

Human basics: Female, long hair, brown hair, her eyes are normally brown but they change color depending on the element she's using.

Human name: Hannah Smith

Age: 17

job (or school grade): 11th grade, has a part time job at a cafe.

favorite food: Taco's

least favorite food: Bean burritos, or beans

pet peeve: People who chew with their mouths open.

greatest strength: Her confidence

greatest weakness: Her concern for others

a secret: She makes herself seem positive, and confident, but she's really insecure, and tends to think of the negative situations, before the positive.

Human background: She was found on the edge of a forest as a baby. She grew up with her step parents and her powers began to develop when she was 6. When she was 12 her little brother got kidnapped and executed. Both her step parents died in a car accident when she was 13. And she moved in with one of her best friends.

Her best friend is a girl named Izzy, and a boy named Ben.

Do they know your character is a superhero? Izzy does know and Ben does not.

Origin story: Hanna's power's just developed when she was 6, and when she got older she wanted to use her powers for good and became a superhero.

Superhero Name: "Elemental"

Power: She has complete control over all the elements, and can do whatever she wishes with them.

Flaw: One flaw is that she is very hesitant, and has trouble making decisions.

Personal feelings about her powers: Her powers make her feel special but keeping her identity a secret is hard, so sometimes she thinks of her powers as a burden.

Hanna likes having her powers, but there are times that she would wish she could be normal, but in general, she would never give up her powers.

Outside feelings: The majority of the city trusts her, but some people still don't like her.