendary empress with beauty and intelligence.] Shu Yichao: "Light cavalry, swift advance, Iron Pagoda, my nomadic army, unmatched in archery and cavalry, invincible!" Mumoona is dead. [Master, just now I'll take that as an accident. We must succeed next time. Let's conquer Zampaline, the proud and glamorous witch.] Shu Yichao: "Pioneering, sweeping, rolling skeletons, my undead scourge gathers souls, unrivaled!" Zampaline is dead. [...Master, maybe you didn't hear me clearly. I said conquer, not attack. Our next target is...] Shu Yichao: "Building nests, laying eggs, exploding insect sea, my hive consciousness devours the starry sky, who dares to compete?" [...] Shu Yichao: "Oh yeah! I've taken them all out! By the way, System, haven't you talked to me in a long time?" [Tired, destroy them, quickly.]

FaustApocalypse · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
41 Chs

Classic drama opening

Karaga couldn't comprehend what was happening before his eyes.

It seemed like... the Khitan Caesar had thrown a spear, and then their formation had been skewered like a string of candied haws?

Damn it!

Are you even human?

The spear he threw was as powerful as the ballista shots!?

And soon, Shu Yichao proved with facts that he was different from a ballista.

Because the ballista was nowhere near as fast as him!


Another jet-black shadow!

The horrific screams, splattering blood, and rows of soldiers falling down...

The Esman warriors holding long spears simply couldn't believe their eyes!

The Khitan Caesar was so far away from their position that their arrows might not even have been effective.

But the spear he threw was even more powerful than a ballista!?

The third, fourth, fifth spears arrived on schedule -

Like a storm!

After the intense wind passed by his ears, a soldier tremblingly wiped the rust-tasting blood from his face.

As far as his eyes could see, there were only fallen comrades lying on the ground.

In just a few breaths, the only one left standing in the formation was him.

Alone, isolated.


A strange sound came from his throat.

And at this moment, the Esman soldiers clearly saw that the Khitan Caesar raised another spear.


The psychological defense line of the Esman warriors was completely shattered.

In nearly ten years of military service, they had never seen such a terrifying scene.

This wasn't a battle, this was waiting to be slaughtered!

They howled in panic, throwing away their spears and armor, stumbling as they ran back.

Just like the first domino being pushed down, the tightly formed pike formation immediately collapsed.

They all dropped their weapons, discarded their armor, and rushed toward the city gate in a frenzy.

All thoughts of honor and reward were completely forgotten.

They only had one thought.


Escape as far away as possible!

Escape to a place where the Khitan Caesar would never go!

"Hey!?" Shu Yichao, still holding the spear, was surprised to find that the previously orderly pike formation had suddenly collapsed.

"What's going on here?"

"I was just hoping to brush up on some long-range combat experience against the pike formation."

"Why are these guys running away?"

"Chase after them!" Shu Yichao quickly ordered pursuit.

Meanwhile, Karaga despairingly realized that his plan to assassinate the Caesar had failed from the very beginning.

The decoy soldiers had turned into defeated soldiers, all swallowed up by Shu Yichao.

The elite troops, who had thought they could fight and retreat, were now crying out in defeat, being chased down from behind by Shu Yichao and his elite archers, who were mercilessly cutting them down.

"Damn it!" Karaga roared furiously.

"Morya Legion, stop! Stop!"

"Form up to defend the city! Prepare to fight!"

"You cowards, do you even deserve to call yourselves warriors fighting for the true god?"

The soldiers of the Morya Legion ignored Karaga's shouts.

This new commander hadn't had enough time to establish his authority in this legion, so naturally, nobody paid attention to him in this life-or-death situation.

"Open the city gates!"

"Quickly, open the city gates!"

Some of the faster Morya Legion soldiers rushed to the city gate, crying, shouting, and pleading.

"Please, don't lock us out, don't make us face that devil."

"No, don't open the city gates!" Karaga brandished his curved sword, shouting.

If the city gates weren't opened, the Morya Legion might still muster the courage to fight to the death in desperation.

But if the gates were opened, they thought they had a chance to enter the city, they would truly become lambs to the slaughter.


The iron chains slowly lifted, and the city gate opened a crack.

"Who did this!" Karaga roared furiously.

One soldier, who had subconsciously started raising the city gate when shouted at by the Morya Legion, trembled and quickly stopped his actions.

However, it was too late.

Seeing a crack in the city gate, the Esman warriors let out a howl, then, as if they had seen a glimmer of hope in life, desperately squeezed toward the gap.

When one or two relatively slim soldiers successfully squeezed in, the situation at the city gate completely spun out of control, becoming a chaotic mess.

"Close it! Quickly, close the city gate!" Karaga roared.

"Bang!" The heavy city gate was slammed shut, but the Esman warriors who were trying to squeeze through the gap all let out heart-wrenching screams.

However, the gap didn't disappear...

"Karaga." The soldier who had lowered the gate replied with trepidation, "They've jammed the gate."

Karaga felt like he was about to pass out from anger.

[Master, how's the situation?]

System 12345 greeted.

[The Second Empress is here, her brother too, and many high-ranking officials are also present...]

[It seems like the atmosphere at the scene is quite intense.]

[Could it be that you've already started the drama performance?]

[So confident?]

System 12345 pondered.

[Actually, it's not surprising, considering they're all very classic scripts.]

[Hmm, it seems like things are progressing quite well.]

[Most people are very excited...]

[Especially the Second Empress and her brother, they're almost fainting from excitement.]

[Master, keep it up!]

System 12345 chuckled.

[Let them experience the charm of a classic tragedy from another world.]

[Make them cry out loud!]

[Cry until their hearts ache, cry until their souls are torn apart, cry until their blood boils!]

Shu Yichao, with his elite archers, surrounded the chaotic routed soldiers from all sides, gradually compressing their space and bringing greetings from the Grim Reaper bit by bit.

"These bastards, they're completely unreliable!!"

Karaga shouted hoarsely, then, with red eyes, ran to the cannons on the city wall.

"All cannon operators, attention!"

"If the Caesar approaches the pitfall!"

"Fire immediately!!"

The previous plans had all failed.

Now, only the last step remained, which might still be achievable—

With red eyes, Karaga anxiously watched the battlefield.

"They're here!"

When he saw that Shu Yichao was indeed gradually approaching a pitfall, his heart suddenly raced.

If, if this cannonball could really hit the Caesar...

[Oh my, the Second Empress's brother is so excited!]

System 12345 exclaimed.

[Master, are you at the most exciting part of the drama!?]

"Ha!" Shu Yichao waved his spear, lifting a routed soldier from behind and tossing him aside.

Then, like a dragon, he dealt with the second, the third soldier, effortlessly. Those soldiers who attempted to resist couldn't even touch his clothes—

Seven in, seven out, as if he was untouched by any.

"Riding solo into the enemy's midst, with valor and courage that strikes fear into the hearts of foes!"

He shouted with confidence.

"Hmm?" Shu Yichao suddenly noticed a pitfall not far away on the ground.

"Why did they dig a pitfall in such a place?"

He felt very puzzled: "My cavalry didn't fall into it, but quite a few of their own people did."

Suddenly, alarm bells rang in his mind.

Shu Yichao looked up at the city wall and saw a blood-red-eyed Esman officer glaring at him with a twisted expression.

And beside the Esman officer, a black-hole-like cannon was aimed at him.

"Spit!" Karaga grinned savagely: "The Caesar of the Khitans!"


