
Chapter 17

Without much of a choice, Cain can only bite the bullet as he slowly nodded his head

"I-It was t-true" Cain replied and everyone in the room instantly saw him in a different light

Who would have thought that the Young Duke that is famous for his aloofness is actually a very passionate man?

Cain feels as if he receives a lifetime's worth of humiliation in a single day as he glances at Keon

Cain was sure that he wasn't just overthinking and Keon was really laughing inside him!

'Endure, endure. For the safety of my family and the Empire. I must endure this' Cain chanted in his head while still sensing the strange gazes he was receiving

The atmosphere inside the room only changes a bit when Marquis Rezen coughs loudly

"Y-Your Majesty, the Princess, and the Young Duke seem to be very in love with each other. Wouldn't it be better if they were to have an engagement soon?" The Marquis suggested

Instead of letting Keon rot in the Imperial Palace with the Empress hurting him every moment that he can, wouldn't it be better to give him to a family that could treat him better?

Although the Emperor doesn't give his love and affection to the Princess, that doesn't mean he doesn't have at least an ounce of affection!

Javier look at his son and Cain that was staring at each other 'lovingly'. He doesn't want his son to be engaged this early (though it wasn't really early anymore) but since there are people that could treat him better...

The Emperor was about to open his mouth and agree when a commotion can be heard outside the meeting room

"Your Majesty, please calm down!"

"Scram! Let me meet my husband and that snake bastard!"

"His Majesty and the Duke are having an important meeting. Please don't barge in"

"Lowly guard, how dare you to disobey me?"

Even without seeing the voice's source, Keon was still sure who was so audacious to scream loudly while inside the Imperial Palace

Keon clicked his tongue in displeasure. He asks Cain to meet the Emperor discreetly, how did the Empress get the news already?

Javier can feel his head aching a bit and he gave a signal to Marquis Rezen that went and open the room's door

As soon as the door was open, the Empress immediately barged in. He ignored everyone else in the room as he went to the Emperor's side to complain

"Your Majesty! How could you decide on my son's engagement without notifying me?!" Navi questioned angrily, not giving respect to everyone

The Empress ever since losing the ability to bear another child has started to always disgrace the Imperial Family. Even then, the Emperor can't believe that Navi would make such a big scene in the presence of one of the highest Nobility in the Empire

"Empress, calm your nerves. Nothing has been decided yet" Javier replied with a sigh but Navi was still not convinced as he shot a glare at his own son

"You vixen, how dare you to seduce the Duke's son? Do you have any shame left?!"

The Empress' words made everyone's ears palpitate. The level of disrespect that he is showing just reaches a whole new level

'Tsk, this is the reason why I don't want him to know of my engagement' Keon thought in displeasure

Whether it be in his past or current life, his mother still acts hysterically after learning about his engagement

He really never changes but the more he is like this, the easier it is for Keon to bring him down

"I-I didn't seduce anyone, Your Majesty" Keon clarified tearfully, looking very pitiful

He looks like a child that was wronged to a great extent

"Please quell your anger. His Highness didn't seduce my son, it was a mutual affection between them" the Duchess immediately went to defend Keon as he stood up from his seat

He didn't even try to mask the emotions in his face. Qain was clearly displeased by the behavior that the Empress shows. Well, who wouldn't

"Silence! I was not talking to you!" The Empress barked and the Duke also stood up from his seat. He won't let anyone speak like that to his wife!

"Your Majesty the Emperor, we came here in goodwill. We are your loyal and humble subjects but I plead for my family to not be disrespected like this" Victor said directly to the Emperor

Although a Ducal House is lower compared to the Imperial Family but completely falling out from such a powerful house would also bring harm to the royals

The Ducal House will lower themselves to the Imperial Family but they should also at least receive the respect that they deserve

"Empress, until when will you disgrace me?!" Javier lash out while banging his fist into the table

If not for his love for Navi, would a person like this even continue holding the position of the Empress?

Navi has always been causing problems and it was only the Emperor's affection that lets him retain his position

However, to act like this is completely unacceptable!

"Disgrace?!" The Empress repeated in disbelief as he stared at his husband. "So in your eyes, I am just a disgrace?"

Navi was filled with disbelief from hearing such words to his husband and his heart turned cold

"Guards, escort the Empress back to his Palace!" Javier loudly ordered and the Palace guards immediately went to obey him

Javier was already conflicted about letting go of his own son yet now, the Empress was acting like a hysterical lunatic. Not to mention an Empress, his actions are not something that Aristocrats would do!

"What?! Let go! Move your hands away from me!" The Empress thrashed around while the guards were 'escorting' him away

His every action would give everyone a bad impression. It was too shameful!

The Emperor tried to calm his nerves first before speaking again. "Duke, we'll talk about this matter again in the future. For now, you all are excused!"