
The daily life of monsters

"I'm sure we can all get along. We're not that much different, once you get past the tentacles and flames." Nem, a human cursed with immortality, flees from human society into the forest of the dammed to escape capture. Unfortunately for him, he runs into the 'flacara', a monstrous species which feed exclusively on human flesh. Longing for death, he chases down the tribe of monsters each time he returns to the world of the living, being consumed over and over without reaching his desired result. After hundreds of years, the immortal forgotten by time has managed to brute force his way into learning to communicate with the flacara. Now he has a new goal; bring the humans and the creatures of the forest together for an era of peace and understanding.

ThePinkOtter · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs

19: His name

"What in the world…"

At first, all he saw was the blurry blue of the sky. Slowly his vision came to him, letting him make out the occasional cloud that spotted the sea of blue, but he came to realise he couldn't move his next. The fact he couldn't feel anything past his neck was a sign to him that something was wrong with his spine or neck. Content with the knowledge that it would be fixed soon, he focused his attention towards the noises that had woken him up. It had been so long since he had heard human voices.

"…at he deserves. It's a shame I couldn't do it myself."

This voice was female and loud, coming from somewhere about him. He was fairly certain she standing up on one of the wooden platforms. Were these people home invaders?

"You shouldn't say things like that. You're disrespecting the dead."

This second voice came from a little above his head. This person was also female, but they seemed calmer. It reminded him of his mother.

"I'll say whatever I want about a murderer. I'm glad he's dead."

He wasn't a big fan of this loud lady, unfortunately.

"Where are they."

He felt shivers go up his spine as a third person spoke, barely louder than a whisper and croakier than a frog. This voice came from the same direction as the second woman.

"Those creatures? I sent them packing. They retreated into the forest when I sliced up the biggest looking one like sashimi."

Immediately, he felt his stomach sink, despite being barely recognisable as a human from the chest down. A wave of panic crashed over him and despite barely holding onto consciousness, he tried to force himself up with half developed muscles, barely managing a twitch before it becoming apparent that he would have to wait longer.

"So? What did you find that makes you think he's so guilty?"

"He's got skinned humans and he lives with monsters, what else is there to say."

"Well, we can hear it straight from his mouth."

As soon as the second woman finished speaking, he felt footsteps heading towards him. Before he could react, he felt himself getting picked up by the neck, leaving his barely formed flesh to cling onto his ribcage for dear life.


The only thing the strangers got was him coughing out a little bit of blood. It seemed that gag reflex was stronger than any attempts to speak.

"Maybe… a bit too early"

Just as suddenly as he was picked up, he was quickly carried over to one of the tree stumps that served as the basis of his home. Once he was propped up against the wall he could finally face the people who had been speaking about him. Above was a heavily armoured woman with an absurdly large sword, scowling at him. Closest was a frail man in a cloak who looked like he had been starved for days; it shocked him that the man who looked like skin and bones could carry his body weight. The last person looked well put together but out of place compared to the other two, more of the indoor type if anything.

As the three returned to arguing between them, his eyes darted around the view he had in front of him, desperately searching for a sign of life, but it soon became apparent that he had been abandoned.

"If he's still alive, then let split his head. He needs to pay for his crimes."

Just as his focus turned towards the group once more, the man saw a shadow fall upon him, the source being the first woman's massive blade. She raised it high above him, with clear intent to jump off and split what would certainly be more than his head. However, before the woman could jump, the second woman stood in front of his, arms held outwards.

"Pala, the solutions to all your problems isn't violence."

"It's worked out well so far. Besides, do you really think this guy is redeemable in the slightest?"

"Well, maybe if you gave him a chance to explain himself, you would understand."

As the two stared each other down, the skeletal man silently slid behind the second woman and looped a rope around the man's wrists, pulling on it in one swift motion until it tied his hands together.

"You'll be coming with me"

Almost immediately, the skeletal man pulled up on the ropes and hoisted his new prisoner onto his back nonchalantly, starting to walk off into the woods before he was stopped by the second woman tugging on his arm.

"Xerut, where do you think you're going."

"Prosecution… presence is requested at the capitol."

"I almost forgot you're a mutt for the nobles. You always need to overcomplicate cutting someone's head off, don't you."

The skeletal man quickly swerved around to face 'Pala', leaving the prisoner to dangle side to side. His voice flared up for a moment before be erupted into a coughing fit, after which he gave up on shouting and returned close enough to be in earshot.

"It doesn't matter how often you cut off his head. He's immortal."

"If I've learnt anything in the last twenty-three years of my life, it's that nothing is immortal."

Xerut raised an eyebrow before placing the man on a green patch of grass, then pointing towards where they had propped him up forty second prior. The grass had partially withered, the colour being corrupted to a hideous marriage of puss yellow and ash grey.

"Those are signs… signs of magic taking from nature. It's how he heals."

"So if we kill him over the same spot a few times, he stays dead."

"A few metres in any direction and he revives."

"Then I'll just kill him over and over. Simple."

"Nobody deserves that. I would know."

"Oh, so that's what that big thread is. I'm glad I didn't experience that myself."

The second woman butt into their conversation accidentally, not realising her mumbling to herself would be so loud.

"You can… read my memories?"

"You're a witched child?"

The second woman clasped her hands over her mouth before nodding nervously.

"You too. You were also born with immortality?"

Xerut nodded, slowly placing his hand over the dagger attached to his waist. Pala picked up her sword

"Then I suppose this will be where the three of you die. I'll make sure to bury both your bodies, you served me well."

Pala drew her blade and jumped off the wooden platform, landing on both feet and quickly standing herself with her blade held horizontally in front of her. The second woman nervously stepped back as Xerut and Pala stared one another down, both carefully considering if they were to make the first move.

"Hi, my name is Nem!"

Splitting through the silence was the man who lay on the ground, his hands tied together and the bottom half of his body still in the process of regenerating. He raised both arms and shook them side to side like some sort of physically crippled penguin, all with a large smile on his face.

"My favourite things are flowers."