
The Daily Life of a Villain and a Hero

This is a modern world but one day for unknown reasons dungeons started appearing in this world and from those dungeons monsters started appearing too. The villain is a handsome guy named Yang and the hero is a beautiful girl named Yin. Yang might be the most dangerous villain that everyone fears but he's got a mischievous side to him, which always causes trouble for Yin. Yin is the strongest among everyone in the country of Luciana. Many men tried to pursue her but she ignored them all. Yin has a different aim and that is to defeat Yang and prove that she's even stronger than Yang the biggest villain in history. Or so she thought. Everything Yin finds Yang, Yang always manages to run away from her clutches after teasing her and distracting her rather than fighting. This is a romantic comedy story of a villain that always pulls pranks on the hero and the hero who wants to catch him but always falls for his tricks. What will happen to them? Will they fall in love or will fight in the end? Will Yin finally be able to defeat Yang or fall for his pranks again?

Gibe_Hug · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

A Trip to the Beach

1 week has passed since the last time Yin has seen Yang.

Yin had to work a lot during the whole week so she planned to take a vacation to the beach. Yin is at the beach standing near the shore.

"Whooosshh" the air gently blows.

Yin takes a deep breath in and out. She looks a lot calm and relaxed now. "Ahhh this feels so good. I should've planned this vacation a lot sooner. Oh well better late than never" says Yin to herself.

Yin sits on the sand looking at the sky and the birds. "Chirp, Chirp, Chirp….whoosh" the sound of the sea waves, air and birds.

Meanwhile, there's someone else here on this beach who coincidently planned for a vacation on the same day. It was none other than Yang. Yang was working in a stall selling food. He was working there because the stall owner suddenly had a back problem and couldn't stand so he asked Yang to run the shop for a while and the old said that he would even pay him. Yang couldn't refuse the old man's request so he helped him.

[Authors Note: We all know what's gonna happen next, right?]

After a while, Yin's stomach growls. She feels a little embarrassed and looks around to check if no one heard her "Teehee, I guess I should buy something to eat". Yin looks around again one last time and says "No one heard that right?". Yin was still sitting on the ground. Yang peeks out his head from behind and with an evil smirk he says "I...heard….EVERYTHING".

Yin suddenly screams when he saw Yang peek his head out from behind her in a creepy way. She then gets nervous and looks the other way while saying "Wha.waht..what did you hear it was nothing". Yang with an evil smirk "Oh but I heard everything". Yin gets mad and holds his collar pulling him closer and says in a serious threatening voice "You heard nothing and saw nothing. Is that clear?". "But I..hea" before Yang could finish his sentence, Yin gets even madder and Yang could imagine her as a demon that's just about to devour him. Yin says " You heard nothing and saw nothing. IS…..THAT…..CLEAR…C.L.E.A.R…CLEAR?". "Ye…Yes ma'am. Clear. Everything's clear," say's Yang with a scarred face.

Yin then leaves his collar. Yang is relieved. He mumbles slowly "Women sure are scary creatures. No wonder no man can defy his wife. Whew". Yin then realizes this isn't what she should be worried about. She looks at Yang from behind in rage with her eyes red and her hair floating up. She asks "Now tell me what are you doing here, you jerk?". Yang looks back and gets startled "Wa.wait just listen to me". Yang then explains to Yin what happened and how he's working in that stall right now.

Yang smirk and pokes Yin's cheek with one finger and says "Soooo….you can't fight me right now. Especially in a place filled with so many people". Yin is annoyed and mad she holds Yang's fingers tightly and tries to pull them backwards. "Ow, ow, ow sorry, sorry, sorry I won't do it again ow, ow, ow," say's Yang in pain. Yin the releases his finger "Hmph"

Yang then says "How about I treat you to a meal? Since I'm working here they'll cut it from my pay and you can have a free meal". Without even listening to Yang Yin is already at the table and has ordered some food. She says "Your paying for it for making me get mad before". Yang shows a gentle smile and says "Sure anything you say". Yin seems to be a little flustered by seeing him smile like that since she has never seen him smile like that before. She puts some food in her mouth while looking down. Her face seems to be red from blushing and she whispers "Cute".

The old man at the stall gets back up and says to Yang with a smile "Thank you, son, for helping me today it was a great help. Here's your pay and the food for your girlfriend is on me". Yin suddenly spits out some of the water while drinking and coughs "Cough* cough* wa..wah..I'm not". Yang looks at her and giggles then says to the old man "I don't need you to pay. But thank you for treating my GIRLFRIEND to some free meal". Yang smirks at Yin while he was saying "GIRLFRIEND".

Yin mumbles "Jerk". After Yin finished eating she said, "Now that everything is sorted out I'll defeat you today so fight me". Yang says "Wait hold on a min. We can do that a bit later. Since we're at the beach let's play some volleyball. Kay"

Yin thinks for a moment and says "Fine, but if I see you run away like all those times". Yin stares at Yang like she's looking into his soul and say "I'll hunt you down". Hearing that Yang "Gulp, I guess she really will hunt me down this" Yang mumbles.

Yin and Yang play 5 rounds of volleyball until noon. Yang looked at Yin and thought in his mind "She looks so happy I guess she really did enjoy it. Even though she won't admit it".

Later after the match was over Yin attacks Yang suddenly from behind but Yang dodges it. She attacks again this time with a powerful kick. Yang holds her leg with just one hand and stops the attack like it was nothing. The attack Yin used was so powerful that when Yang stopped the attack the shockwave of the attack blew almost all the sand near them. People were surprised by what was happening here but they couldn't see anything due to the dust floating around.

Yang holds Yin's hands and runs towards a quiet place. Yin says "Wha.. what are you doing? How dare you touch me?". Yang says "Let's continue the fight a but later. I gotta go". Yin says with an angry smile "Oh you think you'll say that and I'll just let you go, huh. You got quite a lot of guts, you jerk". Yang then says "No that's it just try to understand I gotta go to the washroom. Please". Yin couldn't say anything after that she only nodded her head. Yang after seeing her nod her head saying yes, he ran to the washroom.

30mins have passed and Yang hasn't returned yet. Yin gets annoyed waiting for so long so she goes near the washroom to see if he's coming out from the door. A man walks out of the washroom. Yin hesitates but then she asks that man "Erm..excuse. Is there anyone else inside?". The Man looks at Yin for a while. The man then gives Yin a letter and says "How come someone like you is his girlfriend. How about you be my girlfriend I'll treat you better than him".

Yin then stares at him that man with a disgusted look and says in a cold voice "Get lost before I'll kill you". The man gets scared and leaves. "Sighs.. Who is he calling a girlfriend I don't even have anyone I like". Yin then looks at the letter. The letter reads "To my girlfriend Yin, it was fun today but unfortunately I was a lot tired so I already left. I hope we visit the beach together next time. Your most loved boyfriend Yang".

Yin kept staring at the letter. The letter even had a drawing that said "Teehee". Yin couldn't say any word after that. She called a taxi and went back home. Not a single word was said by her that day and she fell asleep later holding her anger inside.

Meanwhile, Yang have already fallen asleep as he was really tired after all that work today. He invited Yin to play volleyball only because he want to spend some time with her.

Name  |  Points

Yin       |      1 (Shut up, you jerk)

Yang    |      4 (Btw everyone I won that volleyball match)

The reason Yin always falls for Yang's trick is because she trusts him a little too much more than anyone else and she doesn't even realize it.

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